Silvia D.

Award-Winning Speaker & Award-Winning Author at The Silvia Davis, LLC

Women Empowerment

Tucson, AZ, USA


Silvia Davis is a distinguished Speaker and Author. With a background characterized by excellence, she is the 2024 Arizona Chapter Winner for the National Speaker's Association's Last Story Standing Contest and she earned her place as a finalist in the Toastmasters World Championship in 2023 —an accolade that reflects her exceptional oratory skills and compelling presence on stage. She weaves humor into every delivery ensuring her audience is engaged, entertained, and educated.

Her gift for storytelling led her to become an Award-Winning Author, who captivates readers with insightful narratives and thought-provoking ideas. Her literary endeavors have not only led to a best-selling title but has also showcased her ability to craft tales that resonate deeply with a wide audience.
Beyond her literary accomplishments, Silvia's impact as a speaker is equally impressive. Recognized for her dynamic and engaging presentations, she has earned accolades for her ability to inspire, educate, and uplift her audiences. With a strong online presence, including a following of over 15,000 on Instagram, with over 1M views, she continues to extend her influence and message to a global community.
Silvia's dedication to personal growth extends beyond her own achievements. As a mentor and leader, she has guided over 400 women in their journey towards improved health and lifestyle. Her commitment to empowering others is a testament to her passion for making a positive difference in the lives of those she encounters.
While her professional accomplishments shine brightly, Silvia's personal interests reflect her multifaceted nature. In her leisure time, she enjoys the intricate art of crochet, watching movies with her family, and embraces the warmth of Christmas, her favorite holiday. Additionally, she finds joy and fulfillment in her roles as a dedicated wife and mother.


My passion is to help my audience build their resilience. No matter who we are, what race we are, what gender we are, what education we have, or what our social status may be, we all experience hardships in life and resilience is key to how quickly and how effectively we can bounce back. My goal is always to deliver a message that will provide valuable takeaways but to do so in a manner that will not only educate but entertain. I love speaking, I love using humor to drive a point home, but I love feeling the energy in the room that can only come from an engaged audience even more!

Featured Video

I am willing to travel

Up to 100 miles

When it comes to payments

Everything is negotiable


diversity and inclusion christianity health fitness wellness humor in presentations humorous tales from a successful female leader power of resilience black history personal growth inspirational motivational speaker african american woman toastmasters world champion of public speaking national speakers association wellness at work personal health and wellness african american history juneteenth

Best Story

After months of preparation and after winning 6 competitions I earned my spot on the biggest stage in the world for aspiring speakers, the Toastmasters World Stage! With every win in my journey my confidence grew and with every win I felt as though the prize at the end would surely be mine and I would end 2023 with the title "World Champion of Public Speaking". However, it wasn't meant to be. Although I was in the top 8 of the 35,000, I didn't finish as number one. Surprisingly enough, after the shock and disappointment wore off I realized that with all of the wins I hadn't learned much that was new, but with that one loss the lessons poured in. I realized that in life, we lose a lot more than we win and knowing how to handle a loss was so much more important than knowing how to handle a win. At some point we all compete (whether in a contest, for a job, or for love) and at some point we will all experience defeat. Needing to learn how to bounce back from being knocked down was actually a gift.

Origin Story

For as long as I can remember I've had a desire to be onstage in some capacity. Originally, I believed I would grow up to be an actress, but the realities of life and my own self-doubts creeped in and my hopes of becoming an actress disappeared. Then one day while at a conference listening to a key note speaker, while everyone else wanted to follow the advice the speaker was sharing I found myself wanting to be the person sharing the advice on stage. In the heart of Tucson, AZ, my journey to become a professional speaker began—a tale of dreams, perseverance, and the unyielding pursuit of personal growth. As time passed, I realized that my journey was not just about personal achievements; it was about inspiring others to pursue their own dreams. My experiences became a source of guidance for those facing similar challenges, and I embraced the role of mentor and advocate.

Today, I stand at the intersection of my past and my future—a mosaic of experiences that have shaped me into the person I am. The dreams I held in my heart as a child have evolved into a reality I'm proud to call my own. But this journey is far from over; it's a continuous exploration of new opportunities, growth, and making a lasting impact.

Looking back, I am grateful for every twist and turn because they have made me who I am today.

Example talks

Navigating Stress in a Stressful World

Stress doesn't have to be more harmful than you think it is. What we believe about stress hugely determines the impact it has on us. In this humorous and engaging talk Silvia shares how we can actually use stress to our advantage.

Resilience for Mothers: A talk for MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers)

A talk delivered to a MOPS chapter to share with them three tips on how to build up their resilience, fight negative and unhelpful thoughts about their abilities as a parents, and how to accept the fact they are the perfect mothers for their children.

How Hope Built Black Wall Street

Black History is American History and important lessons for everyone, no matter race, on the power of the human spirit lies within hundreds of accounts of the resilience demonstrated by African Americans in the beginning of the country.
In this talk, presented to a Fortune 500 company, Silvia shares the story of Black Wall Street in an engaging and moving way and uses the lessons learned from Black Wall Street in Tulsa, OK as an example of how hope existed for the Black residents of Greenwood, OK and how it still exists and is ready to be employed by us today. This talk will leave the listeners educated, entertained, and most importantly inspired.