Debbie F.

presentations coach, consultant and trainer at bespeak presentation solutions, llc

Professional Training and Coaching

Education: michigan state university
Fairfield, CT, USA


I am a pubic speaking coach, presentations consultant and trainer. I founded my company, bespeak presentation solutions, llc in 2006, fulfilling a decades-long dream of helping people be heard.
I have a life-long involvement in theater; having been on stage since i could walk and talk. My mother used to say when I was a toddler if she opened the refrigerator door I would perform for the light.


My life's work is helping people BE HEARD. It's more than a passion - possibly an obsession.

When I was little I would force my cousins and siblings into performances of "The Sound of Music". When my own children were in grade school I created and ran a talent show there for 7 years. I was known in town as "the talent show lady" a moniker I still cherish.

Before I launched my company I spent the better part of 5 years working as an instructor at a business school, teaching public speaking, business writing, customer service and other communications courses.

Since 2006 when I launched bespeak I have been living my dream, helping hundreds of people present themselves with confidence, conviction and clarity. When they write me afterward to tell me about their success, my heart soars.

Featured Video

I am willing to travel

More than 100 miles

When it comes to payments

Everything is negotiable


public speaking engaging public speaker successful presentations successful sales presentations successful remote presentations strategic communications motivational speaker professional growth development professional development sales professional corporate presentations author

Best Story

As a public speaking coach, I help people with a debilitating fear of being "on stage", but as a lifelong ham, this has not ever been a fear of mine. I did, however. have a complete and total fear of dogs, and a son, Charlie, who wanted nothing as much as he wanted a dog. After reading "Dog Owning for Dummies" - and forcing Charlie to read it, we set off one Saturday morning for the Humane Society. My middle child, Mackenzie, and I wanted Charlie to choose a little fluffy white "carpet dog" (as I thought of them). Nope, he wanted a skinny funny looking timid scary-looking-to-me dog. A cattle dog with beagle coloring. Home with us she came, named Suzie Q by Charlie. On Sunday night I cried myself to sleep. I was going to have to be ALONE with this dog when the kids went to school the next morning! For two weeks Suzie and I acclimated to one another. It was exhausting. We napped a few feet away from each other, each with one eye open on the other one. Fast forward 15 years and we are closer than close. My husband refers to her as "the dog that saved our family". I cannot imagine my life without her.

Origin Story

I backed into being an entrepreneur. I'd had a dream for over a decade of being a public speaking coach, but I knew NO ONE in business and had NO IDEA how to begin. In fact, after my first husband left me for a woman he'd met a Caesar's Palace (yep, you read that right) I thought it made the most sense for me to be a high school history teacher. Then I would have the same vacations as my kids, and I could put my youngest (Charlie) on the bus every morning. I got myself certified to teach history in CT (no mean feat) and lo and behold there were no job openings in my town or the towns adjacent to ours. I couldn't wait one more minute for my work life to begin, so I took a deep breath and jumped into the scary job, my dream job, as a public speaking coach.
My "ah ha" moment came as I was walking up the steps from the 4-5 subway in Grand Central Station about two years after I'd launched. I had just spent the afternoon working on a presentation coaching and consulting project with the CFO/COO of the US Fund for UNICEF. "WOW. I thought. You're doing it."
I realized I'd made my dream a reality.

Example talks

Why not me? Why not now?

Whether we’re 3 or 33 or 93 we’re all guilty of harboring talents, desires and wishes that can go our entire lifetime unfulfilled. What exactly are we waiting for? What do we think needs to happen in ourselves, in our world, in our lifetime in order for the time to be right? What if the time is now? What if the person is you?

Join us as Debbie Fay, entrepreneur, dog owner, and author (all begun at mid-life) peels away the excuses and prods, pokes, teases and tugs, and ultimately dares us to take steps TODAY to do the thing we might otherwise let slip by…

This motivational presentation is best as a key note.

NAIL your Remote Presentations

Despite the world slowly opening back up, odds are we will be presenting remotely for the foreseeable future. This means our presentations to clients, prospects and colleagues will be delivered remotely. Getting it right is critical. But what does that mean? How do we look and sound our best? If we’re using visuals, (PowerPoint, Keynote, etc.) do they play a bigger role? (hint: YES THEY DO.) How can we ensure our presentations will be as captivating – or even more captivating as those we gave live and in-person?
Join us as presentations coach Debbie Fay gives us tips and tools to create and deliver a remote presentation that gets and keeps the audience’s attention – and gets you the results you seek.
In this webinar, you will learn:
• How to position yourself and your camera to look your best
• The even more critical importance of:
o an audience focused presentation
o a well-organized presentation
o getting to the point
• How to create visual aids (PPT slides) that engage your audience and compel them to stay engaged
• How these visuals result in audience retention of your message of up to 80%.
• How to best structure Q & A
This presentation is ideal for presenters at any level who want to deliver effective, successful remote presentations

Nailing difficult conversations: making it easy for your audience to say yes.

The pandemic has changed the way we work, the way we communicate, even the way we do business. In many instances, this means difficult, and often critically important conversations with customers, employees and partners. How to structure and deliver these messages in a way that leads to understanding and agreement is a must for any leader who wants to continue to run a successful business in today’s world.

In this one-hour webinar, we’ll look at how to create and deliver a message that gets your audience to “yes”. You’ll learn how to:
• Frame your message in a way that is immediately connecting
• Create initial buy-in
• Back your argument up with “proof” to solidify their agreement
• Handle any objections
• Conclude by asking – and receiving their commitment

Make your next “difficult conversation” one you’ve loaded for success.
ideal for: leaders, business owners