Jeanie is a transformation partner helping leaders and organizations align with their values, discover their core purpose, and create meaningful impact in the world.
Bringing over 25 years of experience as a CEO, consultant, leadership coach, speaker, and author, Jeanie offers knowledgeable and passionate guidance to generate powerful, effective, and strategic change on the personal and organizational level. Her clients include driven leaders, multidimensional teams, and visionary organizations who are ready to step into their greatness — but need a hand to get there.
Jeanie primarily works with C-suite leadership teams to navigate complex organization change and transition. Organizations that have benefitted from her leadership include: Fortune 100 and 500 companies, higher education institutions, and a wide range of nonprofit organizations across North America.
At the core of Jeanie’s work is the belief that we live and perform to our highest potential when we are in alignment with a powerful sense of purpose and mission. This premise is the foundation of her book, “Choosing Me: The Journey Home to My True Self” and her core speaking topics.
What I'm most passionate about in life is knowing and living my most true self and helping other women to do the same. I care about this because for each of us, there’s no one else quite like you on the planet. Not being true to who you are keeps you from sharing your unique gifts and talents in the world.
I recognize the vulnerability and bravery this kind of edge walking requires. There are consequences to being unequivocally and unapologetically YOU. I believe that nothing fosters this self-expression more fully than finding and unleashing your inner courage.
Amelia Earhart inspires me with her quote, “Use your fear. It can take you to the place where you store your courage.” I like thinking of fear as something to leverage versus to avoid. Harnessing this energy helps us move through the hesitancy or even temporary paralysis that fear can sometimes invoke. It encourages us to embrace uncertainty and recognize it as a place of creativity and possibility.
From here, we can open to self-love, break free from fabricated identities, limiting beliefs, and unhealthy relationships, and stand in our personal power.
More than 100 miles
I always get paid for speaking
I thought I knew myself.
Until about 10 years ago, I was clear. I knew my roles—wife, mother, daughter, CEO. From the outside, my life looked great. From the inside, it was really good too. So good, in fact, that I had no need to slow down and take a closer look. Why would I? It was pretty…perfect.
Then, I went to coach training, and without having any idea what was coming, I opened Pandora’s Box. This was the moment I learned about fulfillment and seriously began contemplating who I was. It had me slow down, turn inward, and reflect on: “What am I longing for?” and “What about my life would I love to be different?”.
At first, I didn’t think I was longing for anything or wanted anything to be different about my life. But these questions stirred something awake and began an unraveling. I realized I’d been telling myself stories that I loved my life and had grown to believe my own myth. Daily, I was going through the motions, as if sleepwalking. I was living into identities that I thought I had to be or that others had created for me. They weren’t entirely my own.
Once I saw this truth, I couldn’t unsee it. It sparked a journey of self-discovery that took me to, “Who am I…really?” and “What is the life I most want to live?” I began to get really honest with myself.
And when I did….I began to change things in my life.
• I got clear on my core values and looked at how aligned I was (or wasn’t) around those. This gave me direction.
• I tuned in to my inner wise woman self and let her speak. I learned she COULD speak! She guided me and gave me courage and clarity.
• I left a 25-year marriage to a man I loved, but who left me emotionally unfulfilled.
• I came out as lesbian—a growing conscious truth I could no longer hide.
• I examined important relationships in my life and set much-needed, healthy boundaries.
Step by step I began to do the deep work of addressing the real truth about myself and my life. What I saw both delighted AND terrified me.
From these changes, newfound clarity and courage helped me move through my fear—fear of not being enough or of hurting others by being who I am. It’s such an irony of life: We hide and hold back to avoid these things, but the reality is that these things are already happening because we’re not being our most true self.
When I love and claim who I am, I’m able to be the best version of myself for me and everyone else in my life.
I became an entrepreneur in 2010 because of a passion to do the work I most want to do in the world—to be a strategic thought partner and guide to leaders and organizations navigating complex change and transition. I engage in this work through the roles of executive coach, leadership development facilitator, consultant, author, and speaker. Business ownership gives me ability to exercise my range, be flexible and nimble, and collaborate freely with a team of talented, diverse partners, all in service of my clients’ needs.
This career move was seeded in my upbringing by entrepreneurial parents. My mom and dad had multiple enterprises, and I worked in those businesses while growing up. This bred a strong work ethic and ritual of service. It’s pretty much all I’ve ever known—and I love it.
Second, this step created the ideal channel, allowing me to utilize the leadership experience I’d gained in my 17-year career as a nonprofit arts administrator, culminating as CEO of a regional NC arts organization. The opportunity to serve mission-focused organizations and leaders felt aligned with who I am, what I bring, and how I can best deliver my strengths and talents.
Lastly, owning my own business deeply aligns with my core values of freedom, courage, and creative expression, coupled with natural strengths of drive, strategic focus, and possibility mindset.
MAIN POINT: In order to prioritize ourselves, choose ourselves, and live fully, we need to be thinking about, “Who Am I…really?”
KEY AUDIENCE: Mid-to-Upper level female leaders ages 40–60
Keynote: 45min – 1hr
Workshop: Half day – 2.5 day
Facilitated Group Conversation: Custom designed interactive format of blended coaching and facilitation
Knowing and living your most true self in the world requires radical honesty, starting with yourself. It's a place most people never venture. It's like opening Pandora's Box—once you crack it open, there's no going back.
This talk invites the audience members to see, r-e-a-l-l-y see who they are...not some fabricated version of themselves of who they're "supposed to be" or "required to be" in order to be enough, or to be right and proper, or to be whole. Individuals can take this leap to claiming and unleashing who they are and the world won't end. It may fall apart a bit...or even a lot...but it will restore to a new beauty, and the person to a new aliveness.
Over the course of navigating my own life and coaching hundreds of executive female leaders, I've refined a process that supports well-being and wholeness when an individual attunes to their true self.
What prompts us to our truth often begins with noticing an internal stirring that won't go away, like a deep unsettledness or dissonance. This is the queue...our body talking to us. Consciously tuning in starts the journey that then flows through five parts, ending with fully embracing one's aliveness. I'll share this process through storytelling and practical wisdom that's intended to help the audience in their own journey.
The audience is engaged in a three-part experience: it begins with an individual reflection, then flows into a small group conversation, and concludes with a full group facilitated sharing of highlights and themes.
* This talk / program is especially effective when accompanied with my bestselling book, "Choosing Me: The Journey Home to My True Self."
CONCLUSION AND TAKEAWAYS—Participants will walk away with:
- Recognition that moving forward requires slowing down
- Increased awareness of the value and importance of reflection
- Acknowledgement that fear isn't something to be avoided, but rather to be embraced and used as a path to courage
- Understanding that vision without action is merely a dream
- Realization that we're always changing and that one's truth journey is a forever journey
"Have you ever wondered what would happen it you lived out loud? Simply chose to be your true self in all circumstances? For that matter, have you ever wondered who is the true you? Jeanie offers a process for navigating your life journey and emerging on the other side, closer to living the life you most want to live." ~Denise Turner Roth, Founder, Neighborhood Nexus Development / Former GSA Administrator, Obama Administration
“Jeanie facilitated the Women’s Leadership Experience where I was a participant. This program was transformational for me, helping me address and move beyond the grip of key challenges I was dealing with, namely the Imposter Syndrome. Jeanie was beautifully vulnerable with us about her own experiences, and it gave me permission to live and speak more authentically about who I am and what I bring. It’s had a profound impact on my life and on the people around me. To see a smart, accomplished, engaging, confident woman like her be so honest and open helped me address limiting thoughts and beliefs of how I had been treating myself – out of fear of owning who I really am.” ~Bobbi Capps, Regional Vice President, Aramark
MAIN POINT: Recognize your own humanity and the humanity in others to overcome barriers that divide and build greater empathy, compassion, and connection.
Those who are open to cultivating stronger interpersonal relationships and harnessing the power that comes as a result (applies to life relationships as well as professional co-working relationships).
Keynote: 45min – 1hr
Workshop: Half day – Full day (especially effective for intact teams)
Facilitated Team Coaching: Custom designed team coaching that occurs over time
In a world that is more about recognizing difference than common ground, it's easy to forget that we are first and foremost a human with great capacity to express empathy, compassion, and kindness. The things that make us unique often become barriers to connection. This talk invites participants into a re-remembering of a human's basic needs for respect, dignity, and understanding and invites self-reflection, cultivating awareness of others and the environment, and taking resonant action.
* Depending on the format, this talk / program makes use of one or more self-assessment instruments that can be administered in advance or in the moment. Results are utilized to deepen the conversation and learning.
CONCLUSION AND TAKEAWAYS—Participants will walk away with:
- Learning to attune more acutely to one's innermost true self and to develop empathy for others (their reality, lived experience, and inherent gifts)
- Growing awareness around the biases and barriers that are typically faced in workplaces and our greater society by those who identify as LGBTQIA+
- Cultivating increased compassion, empathy, and appreciation toward others who are different than you
- Understanding the difference between neutral, ally, and advocate and how to align with resonant action
Explore defining moments over the course of your life to discover deep insights that cultivate greater self-awareness. This process helps participants see how events and catalysts both shape and reveal who they are
Mid-Career female leaders
Workshop: 2–4 hours
We often travel through our one wild and adventurous life without ever stopping to notice and reflect on how our key life events and catalysts have shaped and revealed who we are. This workshop will change that!
Participants are invited to into a journey that includes solo reflection and small group sharing to give attention to their life and how their lived experience informs their current state and aspirational future. The experience simultaneously cultivates greater self- and others-awareness that fosters courage, empathy, compassion, and appreciation.
Depending on the group and its needs, this program can take the initial exploration and evolve into content around mental models, mindset, leadership brand. Essentially, it’s a mini self-retreat with rich reflection, unfolding, and action planning!
CONCLUSION AND TAKEAWAYS—Participants will walk away with:
- Understanding the value of slowing down and noticing one’s lived experiences and what they reveal
- The ability to translate the self-discoveries into greater understanding of “Who Am I?” and leveraging these insights to show up as their most whole and true self
- Cultivating greater compassion, love, and appreciation of self and others
"I've worked together for many years co-facilitating leadership development experiences for global executives. Jeanie's facilitation style strikes the perfect balance between structured and emergent learning that drives transformative learning. When you work with her, rest assured that your program and leaders will be in the hands of a compassionate expert." ~Abigail Dunne-Moses, Former Director of Global Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, Center for Creative Leadership
MAIN POINT: Through organization change and transition, there's the change event itself (i.e. merger & acquisition, leadership turnover, funding loss) which captures the bulk of attention. But few give enough focus and care to the complex human elements of transition. When organizations realize the importance of this step, there are great gifts and opportunity to leverage.
KEY AUDIENCE: Nonprofit organizations and leaders facing significant change.
Keynote: 45min – 1hr
Workshop: Half day – 2.5 day
Facilitated Team Coaching: Custom designed interactive format of blended coaching and facilitation that occurs over time
Leading organizational change is an exceedingly broad topic. And while there are countless books, strategy consultants, and executive development workshops dedicated to this subject, few address the critical work of how leaders in real settings, with real people, navigate through the very complex and difficult times of transition.
Many organizations address the structure and mechanics of change, yet they often overlook the human elements of transition – grieving, letting go, building hope, and learning. In this program, participants will experience the “people” side of navigating significant organization change and gain understanding of a framework of the issues and competencies that contribute to effective leadership during times of transition.
*Depending on format, this talk / program makes use of the Change Style Indicator self-assessment instrument that can be administered in advance or in the moment. Results are utilized to deepen the conversation and learning.
CONCLUSION AND TAKEAWAYS—Participants will walk away with:
- Increased awareness of the range with which individuals approach and process change
- Acknowledgement and appreciation of differences
- Understanding the importance of honoring and processing endings and beginnings
- Practical tips and practices to execute when facing change and transition in their own organization and life
MAIN POINT: Prepare your nonprofit organization and its people for inevitable executive leadership transitions. Being strategic in creating a plan enables your organization to face this significant change with greater ease, intentionality, and likelihood for success.
KEY AUDIENCE: Nonprofit C-suite leaders and boards of directors
Keynote: 45min – 1hr
Workshop: Half day – 1 day
Facilitated Consultation and Team Coaching: Custom designed interactive format of blended coaching and facilitation that occurs over time
Change—sometimes surprisingly fast change—remains the one constant we can count on. Despite this, many organizations fail to prepare for the most predictable change of all: the departure of their chief executive or other key leaders.
While succession planning may sound like a daunting task, there's good news: you can complete the basics, an emergency backup plan and succession policy, in one to three months. This program provides participants with a blueprint to get started and gives an overview of systems and strategy to create a more leaderful culture in your focused on developing and maximizing your most valuable asset: your people!
CONCLUSION AND TAKEAWAYS—Participants will walk away with:
- Greater awareness of succession planning, both the risks when it's avoided and the rewards when it's embraced
- A deepened understanding of emergency backup planning and succession policy
- Proven process for conducting succession planning for both staff and board leadership
- Practical tips and resources to support their own planning
"Jeanie led our organization through a leadership assessment, succession planning, and executive search for our new Chief Executive Officer. Facilitating the transition of a longtime director, and with it an organization culture change, requires great sill and finesse. She brought a depth of knowledge and expertise to the process coupled with an interpersonal savvy to manage the complex human dynamics of change and transition." ~Lonnie Revels, Chair, Search Committee, Metrolina Association for the Blind