Barrie A.

President at Atkin Associates LLC - Marketing-Strategy-Fundraising: Consulting to mission-driven organizations

Management Consulting

Education: Brown University, BA, cum laude - MBA, Harvard Business School, MS Ed, University of Pennsylvania
Swampscott, MA, USA


For more than 30 years, Barrie Atkin has helped a wide range of organizations strengthen their marketing, fundraising and strategic planning. Her clients have included sports organizations (ESPN, Massachusetts Youth Soccer Association), environmental groups (the National Wildlife Conservancy) publishers (Consumer Reports, Rodale), and aging services organizations (Massachusetts Councils on Aging), among others.

Barrie is the author of "HATE FOOTBALL? Fun Facts to Help You Be Part of the Crowd" (2023) and "Marketing Tools for Any Senior Center" (2017). She speaks frequently on marketing/branding, strategic planning ("Right Sizing Your Strategic Planning"), and fundraising "(Hate Fundraising? How to be Comfortable Asking for Money").
Her presentation "Show Me the Money" demonstrates how football and other sports offer useful lessons to women in business.

Barrie's academic background includes an MBA from Harvard University, an MS Ed from the University of Pennsylvania, a BA cum laude from Brown University, and a Certificate in Professional Fundraising from Boston University.


Helping professional women learn new skills.
Walking my dogs on the beach.
Watching a competitive football game.

I am willing to travel

More than 100 miles

When it comes to payments

I speak for the exposure for myself and my company


marketing branding sports football nonprofit fundraising strategic planning nonprofit boards

Best Story

What Tom Brady taught me about football that applies to women in business. As a result, I wrote a book "HATE FOOTBALL? Fun Facts to Help You Be Part of the Crowd."