Nancy D.

Thought Partner at Experion Consulting

Motivational/Self Development

Education: Wellesley College - Yale University
Atlanta, GA, USA


Nancy A. Davis is a collaborative, results-driven certified executive coach, thought partner, and strategist who serves growth-oriented individuals and teams in clarifying goals, overcoming obstacles, and driving optimal results. Her co-thinkers (that’s right, she prefers to think of her clients as co-thinkers) appreciate Nancy's dynamic enthusiasm and her ability to cultivate self-awareness. Her unwavering support, thoughtful guidance, and talent for asking pivotal questions, make a powerful combo for broadening perspectives and revealing new possibilities. At every step, Nancy inspires creative solutions and enables co-thinkers to identify and achieve meaningful milestones. Her impactful STFU process (that does not stand for what you think!) ignites co-thinkers to move from feeling stuck to gaining confidence to advancing with actionable progress.


I love telling and hearing stories about how people get unstuck and move forward with intention!

Featured Video

I am willing to travel

More than 100 miles

When it comes to payments

Everything is negotiable


coaching empowering women personal empowerment personal routines mindset breaking through self limiting beliefs how tos for remote work workplace flexibility selfadvocacy being bold living authentically moderator interviewer panel facilitator panelist

Best Story

That time Oprah flew my whole family to Chicago and fixed me up with that nice little doctor in front of 20 million viewers. It did not turn out to be a love match; but it sure did snap me out of my three year funk.

Origin Story

From spilling my guts on national TV to challenging corporate norms and exploring new opportunities, my path has been filled with bold decisions and transformative growth. We all have a story, and embracing our authenticity can lead to extraordinary change. Here were a few of the aha moments that inspired me along the way.

Aha Moment #1: Lights, Camera… Snap Out of It!
In my late-20s, after a long stint as the poster child for unmitigated grief (marked by hysterical outbursts and bad decisions), I appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show and shared my personal story in front of 20 million people. At the time, it didn't feel particularly daring, but in hindsight, it was a bold and transformative moment. This experience taught me the power of vulnerability and authenticity, key traits that would define my approach, decades later, as a thought partner. For some reason, after purging my story, the universe thought it was time for me to move on and sent me my husband. I was also launching a corporate career that would prove to be a powerful springboard for the unconventional choices to come.

Aha Moment #2: Baby Makes Mama Bold
After having my first baby, I realized I needed more flexibility in my work life. I proposed a part-time, hybrid work arrangement as a director at a Fortune 500 company, a concept nearly unheard of in the late '90s. Additionally, I asked for a significant pay increase based on my contributions. This move was a game-changer, allowing me to balance my career and family life effectively.

Aha Moment #3: Get Me Out of this Cube
Several years later, shortly after returning to maternity leave with my second baby, my team was moved to a cube farm. I decided it was time to make a drastic change. I resigned and started consulting the next day, becoming an original digital nomad. I created a schedule that worked for me, took on clients I enjoyed, and spent quality time with my family. This entrepreneurial leap solidified my path towards what I like to call Fly by Night Consulting.

Aha Moment #4: C’mon Mom
I hustled as a consultant for years while I raised my children, often working closely with friends from my early corporate days. But once the kids were up and out, I was ready for change – or so my son told me as we were cleaning up from his little sister's high school graduation dinner. ("Mom, this is your time," he started. Then, more bluntly, "Enough with the damn consulting. You have to do something more creative") This time, there was no national TV appearance that spurred fresh thinking. Without much of a clue, I did a little research and headed off to Writers’ Camp in Martha’s Vineyard. By Day 2, I found myself telling the actual writers around me that I used to be a consultant and was shifting my focus to coaching.

My journey from a sad and stuck college graduate to the ultimate thought partner was marked by bold decisions, self-advocacy, and a commitment to flexibility and personal growth. Each pivotal moment reinforced the importance of authenticity, courage, and the willingness to reinvent oneself. Let's go!