Natalie B.

Founder and Chief Growth Officer at HerCsuite™


Education: BA, with honors, University of Michigan - Executive MBA, with honors Lake Forest Graduate School of Management
Elgin, IL, USA


Founder HerCsuite™ Platform | HerCsuite™ Radio Podcast Host
Natalie is the CEO of HerPower2, Inc. and created HerCsuite™, the product brand which offers four turnkey solutions to help women achieve success at every level of their careers. The all-in-one membership platform is for executive women, emerging talent and professional organizations to be a game changer in how women advance careers and get business done. During her career, Natalie sold over $110 Million in revenue and is a sought-out leader, negotiator, and speaker on women’s leadership. She is a super connector and alliance creator who helps women make meaningful business relationships, gain visibility, and advance to the C-suite and beyond.
Natalie is also the host of HerCsuite™ Radio, a podcast for women leaders on the move.


Helping see women succeed.

When it comes to payments

I speak for the exposure for myself and my company


leadership confidence pivoting connector pivot thrive leadership development thought leader executive accelerator super connector blue ocean strategist win leadership buyin negotiations more gender parity gender equity

Origin Story

Last year, when Covid hit, the career I knew for 29 years would change forever.

When trade shows were all being cancelled…I started listening.

Women shared how they felt alone, didn’t have anyone they could trust to get advice from, and simply put-they were overwhelmed.

When I served as President of the Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association (HBA) of Chicago, I discovered that my passion was to lift women up. Turning that passion into purpose, I created HerCsuite™, an online platform for mentoring and advisory programs for women and their organizations.

Relationships are everything. Many of my clients were with me the duration of my career-yes, 29 years-that is a lot of growing together!

It is thrilling to have the opportunity to serve previous clients in a new way.
I bet at some point during the pandemic women in your organization felt all alone. Whether it was yourself, women on your team, at some point you may have wished wished you had a mentor, or as a leader, you didn’t have that trusted advisor you could share your true challenges, personal or professional.

Creating HerCsuite™ was in response to the great resignation and the need to help organizations find new ways to offer women the support they need. It is for professionals, organizations, female memberships and for women leaders.

This last year would not have been possible without my ” friendtors” (friend-advisors).

Everyone needs a support network.

Example talks

HerCsuite™ Radio for Women Leaders on the Move

Each week, I interview leaders and influencers to help women accelerate their careers. I am both a podcast host and have been a guest interviewed Bobbie Carlton, and these podcasts: Go Find Out, What's Your Ask Podcast, Brave Women At Work Podcast, The Conscious Millionaire podcast with JV Crum III who has over 12 million listeners in 190 countries, and Lioness Magazine.