Lori Hanson is the Success Whisperer.
She has been whispering about success for years to help global audiences, executives, leaders and businesses unlock infinite possibilities and create next-level success.
Her expertise is helping leaders embrace their authenticity and power; improve communication and collaboration to shift internal company culture. She works with School Districts, Healthcare, Technology, Home Builders, Human Resources, Finance and more.
After 25 successful years in Tech Sales, Lori has motivated thousands into action as Consultant, Success Principles Trainer & Performance Coach. Award-Winning Author of 5 books, she appears on radio, TV; writes for newspapers and magazines including: Authority Magazine, New Living and Essence Magazine.
Inspiring leaders and executives to lead authentically. To understand and own their value and confidently ask for and negotiate for what they want.
Helping female and male leaders discover the rewards of collaboration and enjoying the flow of working together fueled by trust and respect that leads to high-performing team "wins," reduced turnover and improved productivity - without the workplace disruptions and drama.
More than 100 miles
I generally get paid for speaking but make exceptions
I remember making the decision to confront my boss…
My heart was pounding as I stood outside her door. She waved me in for our meeting, and less than 5 minutes later, the phone rang, she picked it up, “This is Louise, how can I help you?” I sat there, blood boiling, imaginary froth coming from my mouth I was so annoyed. Hiding my hands under her desk so she couldn’t see me shaking. ~7 minutes later when she hung up, I said, “Louise, I need to talk to you about something.”
She said, “Okay, what is it?”
I responded, “You schedule a status meeting with me every week—then you answer the phone 2-3 times while I just sit here, like my time isn’t important.” I was shaking!
She said, “Wow Lori, I never even thought about it that way—thank you for calling my attention to it. It won’t happen again—this is your time.” I was stunned! I had to clinch my teeth to keep my mouth shut. I couldn’t believe I confronted her and didn’t get in trouble! I got a positive response. What a boost of confidence! I couldn’t wait to confront the problem on my team. THIS was my first step in owning my VOICE professionally, it was 1995.
I am The Success Whisperer.
I've been whispering about success for many years to help entrepreneurs, leaders, and executives unlock the next level of success they desire. Whether in business or life.
It all started with Disney’s Pollyana—at a young age, I liked the way it felt watching how a positive attitude could make other people feel good. This led me to a lifetime of observing and studying people. What they went through to create success. And I wondered, if you’re good, what does it take to be GREAT?
This fascination grew into a passion. When my first book was published, my heart said it was time, time to stretch myself, move into my zone of Genius...where I could make a difference.
My personal journey was filled with challenges from low self-esteem. I invested heavily in myself and learned how to boost my confidence and courage, and most importantly how to love and respect myself, then I found my voice. I knew it was time to help other female executives and leaders to find their authentic voice. I know...You have NO Limits.
In this interactive program Lori demonstrates and leads you through a different approach to cultivating your workplace culture. Understanding the role YOUR energy has in this equation. And leading authentically, which fuels the formula your employees want to follow. Most importantly, building awareness from the top down-that facilitates positive ACTION.
As you will confidently lead your people with these new tools, your workplace will shift and THRIVE. Investing in your culture delivers a strong ROI: improved morale, more collaboration, better communication and productivity, reduced turnover and increased profitability. Are you ready to lead a Culture that Thrives?
Key Takeaways:
1: Using “The CCE Principle” to shift morale and attitudes that build the foundation of a strong workplace culture
2: Learning Tools and Techniques to engage your workforce in open, honest communication (this is a common source of tension, political posturing, and ego-driven issues)
3: Discovering Tools and Processes to develop and deliver “Professional Norms” with buy-in from the Owner/CEO to the lowest-rank employees
Are you ready to learn how your experiences, beliefs and energy get in your way?
This can be a game-changer for leaders. How do you gain more trust and respect and be yourself?
In this interactive program, you’ll learn techniques that can elevate your effectiveness as a leader.
And how to unblock barriers, unlock your ability to speak and lead authentically—from your heart.
Key Takeaways:
- Experience how to shift your focus and energy and why it matters
- Apply tools and techniques to “up” your game and be a valued, influential leader
- Learn powerful ways to show up more authentically