Kathy E.

Author, Speaker, Owner at Kathy Espinoza Speaks

Management Consulting

Education: California State University, Long Beach - University of Redlands, University of California, Riverside, California State University, Fullerton
Riverside, CA, USA


Kathy Espinoza just retired from a 20-year career with Keenan, where she presented at state and national conferences on topics covering Ergonomics, Human Resources Management, Risk Management and Safety. She consults through kathyespinoza.com with hospitals, schools and county organizations. She is a board-Certified Professional Ergonomist, with 35 years of experience. She has dual master’s degrees, one in Work Science/Physiology and an MBA. She has 92 articles published and just authored a book, "Teens with Tenacity", which helps teens deal with stress. She has spoken at over 100 conferences, state and national level.


Helping people find balance in life by putting their stress in perspective. Working with teens on stress management. Creating a workforce that values diversity and understands and respects the differences in their work associates. Using humor to get my point across when presenting. Using storytelling as an effective tool to achieve my goal. To have participants come away with one, 'do-able' action they will try after attending my session.

Featured Video

I am willing to travel

More than 100 miles

When it comes to payments

I always get paid for speaking


cancer survivor parenting teenagers stress management cultural diversity and equity mental health health and wellness work life balance generations in the workplace ergonomics raising teenagers career burnout prevention author education product management management consultant

Best Story

My daughter finished college at 22 years old and announced she was going to get a tattoo. I asked what and where? She told me it would be a small rose at the top of chest/breast area. I told her to think about it. I explained that by the time she was my age, that small little rose tattoo will be a 'long-stemmed' rose.

Origin Story

Life happens. Things happen in life, to us, to our families and that impacts us into who we are and what we become. How we each handle those things in life is what determines our future. There are some people who have had horrific things happen in their life and they come out on top. There are others who have horrific things happen and they turn to drugs, alcohol and a life set up for failure. What is the difference?
Tenacity is the ability to never give up. Tenacity allows us to believe there is something better. It gives us the strength to overcome those challenges that constantly beat us down. Tenacity gives us the grit to take a deep breath and step forward—even when we don’t want to.
I have survived 4 cancers in my life and endured 2 rounds of chemo. I have raised four children with learning disabilities, which include Tourette’s Syndrome, OCD, Dyslexia and ADD. Each of my four children have made it through college because they were taught tenacity.

Example talks

Avoiding Career Burnout

Avoiding career burnout is easier said than done. How do people stay motivated? How do working adults juggle work, relationships and kids? We each set the tone for our coworkers and family, as we interact and move through life and knowing when you are ‘out of balance’ is half the battle. This session will offer you practical tips to help you become a ‘Balanced’ person who can nurture work, career and family.

Parenting Kids With Special Needs

Having four children of my own, each born with special needs, I understand the challenge of “finding balance” in life. Balance is that point somewhere between sanity and insanity, most often bordering on insanity.
Many teachers and parents spend a large portion of their day working with children or family members who have learning disabilities and never seem to find their balance point.
Three of my children have Tourette Syndrome, two have severe dyslexia, three have OCD, and two have ADD. Raising them successfully has been a challenge.
I put all four of them through college, and they now have careers as teachers, principals, and information technology personnel.
Has it been easy? No, but there are valuable lessons I’ve learned over the past 37 years that I can share with other parents and teachers.

Working from Home Safely

Working from home sounds great! But with all great things come great challenges. This session addresses physical, mental, and environmental issues that you may encounter when working from home.

Whether working from home is a temporary solution, an occasional situation, or just your normal workplace, these resources can help make it the best possible environment. Session is provided by a Board-Certified Professional Ergonomist.

The Restless Workforce

Not since the industrial revolution have employees held this much power in the workplace. In August of 2021, employees of all generations started what’s being called the “Great Resignation.” Looking for higher pay, more rewarding work, flexibility, and work-life balance, employees have had enough. It’s predicted that we are likely to see this talent reshuffle for the next two years.

This session will help managers rethink what’s good for the business and the employees as well as reflect on their current employer-employee relationships. I will discuss the millennial tsunami making up today’s workforce and how they are influencing the job market. How can you ease the restless workforce? By learning what matters to each generation and what they want in a career.

Teens with Tenacity!

Teens with Tenacity provides teachers, counselors and administrators with important tools to help teens manage the stress in their lives and move with tenacity towards their goals.  We all wish that every teen lived in a stable home and was shown unconditional love by their caregivers but that is not always the case.
This session will look at the stress teens face today and discuss how to help them with goal setting, managing their anger and anxiety, and how to develop tenacity skills.  It will show educators how to approach teens to reflect on their choices, manage their time and strive for balance in their lives. It is important for teens themselves and the adults in their lives to never give up.

Building Relationships to Foster Innovation and Excellence

Successful workforce diversity includes contributions from different economies, communities, cultures and generations found within our workforce. To foster innovation and excellence, each generation has specific motivators, pathways to ‘buy-in’, and needs for recognition. It all starts with understanding and respecting the differences, in order to develop productive relationships.
Learning Objectives
This session will take a look at your workforce. Is everyone working ‘on the same page’? Does everyone think alike, have the same goals, and value the same things? It may surprise you to learn that different generations in the workforce have different attitudes, opinions and expectations. Participants will learn how to enhance communication and have meaningful motivators and rewards. This understanding will help foster a team culture focused on innovation and excellence in your workforce.

Cultivating Relationships in an Ever-Changing Workforce

Change is an ever-present driver at work. It might be new faces, technology, goals/structure, but it is undeniably necessary and stressful. As the workforce is comprised of 56% millennials, all employees need to adapt and overcome challenges within work relationships, methods of communications and acceptance of change.
Humans are creatures of habit and find comfort in routine. Every generation has their own strong social identities and we must learn to cultivate relationships that understand how to motivate, value and respect each other.

Beyond Work/Life Balance: From Stress Management to Self-Care

Avoiding career burnout is easier said than done. How do people stay motivated? How do working adults juggle work, relationships and kids? We each set the tone for our coworkers and family, as we interact and move through life and knowing when you are ‘out of balance’ is half the battle. This session will offer you practical tips to help you become a ‘Balanced’ person who can nurture work, career and family.
1 hour

Speaking Engagements

NASASPS 2025 Annual Conference

St. Louis, MO, USA, 04/27/25

2nd Honolulu Education Conference

Honolulu, HI, USA, 03/27/25