Neha N.

Founder/CEO at RecruitGyan

Staffing and Recruiting

Education: University of Houston, Main Campus - University of North Texas, Health Science Center
Houston, TX, USA


Neha Naik is a dynamic entrepreneur at the helm of two leading businesses: a premier recruitment agency and an innovative data analytics firm. A member of the Forbes Business Council, her leadership and market acumen have established her as a pivotal figure in the business world.

Outside of her professional life, Neha is a devoted wife and a proud mom of two kids. She enjoys running and finds balance in her busy life through her passion for fitness.
Neha is also a distinguished speaker, having presented at TEDx and shared her insights on platforms such as NPR and Yahoo Finance.

She passionately speaks about enhancing workplace cultures and improving retention strategies, motivating HR leaders and tech companies to foster environments where talent is nurtured and innovation flourishes.


"Stop the Bleed: 5 Radical Retention Hacks"
"Why Measuring Neurodiversity in Hiring is Critical for Innovation"

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I am willing to travel

More than 100 miles

When it comes to payments

I generally get paid for speaking but make exceptions


talent acquisition talent and culture how to make human resources a profit center human resources developing talent

Best Story

I’d love to share a story about how I helped a client boost their DEI efforts by embracing neurodiversity in their hiring process.

A tech startup I was working with was struggling. They had great people but felt like something was missing—different perspectives, fresh ideas. They were committed to improving their diversity efforts but weren’t sure how to effectively include neurodivergent individuals in their team.

Seeing their potential and knowing how neurodivergent individuals can bring unique problem-solving skills, I suggested we take a closer look at their hiring process. We realized that their job descriptions and interview techniques were unintentionally excluding a lot of talented people.

So, we made some changes:

Job Descriptions: We rewrote them to highlight essential skills and strengths, rather than just traditional qualifications. This made the roles more accessible and appealing to a broader range of candidates.
Interview Process: We trained the hiring managers on how to conduct interviews that were more accommodating to different communication styles. We provided interview questions in advance and allowed candidates to respond in ways that best suited them.
Work Environment: We also looked at the work environment and made it more inclusive. This included offering flexible work arrangements, quiet spaces, and clear communication channels.
The results were amazing. The startup started attracting a more diverse pool of candidates, including several neurodivergent individuals who brought new and innovative ideas. One of these new hires even developed a unique algorithm that significantly improved the company’s main product, leading to happier customers and increased revenue.

Seeing the team come together, collaborate better, and produce more creative solutions was incredibly rewarding. The company not only advanced their DEI goals but also became more competitive in the market. Their commitment to creating an inclusive environment allowed everyone to thrive.

This experience reinforced my belief in the power of neurodiversity. It showed me that by making a few strategic changes, we can create workplaces where everyone feels valued and can contribute their best work. It’s stories like these that inspire me to continue helping companies harness the full potential of their teams.

Origin Story

I initially aspired to be a doctor, but soon realized it wasn't the right path for me. I transitioned to working at a recruitment agency, where I often had to give a large portion of my commissions to others. Determined to make a change, I started my own recruitment agency, focusing on scaling tech startups in the B2B space by hiring top technical talent. I successfully scaled my business to over seven figures and now aim to share my knowledge on retention, DEI, and scalability with associations and companies committed to hiring and nurturing talent that aligns with their values.