Julie E.

CEO at Julie Ellis & Co

Entrepreneurship and startups

Education: University of Waterloo
Burlington, ON, Canada


In her early 30's, Julie was no longer waking up with enthusiasm for the workday ahead. She knew she needed a change from her corporate career.
She dreamt of her own big gorgeous goals and with that clarity, she co-founded Mabel's Labels - making personalized labels for all the stuff kids lose as they go out into the world.
The business grew wildly, and Julie became an award-winning entrepreneur, eventually selling the business to an industry giant.
At Mabel's Labels, she learned growing a business to 8-figures was easier with a group of growth-minded women around her. Now, she helps other women get connected, solve problems and grow bigger businesses, reaching their own big gorgeous goals.
Julie’s book, Big Gorgeous Goals is written for women entrepreneurs who want to step out of the small box they are in and set world domination in their sights.  In discussion with sixteen women entrepreneurs, Julie explores their stories and pairs that with how she built, grew, and sold Mabel’s Labels.  On the Figure 8 podcast, Julie has conversations with 7- and 8-figure revenue women entrepreneurs about their growth journeys


Entrepreneurship, women scaling up bigger businesses, women gathering to see all boats rising

Featured Video

Featured Book

My Podcast

I am willing to travel

More than 100 miles

When it comes to payments

I always get paid for speaking


women entrepreneurship women in business scaling growth strategic growth highgrowth companies goal setting how to come out of the shadows into the light setting and achieving goals author podcast

Best Story

I was a very successful entrepreneur, with a business known amongst moms. When we sold the business and I found myself out in the world, I struggled. My big gorgeous goals felt very far away - and I was stuck on my couch. Learn what kept me there, and how I finally got going again - embracing my big gorgeous goals and once again reaching for the stars.

Origin Story

When we founded Mabel’s Labels in 2003, we were moms who bought products based on the word of mouth recommendations from other moms. When we started our direct-to-consumer e-commerce business, we took that online, as early adopters of social media and the power it held for community. We became a well-known brand, with celebrity endorsements, and a 6-figure following on our social channels.