Diane D.

Expert in Executive Presence and Transforming Leaders into Powerful Communicators at DiResta Communications, Inc.

Professional Training and Coaching

New York City, NY, USA


Diane DiResta is president of DiResta Communications, Inc., a New York City consultancy serving business leaders who want to communicate with greater impact — whether face-to-face, in front of a crowd or from an electronic platform. She is the author of Knockout Presentations: How to Deliver Your Message with Power, Punch, and Pizzazz, an Amazon.com category best-seller and widely-used text in college business communication courses. Diane was featured on CNN, 77WABC radio, WPIX and Fox TV, and quoted in the Bermuda Sun, Fast Company, Fortune, Investors Business Daily, London Guardian, NY Times, Selling Power, Wall Street Journal. Clients include: AT&T, Aricent, Carlson Hotels, Genting, L'Oreal, Michael Kors, Pfizer, Philadelphia 76ers, Spectrum Reach, TVA. Diane is a licensed speech pathologist, a certified speaking professional and has spoken on 4 continents. She is Past President of National Speakers Association NYC and earned the Golden Mic award. Her blog was listed in the Top 50 Public Speaking blogs.


Transforming women into confident presenters and leaders. And dark chocolate

Featured Video

I am willing to travel

More than 100 miles

When it comes to payments

I always get paid for speaking


perfecting your presence dynamic women confidence knockout presentations presenting your message message communication skills communication speaking speaker author executive presence

Best Story

The aha moment for my company was after 2 years as a freelancer I was offered a full time job for more money and turned it down. I knew then that I would always be in business. Another turning point was when I decided I didn't want to freelance and became an expert with my own products and program.

Origin Story

I was a Speech Pathologist in the NYC schools, transitioned to management and presentation training in the corporate sector, as well as recruiting MBAs for the trading floor. Left to start free lancing and developed my business from there. Wrote my signature book, Knockout Presentations and the Ebook Give Fear the Finger

Example talks

Knockout Facilitation Skills

Are you stuck in lecture mode?
Do you want to facilitate richer discussions?
Would you like to have greater group engagement?
Managers and subject matter experts are increasingly called upon to facilitate learning but may rely on telling instead of facilitating. Skilled facilitators can accelerate team building, gain valuable information, and increase buy-in.

This seminar addresses:

The WHY of Facilitation
The 3 Roles of an Instructor
Facilitation Process and Practice
Managing Group Dynamics

The Dirty Dozen: Influence the 12 Common Problem Personalities

Bob knows-it-all. Julie dominates the meeting. And Chris and Stacy have side conversations about… well who knows what. What matters is that twelve different types of personalities show up to your meeting and you have to lead them all. When you can recognize the difference between the expert and the dominator, you will have the keys to influence the type of behavior you need for an effective team. For over 20 years Diane DiResta transformed executives of Fortune 500 companies to project presence on the platform and get the results they want.

You’ll emerge with the tools to influence positive behavior and feel more confident in difficult situations. This highly interactive session you will discover how to:

Use the 3D strategy for handling difficult behaviors
Identify the 6 signs of resistance
Apply a 4-step process for overcoming resistance
Influence 12 common problem personalities

Listen and Sell

Most people listen to respond. Fewer listen to understand. However, listening is one of the most underutilized skills with the some of the most powerful impact. Studies show that when leaders listen to understand they achieve greater bottom line results.This session will make you a better listener and more effective leader. For over 20 years Diane DiResta transformed executives of Fortune 500 companies to project presence on the platform and get the results they want.

Sales pros will drive more business and forge deeper long-term customer relationships. While leaders will influence and lead more powerful teams. In this Interactive program, you’ll discover how to listen “between the lines” to find the hidden messages and:
Break through the barriers preventing you from becoming a better listener

Discover how to:

Apply listening CPR
Gather good information through questioning
Communicate more clearly
Reduce errors
Manage conflict and limit misunderstandings
Get the information you need
Improve relationships

Knockout Meetings: From Time Wasting Black-Hole to Productivity Machine

Most people define meetings as the black hole of productivity. These disorganized, poorly facilitated, late-starting, time-wasters (that everyone is invited to) are the bane of business existence. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Meetings can be highly-productive, barrier-breaking, well-organized machines that drive results… as long as you have an expert to help you facilitate them like a pro. For over 20 years Diane DiResta transformed executives of Fortune 500 companies to project presence on the platform and get the results they want.

Plan, conduct, and manage effective meetings face-to-face or virtually.

You’ll discover how to:

Plan and coordinate the logistics of a meeting
Create an effective outline and agenda
Select the right speakers for an event
Introduce speakers and politely cut them off
Deliver feedback
Facilitate group discussions
Keep meetings on track
Handle Q & A
Manage difficult participants
Track and evaluate meetings for maximum success

Knockout Presentations: Present Your Message with Power, Punch, and Pizzazz

Speaking is the new competitive advantage. Your success today depends on how well you present. And the delivery of that presentation determines your success trajectory. Good presenters get more promotions, higher sales, and so much more. If you want to be seen as a leader, you can no longer avoid the podium. To transform everyday presentation skills into those that get results faster, Diane developed the 4M Masterful Communications System™. For over 20 years Diane has used this system to transform executives of Fortune 500 companies to project presence on the platform and get the results they want.
This session will empower you to deliver a presentation with maximum impact. You will discover how to:

Control nervousness
Discover your personal presentation style
Organize your talk in 7 easy steps
Master delivery techniques
Work a room
Develop visual aids
Control Q & A

Female Powerhouses: How Dynamic Women Leverage Kickbutt Confidence to Reap Bigger Rewards

“I've earned the right to be here and I'm a valuable contributor.” These are the words dynamic women use to amp up their confidence to scale the corporate jungle gym.

What if you were able to motivate yourself the same way?

You would have the confidence to take the risks that lead to bigger rewards. You’d be taken seriously. Your ideas would be heard; recognized; and you would be on the path to advancement.

For over 20 years Diane DiResta transformed Fortune 500 executives into highly influential leaders.

In this fun and interactive program, you'll unleash the powerhouse that you are when you discover how to:

Speak the language of success and weed out wimpy words
Uproot the negative messages that lead to Imposter Syndrome
Conquer the number one fear that robs you of visibility
Convey confidence without saying a word
Breakthrough communication barriers and convey executive presence

The Influential Leader: Transform High Stakes Communication into Massive ROI

“You're too much in the weeds. You’re not getting to the point. Give us the 30,000 ft view.” These are the words that many leaders hear five minutes before that next high-stakes presentation.

It’s your job to influence, but your message isn’t getting across. You need to look and sound like a leader. And for over 20 years Diane DiResta transformed executives of Fortune 500 companies to project presence on the platform and get the results they want.

It's time to get from behind the podium and own the platform. When your words and actions work in concert with your message, you’ll motivate and influence your stakeholders. Bring the type of gravitas that inspires confidence in your leadership. In this program you will discover how to:

To create presence on the platform without saying a word
Gain buy-in for your ideas and projects.
Speak with confidence, clarity, and conviction.