Eleni A.

Business Strategist, Speaker, Money Mindset Coach, Best Selling Author at Eleni Anastos

Women Empowerment

Education: Western Michigan University - Wayne State University
Clearwater, FL, USA


Eleni Anastos is a Business Strategist, Speaker, Money Mindset Coach and Best Selling Author who has been described as an authentic and engaging speaker. Eleni helps entrepreneurs and C-Suite executives overcome money and mindset blocks through actionable content and with an uplifting attitude, so they can create the income, impact, and lifestyle they desire at any age.

A master at reinvention, Eleni turned a painful experience into an opportunity for massive growth and found a renewed life purpose creating abundance for herself, and helping clients to do the same. She has extensive experience in business development, public speaking, program coordination, personal development, education, training, and assessment while holding certifications in business, money, and life coaching.

As a featured expert on National TV, Podcasts and Streaming Networks, Eleni shares her money and mindset strategies with people around the globe. Her takes on business, money and life are chocked full of actionable content. Audiences leave feeling inspired and empowered with the knowledge and strategies necessary to make positive changes in their lives.
Eleni understands that external results only come from internal change and is passionate about helping people live their best lives, professionally and personally.


I am most passionate about helping others create new chapters (professionally and personally) that they didn't think was possible because of age or circumstance. I don't want to see anyone quit on themselves or their dreams! I believe you deserve to have a business and life that feeds your soul and your bank account.

I am also passionate and fiercely loyal to all Detroit sports teams. Thank you Mom for taking me to games when I was young and so often being by my side to cheer for our teams.

Featured Video

I am willing to travel

More than 100 miles

When it comes to payments

I generally get paid for speaking but make exceptions


business strategy money mindset career reinvention life reinvention personal development entrepreneurs executive coaching sales women empowerment virtual presentations life coach personal growth income gap goal setting education training training and development leadership income goals money career change career women business development motivational speaker inspirational

Best Story

How gratitude helped me go from $11 and 3 cans of beans to over $22,000 in one week. I had officially launched my business, but had yet to sign on a client and the funds had dwindled. While driving home on a bridge one day, my car kept stalling. I quickly became anxious and a bit scared, knowing that I only had $11 and 3 cans of beans to my name. I started and stalled my way to the closest gas station with a mechanic and dropped off my car. They called two hours later to tell me what the issue was and the cost to repair, which was over $700. When the mechanic asked if they should fix it, I said sure...without having any idea how I was going to pay. To calm myself down, I shifted my focus to gratitude and started saying out loud everything I was grateful for while pacing back and forth in my condo. This shifted my energy back from feeling desperation around money to how can I be of service and help others. I reached out to two individuals I met a couple of days prior (not knowing whether we would work together or not) and in one week, I had signed on new clients who paid in full for their coaching programs. I went from $11 and 3 cans of beans to over $22,000 in a week.

Origin Story

"One of us is wearing the wrong outfit" kept running through my mind. A traumatic event turned my world upside down and led to the end of a lengthy teaching career that I truly loved. I was in my early 50s, with no income and wondering how I could move forward in life. While I was grateful to eventually find work that paid the bills, I was still feeling a regular tug in my soul for something more. Several months into my new job, an outside consultant was brought into the office to conduct a staff training. It was bittersweet recalling how much I enjoyed the countless teacher trainings I facilitated in the past. I sat quietly observing the consultant in action. She was a friendly person and dressed impeccably, but sorely lacking in leadership and organizational skills. I could see the frustration on my colleagues faces as we all grew impatient. I recall sitting in that uncomfortable chair, arms crossed, with a "you've got to be kidding me" look on my face watching the training filled with countless missteps. I couldn't help but think, "One of us is wearing the wrong outfit." In that moment, I knew I had to make a change and thus began the path to starting my own business. I reinvented my life and decided to become a professional coach to help others create their next chapters, professionally and personally.

Example talks

Put Yourself in the Driver's Seat with Money!

Are you putting a self-imposed glass ceiling on your income? Money impacts all of us on a daily basis and touches every aspect of a business, yet many people feel disempowered, often avoiding the topic altogether. Countless entrepreneurs are underearning and settling for a lifestyle that is less than they desire. If you want a rich and rewarding relationship with your partner, children, friends or clients, don't you have to pay attention to them? So, how can you expect to have a rich and rewarding relationship with money if you don't pay attention to it? It's time to stop overdelivering and underearning.

*Learn 3 specific strategies and mindset tips that will help you cultivate an empowered relationship with money, so you can own your financial future.


Are You Sitting in the Wrong Chair?

Are the “Golden Handcuffs” keeping you from moving into another arena or starting your own business? Have you found yourself saying, "But it's all I've ever done?" We all know change is inevitable and purposeful reinvention is a vital part of navigating that change to move forward. Maybe you've faced an unexpected challenge? Maybe the passion has faded from your career? You still have a strong work ethic and the desire to be, do, or have something more, keeps crossing your mind. It may be time for a reinvention.

*Discover the 3-Step Formula for reinventing yourself (while kicking imposter syndrome to the curb) that can lead to the job or business you truly desire, to once again feel “fired up” about your future.
