Alida Zweidler-McKay

President at ZMCoach


Education: Swarthmore College, B.A. - Wharton, University of Pennsylvania, MBA
Boston, MA, USA


Alida Zweidler-McKay is a seasoned executive coach and organizational consultant who helps leaders and teams thrive amid challenges and change. With over 20 years of experience, she specializes in building authentic leadership, high-performing teams, and effective communication across sectors including energy, technology, healthcare, and nonprofits.

Based in Boston, Alida coaches executives to engage their teams and navigate complex projects through an innovative systems approach. She has guided leaders through multi-billion-dollar initiatives at Chevron, Shell, and other industry giants, fostering collaboration and alignment to achieve results.

A sought-after speaker, Alida has given plenary presentations and led workshops on leadership development, organizational change, and group dynamics, to a variety of audiences including the Boston Business Women’s Conference, the Boston Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals, Boston Women in Development, the Houston Association for Talent Development, the American Group Psychotherapy Association, the Systems-Centered® Training Annual Conference, and the International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations. Interested in public speaking from a young age, she was honored to be chosen as the student speaker for her graduating MBA class from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.

An expert facilitator, Alida designs custom workshops to surface and resolve difficult issues. She is a certified trainer in SAVI® Communications, Power + Systems, and Personify Leadership®, and a Master Coder for the SAVI® group interaction analysis tool.

Alida is on the Board of the Systems-Centered® Training and Research Institute, and former president of the Houston Organization Development Network. She earned her Bachelor of Arts from Swarthmore College and her Master of Business Administration in Finance and Organizational Change from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.


Helping leaders overcome Imposter Syndrome to build their authentic executive presence; Helping clients unpack organizational and system dynamics that contribute to conflicts, so they can take the conflict less personally and find collaborative solutions; Helping executives build productive partnerships with their bosses, their peers and their direct reports.

I am willing to travel

More than 100 miles

When it comes to payments

Everything is negotiable


delegating with ease communication performance womens leadership team leadership career development family and career authentic leadership women in the workplace women and leadership empowering women delegating high performance teams team alignment leadership management teams

Best Story

I was brought in to work with a team that was experiencing significant conflict. They were truly at each other's throats. The conflict had gotten so personal, that members of one faction managed to get a member of the other faction fired by taking something he said out of context. Everyone on the team said the problem was personality differences, or cultural differences between two factions on the team. As humans, we tend to personalize conflict - seeing the people as the source of the conflict. This view gets in the way of seeing the real problem, and being able to solve it. From my training in organizations and groups, I thought there might be other dynamics at play. When I dug into the situation, it turned out that there were structural issues at play. Roles and expectations on the team weren't clear. The distribution of authority wasn't clear. This lack of clarity was driving a lot of the conflict. Once we cleared up the roles, expectations and decision-making authority on the team, much of the conflict went away. The group began to work together much more effectively - eventually going on to earn national recognition for their work.

Origin Story

Early experiences can have profound impact on our future selves. In my case, my interest in leadership goes back to when I was just 12 years old. My dad took a new job as Sales Manager for a business owner named Harry, who knew exactly how to make the most of his talents. Before that, Dad had seemed a little stuck. From what I could see, it looked like his superiors weren’t very interested in his opinions, his job satisfaction, or his long-term growth. But Harry was different. He knew how to tap into what was great about my dad.

This job changed Dad’s life. He came alive at work. In doing so, he made major differences for the company, doubling their revenues within just a few years. It also made a huge difference for me. Dad was much more present at home. He had more energy and enthusiasm than I had ever seen before. Harry seemed to inspire that same energy in most of the people working for him. His support helped my dad take his career to the next level and to create a team of people who were committed to and proud of their work.

I thought that was absolutely fascinating and it sparked a deep curiosity in me about the art and skill of leadership. I yearned to know exactly how someone could build that sense of team and engender such loyalty and commitment to quality work. From then on, I devoted my life to learning what it takes, and then guiding leaders to inspire the very best performance in themselves and their team members.

Example talks

The Five Shifts Successful Professionals Make to Earn the Recognition, Respect and Pay Raises They Deserve (without burning out)

Targeted to mid-career professionals, this talk covers:

A step-by-step game plan to landing the promotions and pay raises you deserve - whether that's at your current company or somewhere else — even if you’re feeling stalled or overwhelmed in your career right now...

Why putting in longer hours or just “working harder” DOESN’T work, and what you can do instead to propel your career to the next level without taking on every project that comes your way...

The exact strategies you can use to increase your influence and authority so that people listen to what you have to say and give you the respect you deserve...

How my clients are cultivating a powerful, authentic executive presence, inspiring and motivating their teams and getting results that get them noticed.

What it takes to deal with difficult colleagues or a challenging boss - so you can feel excited to go to work every day...

And how to do all of this even if you aren't naturally confident or outgoing and absolutely hate playing office politics.