Tisha H.

Founder & CCO at Breadcrumbs Creative

Professional Training and Coaching

Education: BA (Corp. Comm/Public Affairs) & BBA (Marketing) - MBA - Texas A&M (Commerce, TX)
Boston, MA, USA


With more than 15 years of multisector experience, Tisha is a transformative leadership advisor to impactful organizations across New England, New York, Texas, and California. Often invited to speak about capacity building and guiding entrepreneurs to implement sustainable leadership practices, Tisha is fueled by a deeply-rooted fortitude to catalyze internal resolve that drives stagnant trajectories upward and onward. She brings a captivating dynamism and full spectrum of knowledge to any space she enters from start-ups to legacy organizations by empowering leadership development, change management, and creative solutions.

She holds an MBA and is a Lean Six Sigma transforming countless individual and organization’s self-limiting actions into purpose-driven roadmaps (success plans).

Her charisma delights and her insight ignites. Audiences leave feeling uplifted and empowered by her informative, powerful takeaways and real-life perspectives.


I'm passionate about human capital. I empower audiences to embolden their charismatic selves from within and leverage external influences. This momentum translates into transformative pathways and renewed success. Through my presentations, audiences will be able to harness their growth mindset by verbalizing, visualizing, and prioritizing their own success.

I am willing to travel

More than 100 miles

When it comes to payments

Everything is negotiable


women entrepreneurship entrepreneurship project management coaching perfecting your pitch higher education career change alignment communications confidence mindset leadership volunteering executive bipoc travel public relations schools youth mental health producer learning professional growth development vertical leadership development business development entrepreneurs female founder female entrepreneurship female founders female leadership advocacy remote work facilitation instructional design pedagogy andragogy creative thinking creative problem solving event management world travel motivational motivation six sigma women mba black women and activism black women black students classroom instruction for black students mentoring mentor career mentoring training and development training decision making strategic communications curriculum curriculum development curriculum instruction and inclusion online learning content creation content development municipalities animal care animal welfare team leadership team alignment teams leading multidisciplinary teams teens teenagers the teenager in you caregiving family caregiving caregiver empowerment worklife balance for caregivers caregiver support

Best Story

I once heard, "Make sure you're an example before you attempt to teach." I've had countless trials that never resolved into triumphs, and failures solidified as fears. One would think this would cement a cynical view of progress, but it does the opposite. In the blurred lines of success, I found myself more resilient, tenacious, curious, and determined than ever. What was meant to be a boundary in turn became my boost. And has led me here.

Origin Story

My business story starts with a termination that turned into determination. My career was in limbo. I never forgot how a former mentor encouraged me to "sink or swim." I repeated this mantra to propel me to the other side. I grew my brand from a chance meeting at a career fair into a trusted collaboration, facilitation, and advising creative insights agency across five states. I'm always fortunate to do what comes so naturally to me: accelerate transformation from stagnation.

Example talks

Keynote Speaker: "Transform Your Trajectory Upwards" 2023 Central MA Women's Conference

How often do we, as professionals and entrepreneurs, think forward, yet seemingly feel like we're moving backward? This keynote catalyzed audiences to transform their self-confidence and propel themselves towards their true trajectories. It realigned attendees with their core values, ambition, and dedication to achieve the next chapter they envisioned for themselves.

Workshop Developer & Facilitator: The Art of Pitching to Funders, Clients, and Procurement Teams - NH Center for Women & Enterprise (Virtual)

This workshop improved how attendees could describe their business products and services to others. All learned best practices to create a more effective pitch to empower and propel their business brand. The interactive and dynamic workshop included peer-to-peer engagement and 1:1 coaching in real time. Attendees commented how their existing elevator pitches were transformed into power pitches adaptable for prospective clients, potential funders, corporate buyers, and procurement teams.
Audience: Mostly women-founded small businesses and entrepreneurs that reside in New Hampshire.

Panel Moderator: Stronger Together - 2022 Women Business Leaders Conference (Virtual)

Moderated a conversation on the complex reality to navigating professional life as a woman. There are pressures (real and perceived) of perceptions and expectations of "successful women." In a community, success of one parlays success for all. We discussed how working together, women can empower and inspire each other through strategic support networks in mentors, coaches, and cheerleaders. We helped identify these communities and encouraged asking for help and support from others. Audience members comprised of mostly women business owners, professionals, and aspirational entrepreneurs.