Brooke Shapiro is a mom of two kids under 2 and noticed parents struggling all around her. After hearing nursing mothers in the office pump room crying, she launched Sprinkles Parents, which is an organization to support families. She has worked in sales and marketing for over 15 years working on brands like J&J, Taco Bell and more After, helping over 100 family-focused companies grow she now serves over 1 million families. She continues her mission to help businesses and families thrive!
More than 100 miles
I generally get paid for speaking but make exceptions
- Told the manager pregnant and she told me I gained weight and my career was over. Told me to just ask another mom about maternity leave
- 15 hours in the hospital having second baby during Covid and my dad called and asked me to bring him Chipotle on the way home from the hospital
- Turned Drug dealing into Entrepreneurship
- I was married at 21 and so I graduated, a bridal shower, bachelorette party, wedding, and first "real job" in 6 weeks! Supported my husband 3 years communicating 2 hours each way to work.
-Marketed to moms for 10 years before becoming a mother and no idea how hard
Parents, learn to balance work responsibilities with your personal life. You will receive clear tips and tricks to succeed in both.
Learn how to reduce work guilt and avoid burnout as a parent and in the office
Gain strategies to reduce stress and figure out what you can outsource to take off your plate at work and at home
Learn how to set boundaries at work and set expectations at home with your family on what is and is not realistic with schedules
Back to school is a time of transitions with new schedules, new commutes, and general adjustments to work and families!
Discover strategies to manage your workload and set yourself up for success while navigating the busy back to school season
Gain key tips and tricks for managers and employees to encourage work/life balance this school year