Alida Z.

President at ZMCoach


Education: Swarthmore College, B.A. - Wharton, University of Pennsylvania, MBA
Boston, MA, USA


Alida Zweidler-McKay is an engaging speaker who brings over 20 years of leadership development and organizational change expertise to the stage. Her thought-provoking insights inspire audiences to build authentic leadership, foster high-performing teams, and navigate challenges with poise.

On stage, Alida speaks with a grounded confidence informed by her work consulting to Fortune 500 giants like Chevron and Shell, as well as major universities, academic medical centers and non-profit organizations. Through that work, she witnessed firsthand how effective communication, collaboration, and human-centered leadership allowed organizations to thrive amid complexity.

Alida's interactive keynotes and workshops, tailored to each audience, present an innovative "systems approach" with actionable strategies for individuals, teams, and organizations to flourish. As a Wharton MBA, a certified SAVI® trainer, and active Board member for the Systems-Centered® Research and Training Institute, Alida seamlessly integrates real-world expertise with cutting-edge research.

A thoughtful speaker, Alida has presented at premier events like the Boston Business Women's Conference, American Group Psychotherapy Association Annual Meeting, and the International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations. Her events provide profound insights alongside tools for meaningful change. Audiences walk away inspired to build authentic leadership and create team and organizational cultures where all can flourish.


Alida is passionate about helping clients:
- Overcome Imposter Syndrome, and claim a seat at the table with an authentic, confident executive presence.
- Build trust and reduce conflict on teams, and learn to work well with anyone - including difficult colleagues and challenging bosses
- Avoid and address burnout by identifying their core strengths, delegating and saying “no” strategically

I am willing to travel

More than 100 miles

When it comes to payments

Everything is negotiable


communication performance womens leadership team leadership career development family and career authentic leadership women in the workplace women and leadership empowering women delegating high performance teams team alignment leadership management teams imposter syndrome conflict management executive presence team communication team conflict burnout prevention burnout handling conflict how to resolve conflict with a coworker or boss workplace conflict reduction

Best Story

When I was brought in to consult with a team plagued by severe internal conflicts, the situation seemed dire. Members were at each other's throats, and the animosity had reached a point where one faction managed to get a member of the opposing group fired by twisting their words out of context. On the surface, everyone attributed the problem to personality clashes or cultural differences between the two factions.

However, my training in organizational dynamics taught me to look beyond the superficial explanations. I dug deeper and uncovered structural issues that were fueling the discord. Roles and expectations were unclear, and the distribution of authority was ambiguous. This lack of clarity was the real culprit behind the escalating tensions.

Once we addressed these underlying problems by defining roles, setting clear expectations, and establishing decision-making authority, the conflict dissipated. The team could finally work together effectively, ultimately earning national recognition for their achievements.

This is an example of how a systems perspective can be the key tool that unlocks an organization's potential.

Origin Story

Early experiences can have a profound impact on shaping who we become. For me, my passion for leadership development can be traced back to when I was just 12 years old. My dad took a new job as Sales Manager, working for a business owner named Harry, who had a remarkable talent for bringing out the best in people.

Before this job, my dad seemed stuck in a rut. His superiors didn't seem to value his opinions, prioritize his job satisfaction, or nurture his long-term growth. But Harry was different. He recognized my dad's potential and knew how to tap into his strengths.

This job was transformative for my dad. He came alive at work, channeling his newfound energy and enthusiasm into driving the company's success, doubling their revenues within just a few years. This career revitalization also had a profound impact on our family life. My dad was much more present and engaged at home, brimming with a sense of purpose and fulfillment that I had never witnessed before.

Harry's leadership style seemed to inspire that same level of commitment and pride in his entire team. Witnessing firsthand how an effective leader could cultivate such a strong sense of team spirit and drive exceptional performance was absolutely fascinating to me. I yearned to understand the art and skill behind this kind of leadership – how someone could build that level of loyalty, dedication, and commitment to quality work.

From that pivotal moment, I devoted myself to learning everything I could about what it takes to be an inspirational leader. My life's mission became using what I’ve learned to guide leaders to unlock their full potential and empower their teams to achieve extraordinary results.

Example talks

Building a Team You Can Trust

Perfect for managers and executives, this talk focuses on what it takes to build a trusted team, that produces career-changing results.

Do you struggle to get the results you want from your team?
You hand over work, but you’re never sure it will be done the way you want it. You don’t want to micromanage, but you also don’t want work that’s not up to par. So, you end up taking it back and doing it yourself, until you are overworked and overwhelmed.

Imagine how different your work life would be if you were part of teams you could trust -- with your direct reports and your peers -- where people were committed and productive, crushing deadlines and delivering promotion-worthy results. Imagine how much could be accomplished.

In this session you’ll learn:
• The 3 most important things you can do to build trust and reduce conflict on any team
• Why trying to do too much yourself is one of the WORST things you can do for your career, and what you can do instead
• How to easily increase your influence and authority without coming across as pushy or hyper-competitive

Given the pace and pressure of today's work world, you need to focus on your unique value. Having a team you count on has an enormous impact on your career, and on your day-to-day satisfaction.

Five Shifts for Leading with Confidence and Landing Your Next Promotion

Perfect for mid-career professionals and career events, this talk covers:

- A step-by-step game plan to building authentic confidence, stepping into your leadership and landing your next promotion...
- Why putting in longer hours or just “working harder” DOESN’T work, and what you can do instead to propel your career to the next level without taking on every project that comes your way...
- The exact strategies you can use to increase your influence and authority so that people listen to what you have to say and give you the respect you deserve...
- How my clients are cultivating a powerful, authentic executive presence, inspiring and motivating their teams and getting results that get them noticed.
- What it takes to deal with difficult colleagues or a challenging boss - so you can feel excited to go to work every day...
- And how to do all of this even if you aren't naturally confident or outgoing and absolutely hate playing office politics.

Speaking Engagements

TEDx Walden Pond

Three Strategies for Managing Conflict and Avoiding Burnout, 10/23/24

PMI Carolina

The Five Shifts Successful Professionals Make to Earn Recognition, Respect and Pay Raises they Deserve (without burning out), 04/25/23

American Group Psychotherapy Association

Harnessing the Conversation, 03/02/18

Ellevate Network

Building a Team You Can Trust, 02/15/18

Smith Executive Education for Women

Overworked and Overwhelmed? Delegation Can Set You Free, 12/06/17

Women in Development

How to Communicate with Difficult People to Get More of What You Want, 11/08/17

Boston Business Women Conference

Building Strong Teams, 05/17/17

International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations

Necessary Fantasy and the Politics of Disappointment , 06/01/03