Dr. Roberta (Bobby) P.

Founder & CEO at The Business Success Institute


Education: St. Catherine's University - Harvard Extension School
Hingham, MA, USA


Dr. Roberta Pellant is an MBA Professor, Consultant, 7x Entrepreneur, #1 International Best-Selling Author, Keynote and TEDx Speaker. She is a certified professional development trainer and is sought after for her executive leadership coaching. She was Vice President of Knowledge and Communications at US Capital Global, a corporate finance company, and former owner of BumBoosa© Bamboo Products, before it was acquired. She has been featured in Wall Street Select, Yahoo! Finance, Market Watch and International Business, and on ABC Chronicle. Dr. Roberta (Bobby) Pellant is considered a top business expert across several industries and works with businesses to develop their leadership through executive coaching and professional training.


I am a intuitive, passionate, initiating, motivated, heart centered, accountable, flexible, action oriented, relational, macro-driven speaker with a wide scope of work. When I am not coaching/consulting, training, teaching or speaking to share my knowledge, I'm:

Reading: 5 books at once- a beach novel, a business book, a self-help book, People magazine and woo-woo book.

Drinking: Coffee, Hibiscus tea, or sparkling water.

Walking: The beach or strolling around town.

Eating: As clean as possible. No meat, no dairy, no gluten.

Listening: To business podcasts to grow myself and business.

Dipping My Toes: Into the video world and of course, the ocean.

Secretly Wishing: I was a child again!

Featured Video

I am willing to travel

More than 100 miles

When it comes to payments

I generally get paid for speaking but make exceptions


communication womens leadership team leadership authentic leadership executive development executive coaching executive presence business success professional growth development vertical leadership development communication motivation global teams international development

Best Story

I was in high school, living in poverty in rural Northern Wisconsin, I realized that I was a thinker, smart, a strategist, and that I loved to talk! Like most young girls, I didn’t know what I wanted to be when I grew up, I just knew that I had limited career opportunities based on what my guidance counselor told me. A nurse, a teacher, a nutritionist. But I learned early on that education, no matter what I studied or whether it was at a University, broadened my sense of infinite possibilities and the likelihood that I could do anything and become anyone I wanted to be. This tenacity for learning, educating, and achieving drives what I do.

Origin Story

I knew education was my way out of poverty, and that if it was 'meant to be, it was up to me.' Not only do I have internal drive to take on challenges and grow as an individual, many times I enjoy taking on challenges from my naysayers- whether that be joining the military on a whim, or getting my doctorate degree, authoring books, or starting any one of my 7 companies!

Example talks

"Mastering Executive Communication: Addressing Top Challenges"

n this dynamic and interactive speaking engagement, the primary objective is to offer a deep exploration of the top communication challenges executives often encounter in their professional journey. These include situations like managing underperforming employees, resolving conflicts between team members, and effectively supporting employees dealing with personal issues, among others.

The session aims not just to highlight these common communication challenges but also to equip attendees with effective, practical strategies to navigate these situations successfully. Through the sharing of my personal experiences, real-world case studies, and proven theoretical models, the goal is to empower executives to transform their communication approach. By doing so, they can improve their leadership effectiveness, build stronger relationships within their teams, and drive overall organizational success.

By the end of this session, participants will gain a clear understanding of how crucial effective communication is in executive roles, and the ways in which they can enhance their own communication to address, and even preempt, some of the common challenges they may face in their leadership journey.

"Elevate your Leadership: Stepping into Executive Presence"

Are you an ambitious professional striving to reach new heights in your career?

During this talk, you will discover the number one secret that shapes lasting professional biases about you, along with learning about:

The Power of First Impressions: They say first impressions are lasting impressions. Discover the science behind first impressions and how to leverage them to your advantage. Uncover the key elements that make a memorable impact.

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: Overcome self-doubt and fear. Learn practical techniques to exude confidence in every situation, from boardroom presentations to social work gatherings. We'll address the unique challenges women often face and how to conquer them.

Confident Speaking: Public speaking is an essential skill. We'll delve into strategies to articulate your ideas with poise and clarity. Conquer the fear of not being ‘heard’ and communicate your message effectively.

**Bonus Topic: Assertive Communication: Effective communication is the cornerstone of any successful C-level executive. Explore assertive communication techniques to express your thoughts, ideas, and needs confidently and respectfully.

"Navigating the Non-Linear Path to Success"

Success in the entrepreneurial world is rarely a straightforward journey. Instead, it’s a dynamic voyage marked with peaks, valleys, twists, and turns. A salient characteristic of successful entrepreneurs and business owners is their ability to embrace failure, learn from it, and use it as a steppingstone towards their ultimate goals. In this talk, we will explore how obstacles, instead of being roadblocks, can pave the way for success.

"Harmony in Leadership: Balancing Strength and Empathy"

This presentation addresses the dynamic balance between showing strength and empathy in leadership, particularly for women. It explores how female leaders can assertively drive results while nurturing a supportive and understanding workplace environment, ultimately leading to enhanced team performance and organizational well-being.

"Impactful Leadership: Shaping a Culture of Positivity and Empowerment"

This engagement delves into the importance of leadership in creating a positive culture and empowering workplaces. It addresses how leaders can champion trust and transparency, drive cultural transformation, and leverage open communication and feedback for organizational success.

"Redefining Power: Leading with Authenticity and Influence"

This talk aims to redefine the traditional notions of power and leadership from a leadership perspective. This talk encourages leaders to lead authentically, leveraging their unique strengths and perspectives to influence and inspire change.

"Cultivating Resilient Leadership: Thriving Amidst Adversity"

This talk focuses on building resilience in leadership, particularly for professionals navigating high-stress environments. This talk provides insights into fostering mental toughness, emotional intelligence, and adaptability to thrive in challenging situations.

"Navigating the Glass Labyrinth: Strategies for Leaders"

This talk explores the intricate barriers and challenges faced in leadership roles. It discusses strategies to navigate organizational complexities, overcome implicit biases, and break through the invisible yet persistent obstacles in the corporate world.