Tamica S.

HR Consultant and Executive Coach at Sears Coaching

Education: AIU-Organizational Psychology and Development - Northern Arizona University - Organizational Leadership
Tempe, AZ, USA


I’m The Corporate Fixer and my mission is to help people become more self-aware so that they can lead from a place of authenticity and self-acceptance. I believe that everyone should be able to bring their whole selves to work and have the opportunity to be innovative and empowered. As an HR Professional and Leadership Development Coach, for the past 20 years, I’ve had the honor of coaching and developing leaders in a wide range of organizations, from Fortune 100 companies to mom-and-pop shops. My primary focus is helping them increase productivity and revenue through higher employee engagement.

The greatest reward I get from doing this work is knowing that I am helping to transform corporate America into a more innovative and inclusive workplace. I am grateful to be a major player in changing corporate culture.

I earned my M.A. Leadership from Northern Arizona University and my B.A. Organizational Development and Psychology from American Intercontinental University. I’m originally from Boston, MA, but now I call Phoenix, AZ home. I published a collection of motivational quotes and affirmations, You Are Enough, found on Amazon, and I am also a proud mother of 2 adult children and the cutest dog in the country.


I'm an HR nerd and a leadership development junkie.

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Featured Book

I am willing to travel

More than 100 miles

When it comes to payments

Everything is negotiable


team leadership authentic leadership professional growth development womens leadership diversity in the workplace diversity and inclusion human resources human resources talent development performance management recruiting hr author book author leadership hr human resources executive human resources management

Best Story

I love talking about the experiences that I have had with managers doing weird, awful, crazy, and sometimes utterly amazing things.

Origin Story

I have been in HR for a very long time, I fell into it in high school (no joke) and LOVE it. I a very lucky. After working in multiple facets of HR, I fell into leadership development and organizational effectiveness, which led me to become a certified Executive Coach. After working for really awful bosses, I decided that I didn't want to do that anymore and I decided to take my part-time gig full-time. Having pretty bad managers helped me figure out how leaders shouldn't act. And the good news is, I have tons of stories to tell!

Example talks

The Evolution of Leadership: From A**Hole Boss to Inspiring Leader

We’ve all heard people say it. “No one wants to work anymore”. This isn’t a new saying, in fact, there are records of companies saying this since 1894. How much truth is in it? Not much. The workplace has changed a lot in the last 130 years. Unfortunately, many companies aren’t keeping up and have outdated leadership training and management styles that drive people away. This workshop discusses the do’s and don’ts as well as some key changes to make in leadership mindset to move the organization’s employee engagement and retention forward in meaningful ways. Told with a very direct tone with an interactive style, this aim is to draw in the audience and get them to see value in making significant changes in the way they lead their teams.

This workshop gives a bit of history of changes in the workplace, from women wearing pants to work, to people no longer being able to smoke at their desks. Generational differences aside, COVID accelerated workplace transformations and employee dissatisfaction at rates that many companies have struggled to keep up with. To get leaders back on track they often attend training that helps them learn very specific things to do that they may think work but that are actually working against them. During the workshop we will put together an action plan to implement when they return to work, making this an effective method of changing leadership behavior and increasing employee satisfaction.

As a result of this workshop, leaders will understand what mindset and management style changes they need to make to have a more engaged team. They will learn what has changed over the years and they will walk away with an action plan to implement that should increase their employee engagement and retention.