Lori H.

CEO, Founder at Lori Hanson International

Women Empowerment

Education: BS Management/Org
Denver, CO, USA


Lori Hanson is The Success Whisperer.
She creates experiences that INCREASE Awareness, SHIFT Perspective, and INSPIRE Action.
She left a successful career in consulting and tech sales to support female executives and leaders. She is CEO and Founder of Lori Hanson International and Shewolf Press.
She speaks for conferences, corporations and events, and has inspired and challenged 1000s of people globally. She has a strong track record of life-changing results as an Executive Performance Coach.

People love her transparency and personal stories that touch your soul. She is funny, open and easy to relate to. Her inspirational style is contagious and practical tips encourage your audience to take action. She shines light on the path of possibilities to where you want to go.

She is an expert at helping executives and leaders to "shift your mindset" and lead authentically...from the heart. To discover the magic of living with more joy, satisfaction and success.


Inspiring female leaders and executives to AMPLIFY their voice, ask for and get what they want.
Helping women and men discover the rewards of collaboration and enjoying the flow of working together fueled by trust and respect that leads to "wins" and delivers next-level success.

Featured Video

I am willing to travel

More than 100 miles

When it comes to payments

I generally get paid for speaking but make exceptions


leadership diversity women topics empowering women mindset and success speaking confidently canfield success principles communication effectiveness between genders build confidence living your dream authentic leadership being authentic extraordinary goal setting sales performance high performance teams reducing stress at work

Best Story

Susan is passionate about public education…she worked her way up from a room mom to COO of a large school district.But she just couldn’t communicate with her boss, who was 10 years younger. He didn’t listen, ignored protocol. She was frustrated, angry and feeling stuck.One day he ignored protocol with a big snow storm—the result was ugly…full domino effect.Susan said, "I already know what he’ll say when I talk to him."Then she got what I had been telling her – if you go into a conversation, sure of the outcome…There’s no space for the other person to respond differently!We visualized a productive conversation. Then worked on shifting her energy and expectations…and was she ever shocked when he listened to her!They developed a great working relationship…
I remember the text I received a few months later. “Lori, my boss is leaving and he's recommended that the School Board promote me. I’m going to be to School Superintendent!
Susan is now the 1st female School Superintendent in the 4th largest school district in Chicago…She found her authentic voice, boosted her confidence, and gave herself permission to step up and be the leader she is today.

Origin Story

I am The Success Whisperer.
I've been whispering about success for many years to help entrepreneurs, leaders, and executives unlock the next level of success they desire. Whether in business or life.

It all started with Disney’s Pollyana—at a young age, I liked the way it felt watching how a positive attitude could make other people feel good. This led me to a lifetime of observing and studying people. What they went through to create success. And I wondered, if you’re good, what does it take to be GREAT?

This fascination grew into a passion. When my first book was published, my heart said it was time, time to stretch myself, move into my zone of Genius...where I could make a difference.

My personal journey was filled with challenges from bulimia to abusive relationships. I invested heavily in myself and learned how to boost my confidence and courage, and most importantly how to love and respect myself, then I found my voice. I knew it was time to help other female executives and leaders to find their authentic voice. To lead authentically so others want to follow. You have NO Limits.

Example talks

Are You Talking to ME?!

(Creating Collaboration, Compassion and Healthy Conversations in the Workplace)

It’s intimidating! Feeling comfortable to communicate openly and honestly in the workplace. What happens when you feel judged or ignored after speaking up? Do you clam up only to feel anger and resentment building? In this candid and powerful program, Lori shares “doable” strategies for reducing communication breakdown that creates space for collaboration and productivity (minus the drama!).

Key Takeaways:
- Experience how to shift your focus and energy and why it is so powerful
- Apply tools and techniques to feel you are a valued, influential leader
- Learn powerful ways to speak up that command trust and respect

The Mindset You NEED to Lead Authentically

Are you ready to learn how your experiences, beliefs and energy get in your way?
This can be a game-changer for leaders. How do you gain more trust and respect and be yourself?
In this interactive program, you’ll learn techniques that can elevate your effectiveness as a leader.
And how to unblock barriers, unlock your ability to speak and lead authentically—from your heart.

Key Takeaways:
- Experience how to shift your focus and energy and why it matters
- Apply tools and techniques to “up” your game and be a valued, influential leader
- Learn powerful ways to show up more authentically