Mari Anne S.

CEO at Sophaya, Remote Nation Institute and Eascra Biotech

Management Consulting

Education: University of New Hampshire - Harvard Extension School
Boston, MA, USA


At her Remote Nation Institute, Mari Anne Snow is rewriting the rules of leadership in this new age of remote, distributed, virtual, flexible work. Her experience operationalizing and optimizing flexible work programs is practical, real-world, and results-driven. Mari Anne is a recognized expert in remote/flexible work practices. Mari Anne’s latest book, "The Remote Work Handbook" is due for publication Sept 2022. It outlines her pragmatic approach to using remote/flexible work programs for business advantage. Companies with any type of remote, distributed, dispersed or virtual teams can benefit from Mari Anne's down-to-earth, interactive presentation style and good humor. Mari Anne speaks about the practicalities of the new work place from the perspective of a skilled operations professional who has a long history of successful implementations. Her speaking style is warm, approachable and inspiration. She enjoys bring her audiences a new perspective on an age old problem - how do you help your teams achieve their best so your company can thrive.
#remotework #telework #dispersedteams #leadingremoteteams #virtualteams #remoteleadership #workfromhome #flexiblework #newworkplace


Yes, I am a bit of a geek. I love the new technology and the innovation economy; but I am also committed to the people who work in this global business world. I believe remote work is an antidote for the lack of work/life balance through a more satisfying work/life integration. When done well, remote work is a fun, mind-expanding experience for the employee and a lucrative business strategy for employers. When its done poorly, without a plan, its a disaster. Effective remote professionals are self-directed, exceptional problem-solvers and highly productive. But most professional development programs fail to address the needs of the growing population of workers now engaging in remote work. So many virtual teams struggle because of the lack of skills of their team members. At Sophaya, we aim to change this by standardizing remote work operational process, remote work education, business skills, and best practices.

I am willing to travel

More than 100 miles

When it comes to payments

Everything is negotiable


ceo leadership business team culture repositioning business relationships virtual teams team leadership flexible work entrepreneur teambuilding remote work work from home telework leadingremoteteams newworkplace coronavirus wfh workfromhome dispersedteam leadingdispersedteams workplaceshutdowns dispersed teams worklife balance business strategy innovative thinking fiscal management change management finding the right it solutions operationalization virtual collaboration expert business resilience resilient leadership realworld ready set launch strategies for product startups startups critical thinking c suite serial entrepreneur

Best Story

In 2009, I was in London speaking to a group of financial service folks about the market changes driven by digital devices and globalization. The entire group turned pale and one poor gentleman raised his hand and asked if I thought he would have time to retire before digital became a real "thing". I had to tell him the time had already come - digital and global had already arrived. Shortly after, I interviewed a very cool group of folks who founded a virtual company called WAKA - World Adult Kickball Association - they saw all the new technology as a business opportunity and they used it to build a sustainable business around something they personally loved to do. Both these conversations convinced me that remote team success was all about learning new ways of working and I knew I could help a lot of people by standardizing operational processes and building skill training that matched the remote work business skills needed now.

Origin Story

I started working with and leading remote teams in the 1990's as a young professional when other colleagues turned the assignments down. Since then I've worked with hundreds of remote workers and interviewed hundreds more to learn their best practices for building trust, effectively collaborating and maintaining high productivity with colleagues they never meet face-to-face. After building a global learning university for a leading financial services company, I decided it was time to go out on my own to address the issues that face remote/dispersed teams. Sophaya and our sister project, The Remote Nation Institute, are the culmination of the very best ideas, proven techniques, and creative solutions used by remote professionals in business today.

Example talks

Mari Anne Snow joins Bella Engelbach to discuss how remote/distributed teams contribute to team productivity once you apply the right business skills.

Mari Anne Snow joins Angela Gennari on the Pretty Powerful Podcast to discuss the rise of the new flexible, remote workplace and how it provides a distinct business advantage to companies willing to invest in a remote workforce.

Mari Anne Snow joins Tony Lee to discuss remote work during a pandemic - best practices for supporting your team and all the ways you can make remote work a business differentiator.

Mari Anne Snow joins GoLocalProv to discuss the benefits and operational advantages of remote work. She demonstrates how most of us are working remotely far more than we might have imagined - even before 2020.

Mari Anne interviewed on Andrea Johnson's podcast

Using Remote and Flexible Work to Retain Top Talent

Its not just millennials that like remote work these days. No commute, less office distractions and schedule flexibility is attractive to a whole host of talented professionals. More organizations are turning to remote work as part of their offering to maintain their best talent. In this session, participants will learn about the workplace trends related to remote/flexible work and how it is offering a cost-saving alternative for retaining your top talent.

Influence without Authority

Service providers often find themselves in a situation where they are responsible for executing work for a client in collaboration with others. While the service provider may be the team leader on a project, the people working on the project team don’t report to them. This means the team leader must prove themselves to be a credible leader so the project team will take them seriously and participate fully to meet the project objectives. This session provides participants with specialized techniques for building accelerated team trust and higher degrees of cooperation among team members for greater team success.

Managing Conflict and Accountability in Remote Teams

As long as there have been people, there’s been conflict. However, today’s technology devices reduce face-to-face interactions between people and that means misunderstandings and conflict often get played out online. Devices make it easier for people to avoid each other; particularly when misunderstandings and conflict occur. In this session, participants will examine the potential consequences of engaging in conflict online and learn practical techniques for deescalating emotion, employing active listening to appreciate different points of view and manage difficult situations with professionalism.

Digital Etiquette in Today’s Channelized World

The sales of digital phones have now eclipsed desktops, laptops and tablets. We’re more mobile, accessible and technology-dependent than ever before. Getting someone’s attention is tough because email is no longer the primary source of business communications for every business. No one answers their phone anymore and texting has become an acceptable business practice. Emoji’s are popping up everywhere. So what’s a conscientious Project Manager have to do to get their customer’s attention? In this session, participants will learn about today’s digital communication environment and examine practical techniques for getting and keeping someone’s attention in today’s noisy, digital world.

Effective Team Communication over Distance

How do you know you’ve gotten your message across when you aren’t in the room? How do you maximize your digital communication interactions for better results? How do you build trust with people you can’t see and who can’t see you? These are important questions for today’s Project Managers who work with dispersed groups. In this session, participants will learn practical techniques for increasing the effectiveness of their distance communication skills for productive team interaction and higher levels of accountability.

Managing Remote or Dispersed Teams

Technology has allowed for easier connection with people in different locations. Flexible work arrangements, virtual teams and the ability to take advantage of remote talent combined with these new tools means Project Managers often have to learn how to build team trust and manage accountability from a distance. Add different generations, level of expertise and all the other human factors that drive individual performance and things can get really complicated. This session provides participants with specialized techniques for building accelerated team trust and higher degrees of cooperation among dispersed team members for greater team success.

Effective Meeting Management in Remote Teams

Meetings have taken over the modern workplace; more meetings, taking up more time, getting less done. The proliferation of new technology that enables conference calls, video conferencing and screen sharing means meeting management gets more complex as project teams become more dispersed. It takes special skills and focus for Project Managers to conduct productive and efficient meetings. This session provides participants with an easy framework and specialized techniques for maximizing meeting time for successful outcomes and higher levels of productivity through greater accountability.