Regina M.

President at Forge Wealth Management, LLC

Financial Services and Wealth Management

Education: Thomas Jefferson University
Malvern, PA, USA


I am the author of Super Women Wealth – How to Become Your Own Financial Hero. As an advocate for women’s financial freedom, I wrote this book to empower women to take a bigger role in handling their money.
I have been an invited speaker at many events, workshops and conferences. I have also appeared on Schwab TV, Yahoo Finance,, NTD Television, CBS 3 Philadelphia, Fox 29 Philadelphia, King 5 Seattle, KTLA 5 Los Angelos and Scripps News.
I am quoted in numerous articles in publications such as Forbes, Business Insider, U.S. News & World Report, Yahoo Finance, USA Today, USA Wire, Word in Black, WTOP News, Mind Body Green, Money Digest, New York Post, Defender, Authority Magazine,, Scripps and The Muse.
My podcast, Women & Wealth, focuses on educating women on financial topics. I also interview other professional women to get perspective on their careers to explore the challenges and successes they have encountered.
I have had the privilege to be an invited podcast guest on Money & Mortgages, Heart-Led Business, Demystifying Money, Financially Intentional, Average Joe Finances, FS Thrive, Shadow Her, She Said/She Said, and The Possibility-Action Network.
As Founder of Forge Wealth Management, I utilize my 25+ years of financial services experience to help individuals plan, preserve and diversify their wealth. I focus on educating my clients while building long-term relationships with them and their families. My experience throughout major shifts in the markets, enables me to structure balanced portfolios to address specific financial goals.


My passion is working with my clients, along with their families, while building life-long relationships. A big part of my client meetings revolve around family updates and future plans.

Featured Video

I am willing to travel

More than 100 miles

When it comes to payments

I generally get paid for speaking but make exceptions


women women entrepreneurship finance women in finance retirement divorce certified divorce financial analyst financial planning wealth management long term care women in business insurance social security investments women investors financial goals identity theft estate planning women empowerment women empowerment and leadership

Best Story

Publishing my Founder's Video created a buzz that I was not anticipating. My clients, friends, colleagues and family all had warm and fabulous feedback. I was blown away by everyone's positive comments and support. It became a celebration of me and my company!

Origin Story

My parents divorced when I was 9 years old, leaving my Mom to raise 5 kids with nothing but a strong work ethic and persistence. I worked throughout high school and college in order to contribute to my tuition and expenses. I appreciate these experiences because they taught me how to value education, finances and life in general. This drives me to guide my clients through their changing life events.

Example talks

5 Ways to Become Your Own Financial Hero

Are finances overwhelming to you? Have you avoided handling them for years and now must face the daunting task of relearning how to adult with your money? Has jargon prevented you from diving deeper into your finances?
This session will discuss 5 ways to confidently tackle your financial “should” list and help you work towards your financial goals.

Social Security - Preparing for Retirement

What's your retirement income picture? For everyone in the room, it's going to be different. Some may still have a pension from an employer or from a job years ago. Many likely have a 401(k) or an IRA. Some may keep on working or have rental property that will provide additional income.
All these sources factor into your income - what to take and when to take it. Today, we will take a closer look at the Social Security component.
We'll begin with a discussion of how Social Security retirement benefits are calculated.
Then we'll discuss the options that may be available for anyone who has ever been married.
And we'll end with our favorite topic: the role of taxes and your retirement plan.

Top IRA Planning Mistakes To Avoid

Planning for retirement can be tough when you don't know how to avoid the potholes along the way. This session will provide a road map to retirement that is clear and accurate so that you will stay on track toward retirement goals.
We will outline 11 IRA mistakes for you and your beneficiaries to avoid to help you make the most of IRA savings and keep you on track to your goals.

Women, Wealth and Well-Being

We will empower you with knowledge and action-steps to build your foundation for Wealth.
Money continues to be the #1 source of stress worldwide for men and women. This workshop aims to give you the tools and knowledge to feel empowered to take action.
We’re going to help you identify your relationship with money today, think about your financial goals and empower you to achieve wealth and wellbeing.
We’ll have a conversation about what investing means to you.
We’ll look at some data about women – where we are today, and investing habits unique to us.
I’ll provide a brief update on the markets today, and discuss a few behavioral aspects of investing.
Then we’ll dive into the actionable items you can take away which we hope also leads you towards a greater sense of well-being.

Planning for health care in retirement

With more Baby Boomers retiring and life expectancies increasing, health-care costs in retirement are consuming
a greater portion of household income. In fact, lifetime retirement health-care costs for a 65-year-old healthy couple retiring this year will exceed $250,000. This presentation explores trends in health-care spending, provides details on navigating Medicare, and presents actionable planning strategies.

Women, Divorce and Money

Planning for your future through divorce. This workshop is designed to help women understand the importance of financial planning before and after divorce.
- Taking Inventory & Control of the Process
- Child Support & Alimony
- The Family House
- Social Security in Divorce
- Financial Issues: Before, During and After Divorce

Savvy Women, Smart Investors

Women today face unique financial pressure, whether they are raising a family, caring for parents or saving toward their own long-term goals. In this workshop, we will review these challenges and offer tips specifically geared toward women to help them plan accordingly.

Family Wealth Management: Generational Wealth Conversations

Family wealth transfer is not just about getting financial assets to the next generation. It is also about how to pass on what is important and how to avoid damaging our children’s relationships with each other. This workshop focuses on family wealth management and will leave the client understanding why transfers can fail, how to avoid mistakes and how the right communication between family members may lead to successful transfers of wealth.