Lindsay G.

Career Coach for Analytically Minded People at A Life of Options, LLC

Professional Training and Coaching

Education: Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering
Las Vegas, NV, USA


Lindsay is a Forbes award-winning career coach, international bestselling author, and speaker on a mission to help people stop doing what they think is "right" in their career and start doing what's right for them. Through her work, she assists leaders in making clear and confident decisions so they can move forward in their careers (and lives) with purpose. Lindsay loves baking complicated pastries, barbershop singing, and applying her engineering brain to helping people be DECIDED.


Helping people make incredibly confident decisions in their career that are right for them - with no waffling, second-guessing, or regret.

Helping companies retain and engage their best people in ways that feel good to everyone.

I am willing to travel

More than 100 miles

When it comes to payments

I generally get paid for speaking but make exceptions


career career coaching job satisfaction careers in tech author bestselling author

Best Story

I'm accidentally running an employee retention program. I've had so many interesting leaders come through my 3-month program (architects, lawyers, finance people, design directors, literary editors, etc) and of the ones who come to me in a job, over 50% don't end up quitting, even though they come to me at their absolute lowest. People have either learned that their job is actually a good fit for their strengths and what they need at this point in life or they know what their next step is that they're working towards and build that up while in their current job. It's fascinating to see how much a mindset shift can change our feelings about job satisfaction and I'm now teaching companies how to retain and engage their folks using my process.

Origin Story

I've fallen into every career transition I've made so far and I had zero plans to run my own business. From working as an engineer, to a technical support specialist at Google, to a career coach, I've always loved working with people and helping them distill and synthesize information to make great decisions. I love bringing my engineering brain to the question "how do we make career decisions we know we'll be happy with?" and doing it in a practical and structured way.

Example talks

From Stuck to Inspired: How to Design a Career that Fits

When you feel aimless or stagnant in your career, it’s often because you have no idea what you’re looking for. Without a clear idea of what you want to do, you focus on external measures of success, reactively wait for opportunities to come to you, and feel embarrassed that you can’t answer your manager’s question - “well, what do you want to do?”

How are you supposed to stop doing what you think is “right” in your career and start doing what’s right for you? If you’re not clear about what you want, there’s absolutely no way you can convey it to someone else.

In this talk, attendees experience practical frameworks and exercises to relieve the pressure they place on their career, assess and understand what works for them in their current role, identify actions to mold their current role into a better fit, and gain new mindsets for how to think about their long-term career.

By the end of the talk, attendees will know how to proactively cultivate opportunities that align with their needs and make decisions intentionally that are right for them.

Key takeaways:
- Relieve the pressure you place on your career
- Assess and understand what works for you in your current role
- Identify actions to mold your current role into a better fit
- Learn how to stop worrying about making the right decision and avoid getting distracted by shiny jobs that aren’t a good fit
- Gain new mindsets for how to think about your long-term career

Target Audience:
This talk has been delivered at many companies (Workday, Google, General Assembly, Bungalow, Brookfield Properties, GM, Plaid, First Round Capital, etc) and can be attended by anyone from new grads to senior leaders.

Confessions Of a Career Coach: Why Your Employees Want to Quit — And How to Fix It

How much of your regretted attrition is due to employees feeling restless and thinking the grass is greener somewhere else? You don’t even get a chance to help them out as they’re embarrassed when asked “well, what do you want to do?” and they can’t answer. They’re gone before you have an opportunity to have a conversation or help find them a better fit.

Your employees are leaving because they have no idea what they want. The good news is that there are practical ways to help people find clarity, re-engage, and thrive in their job — and most don't cost you any money! Come learn this career coach’s secrets on how to keep your people feeling engaged and fulfilled in their careers.

In this talk, I equip leaders with tools to decrease anxiety and uncertainty by giving people a clear picture of what they’re looking for in their careers. Leaders will learn what truly makes a difference when people choose to re-engage with their existing roles so they can support their employees to find roles that fit.

Key Takeaways:
- Identify the top 3 things contributing to your employees’ stress at work.
- Discover the #1 reason why employees leave a role.
- Uncover the 7 inputs necessary for someone to re-engage with their role.
- Hear numerous stories of what re-engaging looks like in practice.

Target Audience: This talk is aimed at managers, senior leaders, and HR leaders that want to understand the mindset of their employees and do everything they can to keep employees engaged and thriving. The talk will share insights on what goes through someone’s head when they consider quitting and what factors make a difference in retaining them. Leaders will gain insight into how to recruit, retain, and invest in their talent.

Right For YOU: 3 Practical Frameworks to Discover What You Really Want in Your Career

In order to design a career that fits, you ultimately need a crystal clear answer to the question “What do I want?” Not only is this a difficult and daunting question to answer at the best of times but it’s hard to take time out of your regular day-to-day schedule to reflect. In this talik, we’ll focus on three practical frameworks that allow you to structure your thinking to make progress towards knowing what you want and what’s right for you in your career.

When you think about designing a career that fits, there’s also a bigger question at play that most people miss. Yes, it’s about your career, but it’s also about what you want in your life. In this talk, we’ll pause and reflect on both aspects.

What do you want in life?
And how does work fit into that?

This talk covers three frameworks:

- Finding a Calling: “Find your calling” can be one of the least helpful, most anxiety-inducing pieces of career advice we hear. We all want to make a unique contribution that feels meaningful to us, but how do we do that? Using a framework from Tara Mohr’s book, Playing Big, attendees will gain a much more accessible understanding of what a calling is and how to cultivate it. They’ll also have a chance to identify work that has felt in line with their callings and assess how well their current work is aligned.

- Defining Impact: It can be incredibly difficult to quantify or articulate the impact that is meaningful to an individual. We’ll uncover the hidden pressure of feeling like you need to save the world and explore impact on 2 axes using a framework from Designing Your Work Life. Participants will learn from plotting the roles they’ve had so far and looking at the themes. I’ll share many ways that my clients have learned to describe the impact that is important to them using this framework.

- Aligning Your Values: Values act as an incredibly clarifying north star when designing a career that fits. Participants will be taken through an exercise to discover their values using a data-driven approach and assess how well they are being honored and prioritized currently, across work and life.

Target Audience: This can be attended by anyone from new grads to senior leaders