Don't be fooled by the name, the hair color or crazy shoes. I am serious about business, dedicated to creating positive, productive and profitable workplaces, and helping individuals, and businesses, unlock their ultimate potential.
I have over 25 years of experience delivering motivational speeches and training sessions to audiences worldwide. Before launching my global leadership and sales training company, Shock Your Potential, I was Vice President of US Sales for two multi-national medical device companies, responsible for net revenue exceeding $75 million and as many as 500 employees at a time.
I am passionate about helping people to take the steps necessary to shock their own professional potential. I have prompted thousands of leaders around the globe to up their game, and to reach far beyond what they ever thought possible.
More than 100 miles
I generally get paid for speaking but make exceptions
I love telling the story about my first epic leadership failure. I was in college, waiting tables, and occasionally asked to fill in as head greeter (think hostess) at a very busy restaurant in my hometown.
I got so good at the job that I was asked to do it more frequently and was given multiple raises. The servers loved me because I took great care to make sure they were not overwhelmed. The bartenders loved me because I would make sure my team would help deliver drinks when the servers were busy. The kitchen loved me because I never let them get slammed. And management loved me because profits went up every time I was managing.
The problem? The epic failure?
My own team of hosts and hostesses did not love me.
In my efforts to do right by the company, I wasn’t paying enough attention to my own team.
It was a hard lesson to learn, but one that shaped my leadership journey early on.
This is my second round of owning a training and speaking company. The first was when I was in my mid-20’s. At that time, I had great energy and enthusiasm, but not enough money to get me through the lean years of public speaking.
I went on to have an amazing career, however, and gained incredible experiences that I can’t imagine missing now. As a part of my career, I have also spoken and trained all over the world.
After writing my first book, and prior to the release of both my second book and the 2nd edition of my first book, I decided it was time to begin my own company yet again.