Julia G.

CEO & Founder at CareerAgility(r) LLC

Diversity/Women Issues

Education: Emerson College - Fielding Graduate University, M.A. Organizational Management and Development
Boston, MA, USA


Speaker, Author, Coach, Inclusion Strategist, Julia Geisman also founded CareerAgility. For the last 30 years she has been laser focused on the people side of business or as she says, the most intriguing aspect. She has a long history of working with all levels in an organization including executive leaders. Over the last 15 years, she has been attacking inequities in the workplace concentrating on inclusion. She is an entertaining and engaging speaker and storyteller who speaks extensively (and passionately) about inclusion and women owning their voice and power. Geisman has been a featured speaker at the Women In Tech Conference; Global Entrepreneurship Week; DevOps conference; professional organizations and internal ERGs; national and international conferences; numerous podcasts; and has been on panels addressing inclusion and women in the workplace. Geisman has been published multiple times in the Boston Business Journal, Lioness Magazine, and Biz Women. She’s known for her ability to provoke new thinking, leaving audiences inspired and wiser.


The relationship between the human infrastructure of organizations and their ability to adapt to today's complexities. Social justice and building a society in which everyone, has equal and equitable opportunities to thrive regardless of who they are, how they look, what they think, or where they come from.

Featured Video

I am willing to travel

More than 100 miles

When it comes to payments

Everything is negotiable


worklife integration worklife balance networking career planning personal vision career values gender equality pay equality workplace flexibility top talent gender balance salary negotiation unconscious bias pay gap gender bias gender differences organizational success executive coaching glass ceiling bias human resources balance equality talent development talent management career gender ceo founder entrepreneur entrepreneurship facilitator mentor diversity and inclusion inclusion female ceo female founder author ebooks coaching womens leadership advancing women inclusivity women of color woc ethnic diversity gender benchmarks inclusion benchmarks gender baselines inclusion baselines high potential women racial equity racial justice social justice workshop facilitator workshop facilitation hr dei behavioral expectations inclusion strategist boston womens leadership council tomorrows women today mentoring women innovation women womens advocacy advocating for women white privilege white supremacy the boston club people of color poc bipoc inclusive culture creating inclusive cultures measuirng inclusive cultures conflict management conflict resolution womens confidence building confidence impostor syndrome transforming impostor syndrome fake it till you make it emerson college fielding graduate university peer group coaching peer group mentoring career management proactive career management imposter syndrome overcoming imposter syndrome managing the imposter syndrome organizational agility datadriven solutions stereotype stereotyping stereotypical behaviors human infrastructure hybrid workplace solutions hybrid and remote working people strategies inclusive leadership keynote adaptative leadership

Best Story

When I was in my 40’s, a friend asked me if I was having a mid-life crisis to which I responded that everyday is a mid-life crisis. In other words, I am always pondering who I am and where I fit in the overall scheme of things. This led me to recognize that self-awareness is an important first step in understanding others and a vital key to success. All my speeches, presentations, workshops/webinars, coaching, and organizational solutions focus on heightening people’s awareness and inspiring them to take action.

Origin Story

I started CareerAgility out of frustration from the lack of women in leadership, the inequities people from diverse backgrounds experience, and the existing power structure that limited others’ opportunities. I was compelled to change the conversation both for companies and individuals. Companies only change when they experience financial or operational pain. Since words fall short and data never lies, data became the vehicle for provoking companies to take necessary actions to make systemic changes.

Example talks


The following is a compilation of comments received at the end of presentations and speeches:

“Julia is a fun, high energy speaker.”

“Really great session with important insight and actionable learnings. Thanks so much!”

“Thought-provoking session that challenges you to think of where you are today & where you want to be in the future.”

“Julia’s workshops not only provides engaging discussions and the tools that you can use, but actions you can take in areas where you may feel that you have opportunity to grow.”

“What I enjoyed most in learning about an inclusive mindset from Julia was that she explained it in terms and actionable steps we could think about/take in our lives. Too many webinars talk in lofty terms without getting to the ‘so what can I actually do’ part, but Julia gave me actual actions to help push myself toward an inclusive mindset and encourage others around me to also get on board.”

Sample presentations. The following are excerpts from various virtual workshops or presentations I've conducted.

Think You Suffer From Imposter Syndrome? Think Again: https://youtu.be/aP1WqPReCX4

Salary Negotiation is More Than a Paycheck: https://youtu.be/J-vaq1Lp75Y

Inclusion is More Than a Word: It's a Mindset: Inclusion is More Than a Word: It's a Mindset: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6EV-OFZofU

From No to Go: Open the Door to Unimaginable Opportunities

Few understand how much they lose by automatically saying no to people, ideas, and opportunities. Companies unwittingly protect the status quo and people stagnant personally and professionally. They miss out on the opportunities that come from fresh perspectives.

Companies experience high employee turnover (or quiet quitting), and potential loss of its competitive advancement. Individuals miss out on growing their careers, adding to their memories, opportunities, and expanding their knowledge and skills.

1. Uncover the hidden costs of the automatic "no's."
2. Develop techniques for saying “Yes” more than “No” WITHOUT learning new behaviors or skills.
3. Discuss the impact of automatically saying no on employee engagement, retention, and innovation.

1. Techniques for gently disrupting the status quo, increasing employee engagement, amplifying success, and stimulating innovation.
2. Enhanced self-awareness of self-limiting behaviors.
3. Techniques for building an empathic, psychologically safe, learning culture.

-Executives, senior leaders, managers, team leads, project managers
-HR and DEI Professionals
-Employee Resource Groups
-Professional Organizations and Conferences
-In-house learning and development workshops

-In-person workshops*
*NOTE: This can be presented as 1- or 2-hour workshop (virtual or in-person)

Your Brain's Sneaky Habits and the Expectations They Create

Step into this lively exploration of the hidden forces that shape workplace interactions and dynamics. This engaging program delves into the intriguing realm of stereotyping, uncovering its impact on behavior.

1. Delve into the origins of stereotyping, providing valuable insights into its origins and impacts.
2. Explore the neuroscientific variances in information processing, the mysteries behind unique communication styles, and how they shape expectations of others.
3. Examine some common scenarios where these communication differences manifest in the workplace, offering a rich understanding of real-world dynamics.
4.Develop practical tips to real world situations, bridging the gap between theory and practice for lasting impact.

1. Ability to discern stereotypical communication behaviors, shedding light on nuanced interactions.
2. Adapt their communication style to optimize success when engaging with others, fostering stronger connections and mutual understanding.
3. Harness the power of diverse communication patterns, leveraging them as catalysts for achieving remarkable results in various contexts.

Applicable for:
-Employee Resource Groups
-Leadership development
-Team building
-Communication effectiveness
-Inspirational speech and keynotes

-Leaders, managers, project managers
-Professional organizations
-In-house learning and development workshops

-In-person workshops*
*NOTE: This can be presented as 1- or 2-hour workshop (virtual or in-person), or 6-month in-depth coaching program

Transforming Diverse Perspectives into Opportunities

Fundamental to creating an inclusive work environment is acknowledging and accepting differences. Most people think of diversity as being such things as race, ethnicity, religion, age, gender, disabilities, and sexual orientation or preferences. It also includes diversity of thought and perspectives. This session focuses on ways to embrace differences and conflicts that may arise as healthy parts of life, using them as steppingstones to expand insights, understanding, more robust solutions to problems, and awareness of oneself and others.

AUDIENCE: Corporate leaders, managers, team leaders

Ignite, Empower, Propel: The Dynamic Mindset for Engaging, Retaining, and Innovating!

It is no secret in today’s business environment, that attracting, engaging, and retaining top talent is one of the biggest challenges companies face, regardless of its size. Despite layoffs in various industries, the competition for talent remains fierce.

While companies go to extreme lengths to create an attractive work environment, finding good people, ensuring they are fully engaged, and keeping them remains a constant problem. Even though organizations invest millions, they have achieved limited success. The solution is simpler than you think.

1. Identify the barriers to building a work environment that engages and retains employees and stimulates innovative thinking.
2. Identify seven easy to use actions that overcome these barriers.

1. Strategies for creating a work environment where employees feel valued, heard, and included.
2. Actions to stimulate innovative thinking.
3. Enhanced communication and leadership skills.

-Executives, senior leaders, managers, team leads, project managers
-HR and DEI Professionals
-Employee Resource Groups
-Professional Organizations and Conferences
-In-house learning and development workshops

-In-person workshops*
*NOTE: This can be presented as 1- or 2-hour workshop (virtual or in-person)

Harnessing the Imposter Syndrome: Releasing Your Limitless Power

We all experience attacks of imposter syndrome and the fear of being discovered as a fraud. It’s a common ailment especially for women. This session takes an innovative approach to treating this malady by viewing it as a positive.

1. Reframe imposter syndrome from a negative to a neutral experience.
2. Review some common causes of imposter syndrome.
3. Remove the fear associated with imposter syndrome.

1. An thorough understanding of the root causes of imposter syndrome.
2. A new way of seeing imposter syndrome transforming it from a negative experience to a learning opportunity.
3. Practical and actionable tips for managing imposter syndrome.

-Women at all stages in their careers
-Employee Resource Groups
-Professional Organizations and Conferences
-In-house learning and development workshops

-In-person workshops*
*NOTE: This can be presented as 1- or 2-hour workshop (virtual or in-person)

Breaking Barriers: Strategies for Advancing Beyond the Glass Ceiling

This session does a deep dive into those factors that keep the glass ceiling firmly in place. The purposes of this session are to: (1) identify the three primary factors and how they keep the glass ceiling intact; and (2) provide approaches to address these factors and mitigate their impact. Participants will leave the session with specific actions they can take to chip away at these factors until the glass ceiling is shattered once and for all.

AUDIENCE: Women at all stages of their careers

NOTE: This can be presented as a keynote, 45-minute webinar, or 2-hour workshop

CareerCapital: The Secret to Living the Life You Want

When we think about taking care of ourselves, it is usually focused on our physical or mental health. But what about our career health? Few of us think about our career as an investment portfolio. This program equips women with practical tools for living the life they want -- personally and professionally!

-Transform all life and professional experiences into stepping-stones for success.
-Increase awareness of the obstacles for achieving goals.
-Fully utilize existing resources to advance their careers.
-Increase confidence and success in asking for what they want and deserve.

-Practical tools for translating experiences into business value terminology.
-Techniques for managing existing and future obstacles to their personal and professional success.
-Approaches to maximize their current and future resources.

Applicable for:
-Career book clubs
-Employee Resource Groups
-Retaining women
-Advancing women in the workplace
-Career coaching
-Inspirational speech and keynotes

-Professional women in the early or mid-stages of their careers
-Women's conferences
-Women's professional organizations
-In-house learning and development workshops

-In-person workshops*

*NOTE: This can be presented as a, 1- or 2-hour workshop (virtual or in-person), or 6-month in-depth coaching program

Rethinking Your People Metrics: The Intersection of HR and DEI

HR and DEI programs are designed to foster employee engagement, retention, well-being, and innovation. Ultimately, their common goal is to create a positive employee perception of the company. But gathering and monitoring these metrics is complicated and time consuming. While these metrics are necessary to demonstrate the value of a strong "human" infrastructure, who has the time?

Traditionally, assessing the effectiveness of these programs rely on quantifiable sources such as headcount, hiring statistics, demographic information along with engagement, and climate survey results. While these data points are important, measuring employee perception adds subtle insights which often go unnoticed.

The key to effectively measuring inclusion lies in transforming a perception into relevant, usable data needed to measure, monitor, and quantify DEI program success. This session:

-discusses why inclusion is the DNA of an organization
-differentiates engagement surveys from perception-based assessments
-examines the components of an inclusive work environment as defined by extensive research
-provides a structure for creating perception-based assessments
-reviews sample data to demonstrate the results of this approach.

Attendees will leave this session with:
-an awareness of the importance of an integrated approach to building an inclusive work environment
-an understanding of the difference between engagement surveys and perception-based assessments for measuring inclusion
-the foundation for successfully quantifying inclusion and demonstrating a return on investment for the DEI function within an organization.

AUDIENCE: Senior leaders, CDO, DEI professionals.

NOTE: This can be presented as a keynote, 45-minute webinar, or 2-hour interactive workshop

How to Conduct Successful Inclusive Virtual Meetings

Virtual meetings are here to stay. Fundamental to facilitating successful meetings is participant engagement and alignment regardless of the platform. Conducting successful meetings is an art form; facilitating virtual meetings require applying the same meeting facilitation skills in a new way.

This program examines the tried-and-true meeting facilitation skills and adapting them to the challenges of meeting in cyberspace. Learn the elements that transform the traditional ho-hum virtual meeting into a dynamic online inclusive conversation leading to increased participant engagement, greater efficiency, clearer expectations, creative problem-solving, and innovative solutions.

AUDIENCE: Corporate managers, leaders, and project managers

NOTE: This can be presented as a keynote, 45-minute webinar, or 2-hour workshop

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 101

This program was created to expand decision-makers' understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusion in general, its impact on profitability, and how to integrate it into their business strategy. The purposes are to demonstrate the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion as a business imperative, outline the impact it has on company culture, provide a safe space for authentic conversations, and to learn from each other.

AUDIENCE: Executives and senior leaders

NOTE: This can be presented as a keynote, 45-minute presentation, or 2-hour workshop

Speaking Engagements

Women In Tech In Boston 2023

Boston, MA, USA, 10/20/22