Lisa H.

Certified Positive Intelligence PQ Coach | TEDx & Transformational Speaker | International Best Selling Author at Lisa Hammett Success Coaching

Health, Wellness and Fitness

Education: University of the Pacific
Dallas, TX, USA


Lisa Hammett is a dynamic Transformational and TEDx speaker, an international best-selling author, a Certified Positive Intelligence PQ Coach, and a wellness expert, helping leaders and organizations in healthcare create work/life balance to increase productivity, profitability, and wellbeing.

With over 26 years of experience as a leader in the corporate retail industry, Lisa knows firsthand the toll that stress and burnout can take on individuals. After a transformative health and wellness journey, where she lost 65 pounds, Lisa decided to dedicate her life to helping others achieve their health and wellness objectives.

Lisa has positively impacted the lives of thousands of individuals, empowering them to make lasting changes.

Her first book, From Burnout to Best Life. How to take charge of your health and happiness, reached best seller status in 16 categories globally.


I am passionate about helping leaders manage stress and prevent burnout, to avoid what I experienced. My audience cannot envision a happy, healthy, fulfilled life. They believe they must bide their time until retirement, as there are no better options for them. They have lost hope. They're overworked, exhausted, depressed, and unhealthy. They need a life line.

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I am willing to travel

More than 100 miles

When it comes to payments

I generally get paid for speaking but make exceptions


health wellness women's health women in business burnout prevention stress management balanced lifestyle success mindset success coach mental fitness positive mindset healthy living womens leadership career alignment middle age career changes goal achievement healthy habits mindset stress in the workplace author book author tedx speaker personal care recovering from burnout corporate burnout employee burnout healthy boundaries in the age of metoo setting boundaries habit formation work life balance positive intelligence weight loss healthy lifestyles burnout recovery creating your vision find your why goal setting vision goal setting accountability selfdevelopment healthcare businesswomens association physical and mental fitness and wellness transformational coaching work life balance and burnout

Best Story

How I overcame burnout to live a happy, healthy, fulfilled life.

I share how burnout cost me my health, emotional wellbeing, financial security, and almost my marriage. The big takeaway is it could have been prevented.

In my book, From Burnout to Best Life, I share my journey of recovering from burnout and provide a blueprint to create positive change by inspiring others to positive action to create their fantastic best life.

Origin Story

I reached burnout in 2005, leaving a 26 year career to regain my mental and physical health. I lost 65 pounds and became a wellness coach for one of the largest global wellness companies, helping thousands of members lose weight and get healthy by developing sustainable healthy habits. In May 2020 I started my Success Coaching practice, incorporating life and mental fitness coaching.

Example talks

How to Deal With Burnout Before it Happens

In this interactive, in person presentation, based on the New York Times best-selling book, Positive Intelligence, from Shirzad Chamine, attendees learn mental fitness techniques for managing stress in work/life, to prevent burnout, improve health, wellbeing, and communication, increase productivity, and enhance mental clarity. The audience will gains insight into how thought patterns impact behavior. Attendees walk away with practical tips that can implemented immediately, leaving them encouraged and inspired to take positive action in their lives.

Learning Objective 1:
• Define mental fitness and its impact
• Gain insight into the research foundation

Learning Objective 2:
• Examine how negative thought patterns influence behavior, preventing health and wellbeing, life success, and quality relationships.

Learning Objective 3:
• Demonstrate, in an interactive exercise, mental fitness techniques that can be applied at work/home to reduce stress, improve mental clarity and productivity, enhance communication, and develop quality sleep.

Presentation link:
Bass Hall Audience testimonial link:

2024 AAHAM Spring Conference testimonial link:

Webinar - How to Deal With Burnout Before it Happens

In this webinar, Lisa shares how mental fitness can be used to manage stress and prevent burnout. She takes a deep dive into the science backed research supporting Positive Intelligence mental fitness. The audience will leave with a clear understanding of how their thought patterns impact their behavior. They will understand how to apply mental fitness techniques in their life to manage stress and other negative emotions in the moment for peak performance, improved communication, better relationships, and optimal health and wellbeing.

Meet the Author at the Pyramid Club

In this virtual presentation Lisa shares her inspiration behind her international best selling book, From Burnout to Best Life. She discusses how to manage energy drainers that impact performance and health and wellbeing. She shares practical tips for controlling these negative influencers, for a happy, healthy, fulfilled life.

FOX News Radio via 820 WBAP Dallas - Setting Boundaries

In this LIVE radio interview, I discuss how to set boundaries to manage stress and improve relationships.

Jeff Crilley Show Interview on Burnout to Best Life

In this interview Jeff and I discuss my journey moving past burnout, the inspiration for writing my international best selling book, From Burnout to Best Life, and my experience as a TEDx speaker.

The Importance of Life/Work Balance for Health, Job Satisfaction and Productivity

2022 HR Management Conference at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa. The audience was HR managers.

My presentation included:
* Reasons for an out-of-balance life
* Side effects of an out-of-balance life
* Impacts to the employer when employees are struggling with life-work balance
* Ways to create life-work balance
* Walked the audience through a mental fitness exercise with Lisa Hammett

Brent Peterson is the President and Co-founder of Wagento Commerce. In his weekly podcast, we discuss how focusing on the wrong thing can prevent growth in business, relationships, and life. Our conversation was inspired by one of my LinkedIn posts about the art of saying no.

Unstoppable Me Podcast: Overcoming Chronic Stress and Burnout

In this discussion with Founder Shivangi Walke, of ThriveWithMentoring, I share my journey of overcoming chronic stress and burnout to live a happy, healthy, fulfilled life.

TEDx McKinney - Breakthrough

In my discussion I share how to break through fear, stress, and other negative emotions by developing mental fitness.

Success Coaching YouTube Channel

You will find links to podcast episodes, virtual summits, and a live speaking engagement on Managing Stress and Burnout.

Speaking Engagements

2025 North Texas SHRM Annual Conference

Denton, TX, USA, 04/28/25

Empowering Women 2024

New Orleans, LA, USA, 10/10/24

20th Annual TCOM Conference

San Francisco, CA, USA, 10/02/24

The Gloria Show


2023 Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association Annual Conference

Coached Executives during the conference, Chicago, IL, USA, 11/06/23

Association of Occupational Health Professionals in Healthcare 2023 National Conference

The Importance of Life/Work Balance for Health, Job Satisfaction, and Productivity, Savannah, GA, USA, 09/06/23