Machelle (Mache) S.

Women's Wellness and Menopause Expert, Health Educator at HealthRock, LLC

Women Empowerment

Education: University of Texas, University of Texas Medical Branch; - Emory Medical School; Harvard Medical School
Newton, MA, USA


I work with business and professional women, as well as executive women, who are navigating their midlife transitions to help them regain control over their careers, personal lives, and relationships.

As a writer and editor, I am the Founding Editor of The Hot Years Magazine, a leading digital publication for midlife women. I have also authored or co-authored 18 books. The Estrogen Window explains estrogen therapy (who should take it, how to take it safely, when to stop it, and alternatives to it) while Working Through Menopause is used by companies and policymakers to address the needs and support of midlife women in the workplace.

My work has led to the training of numerous physicians and advancements in public awareness and policy. I served 25 years on the Harvard Medical Faculty and held multiple leadership positions.

A fun fact: being featured in People Magazine for helping a gorilla at a zoo conceive.


Health education. My focus is women's wellness and menopause. My approach is to help women stay well to reduce their need to get well.

Featured Video

I am willing to travel

More than 100 miles

When it comes to payments

I generally get paid for speaking but make exceptions


menopause at work perimenopause hormone replacement therapy bioidentical hormone replacement therapy women's health women in the workplace education entertainment health education and awareness women in business empowering women women in leadership executive women in leadership women in the workforce women in the work force women's health menopause sexual health menopause and career post menopause menopause holistic health midlife women midlife entrepreneur midlife women entrepreneurs occupational wellness working woman

Best Story

It was July 2002. I was calmly sitting at my desk, waiting for the next patient, when the receptionist came frantically running in. She said the phones were ringing off the hook. Panicked women were calling about the headline in the morning newspaper. A new study incorrectly reported that taking estrogen increases the risk of breast cancer, heart attack, and more.

“Should I stop it?” “Should I stay on it?” “I need to come in today and talk about it!” Women across the country were wringing their hands and throwing away their estrogen. Overnight, estrogen went from the #1 prescription medication to the most feared. To make matters worse, most doctors were afraid and either refused or reluctant to prescribe it.

Six months later, that study became personal when my wife, Sharon, had surgery that overnight threw her into surgical menopause. I urgently needed to figure it out so Sharon and my patients wouldn’t have to tough it out. This began a multiyear journey that resulted in my transition from being a leading infertility expert into a leading menopause expert. It also shaped my philosophy. For optimal health, it’s essential to take care of the SUM of you, and not just SOME of you.

Origin Story

During my OB/GYN residency, one morning while shaving, I noticed a bulge in my neck that was the size of my fist. Concerned, I promptly scheduled an appointment with the head of the ENT department. When he initially suggested that it might be cancer, I was filled with dread. Fortunately, it turned out to be a rare benign tumor that required surgical removal. However, I was then informed that the surgery carried a two out of three chance that I would lose my ability to speak forever. The thought was horrifying, as giving talks, singing, and using my voice were integral to my identity. When I awoke from the surgery and discovered that my voice had been spared, I felt it was for a reason and felt a profound sense of purpose. I resolved to use my voice to serve as a health educator.

Example talks

Men and Menopause: What You Need to Know and Why It Matters

Menopause is often viewed as a women’s health issue, but it profoundly impacts relationships, families, work, and daily life. This talk provides essential insights for men to understand better what menopause is, how it affects physical and emotional health, and why awareness can strengthen partnerships and improve communication both at home and at work. By understanding the common symptoms—such as hot flashes, mood swings, and changes in libido—men will feel more equipped to offer support and empathy rather than confusion or frustration.

Attendees will leave with practical tips for fostering patience, collaboration, and mutual respect during this life transition. Whether you’re a partner, family member, friend, or co-worker, this discussion will empower you with the knowledge to navigate menopause together and build deeper connections and resilience in your relationships.

How to Make Your Workplace Menopause-Friendly

Women are half of the workforce, and half of them are either in perimenopause or menopause. Despite the immense impact of menopausal symptoms on women personally and professionally, costing businesses over $150 Billion annually, few workplaces are aware of or addressing the issue, turning menopause into a silent ceiling for midlife working women.

Your audience will understand 1. how and why menopausal symptoms affect working women, 2. how and why menopause impacts the workplace, and 3. straightforward solutions to make the workplace menopause-friendly. Doing so will support your female employees and improve retention, performance, and the bottom line. I have spoken on this topic for The Society of Women's Health Research, Women's Division: The Department of Labor, AARP, and The Women's Midlife Health Policy Institute, among others.

My presentation is also available jointly with Dr. Sharon Seibel (who co-authored Working Through Menopause) or expanded into a workshop.

Periwhat?! Understanding Perimenopause and Taking Control

Perimenopause—the transition between reproductive years and menopause—often catches women by surprise. Why are my periods so unpredictable? Why am I so irritable? Why don’t my clothes fit anymore? Who took over my body? And how can I be approaching menopause when I’m still considering having a baby?

This talk will demystify the confusion surrounding perimenopause and shed light on how this phase affects every woman differently and often catches them off guard. Attendees will learn to identify common symptoms like mood swings, sleep disturbances, weight changes, and irregular cycles, as well as how long these changes may last. You’ll learn practical strategies to know when to ask for help, manage symptoms, improve well-being, and feel empowered instead of overwhelmed. By understanding what’s happening to your body, you’ll leave with actionable steps to ease the transition and reclaim your confidence during this pivotal and universal stage of life.

Amp Up Your Health -- An Entertaining and Educational Musical Experience

Up to 90% of all adult diseases and illnesses are preventable, and employers and physicians know the costs of health illiteracy are sky-high. Still, they struggle to find ways to get better health messaging to stick and become actionable. That’s why award-winning physician Dr. Seibel, AKA DocRock®, sets health education to music and song: Adult audiences tune in.

Music makes health information more memorable, enjoyable, and actionable. DocRock’s presentation combines up-to-the-second health education with rollicking catchy music to give audiences the information and inspiration they need to stay healthy, happy, and productive.

Your audience will learn to :
*Overcome barriers to good health
*Get out of their chairs and take action to stay healthy
*Identify potential causes of illness and make healthy adjustments
*Incorporate great health choices and common sense into their daily lives
*Laugh and Learn

DocRock’s motto is "It's better to stay than get well.™" He has 25+ years of experience presenting health topics to international audiences at conferences, meetings, corporate events, and educational venues. And he plays the guitar like he was ringing a bell!