Wen P.

Title: Founder, Rebel For A Spell, LLC

Professional Training and Coaching

Education: University of Brighton, England
Deerfield Beach, FL, USA


Wen has devoted her life to helping driven women come home to peace with themselves and the freedom to live life on their own terms.

She is an enlivening transformational speaker and coach, and the author of the book “Inner Child Healing”, a 2024 Finalist of the Next Generation Indie Book Awards.

After pulling herself out of a deeply traumatic childhood, Wen climbed the ranks in the banking and the corporate world, achieving financial status and positions of power, until one day she realized that wasn’t the path to the freedom she was truly seeking.

This took her on a journey across the ocean, becoming a singer-songwriter in England, where she re-discovered and remembered her life’s mission and her source of pure joy. And after reconnecting with what it feels to truly be alive, she created Rebel For A Spell to help people to pave that path for themselves.

Wen holds an MBA from the University of Brighton, England. She actively partners with charities that are dedicated to empowering teens and women.


“Letting Wen’s words into my soul has changed my life.”

That’s the type of feedback Wen receives after building resonant connections at speaking engagements, on podcasts, with her clients, mentees, and the readers of her book.

Wen loves helping others find their joy. Helping people fall wildly in love with the life-giving power and the duality of their humanness and the Source energy living within them.

Featured Video

I am willing to travel

More than 100 miles

When it comes to payments

I generally get paid for speaking but make exceptions


courage authenticity freedom and peace minimizing employee turnover resilience trust burnout mentoring healing spirituality women mental health wellbeing suicide hope personal growth leadership trauma empowerment entrepreneur abuse music relationships meditation survivor intuition energy healing story telling

Origin Story

At 10 years old, mentoring the neighborhood kids, in her home island by the sea was Wen’s normal way of life.

Her natural curiosity and affinity for mentorship compels her to meet people where they are in their life journey. As a witness to the aliveness of their inner greatness, Wen regards this connection as a sacred gift.

Her spirituality and belief in our shared humanity, seeded her courage to machete her own path to inner freedom, so that others could walk sure-footedly to theirs, including her clients; affectionately called Doves of Life. Wen is devoted to sharing the incalculable value and joy that inner freedom creates.

Example talks


As driven women, many of us have been trained to define our personal value based on the opinions of others. We talk ourselves out of making powerful decisions that pull us forward into our best life. In doing so, we inadvertently diminish our ability to receive more of what we deeply yearn for. What if you chose to play a bigger game with your joy? What would you then allow yourselves to receive? How would you live?

During this interactive session, the audience will:
• Understand the gift of unsatisfied joy
• Learn a simple, yet effective method of breaking up with power-hungry self-doubt
• Apply the Born Divinely Worthy™ system for igniting the courage to make integrous decisions


As you survey your personal story, you may be tempted to want “a-do-over”. This silent or spoken decision, challenges the quality of your relationship with yourself, as well as your professional and personal relationships. What if you realized your life makes sense? What if you could un-shame your heart? Then, how would you show up in the world?

During this interactive session, the audience will:
• Identify their dominant stance
• Understand the "Teachers of Love" living inside their humanness
• Connect with their lived experience to nourish their majesty
• Learn and apply three practices of the Joy Propelling System™ for coming home to peace with themselves


Healing our relationship with money, ripens the dignity within us. It reminds us that what we want matters, and the way in which we receive what we desire, is vital to our personal value. In the natural course of our growth journey, we sometimes subscribe to an established equation of prosperity. In so doing, we sacrifice ourselves and betray our intuition. What if we could reconnect with our inner wisdom? What if we unguarded our true desires? Who would we become?

During this interactive session, the audience will:
• Gain an increased awareness of sneaky money-judgment
• Review the Me-Love-Boogie™ principles of masterfully heal your money-relationship
• Apply three money healing practices to help transform your money-body-coherence


Many companies struggle with the high cost of attrition, and the inherent disruption it brings. As more and more employees exercise their preference to invest their skills with better aligned organizations, some companies have accepted attrition as the cost of doing business. Could innovating the traditional business mentorship program offer a viable two-way solution? Could this “employee reinvestment plan” be the conduit for growth, enhanced leadership and comradery that revitalizes the workplace culture?

During this interactive session, the audience will:
• Assess their career advancement strategy
• Discover the value of innovative mentorship
• Identify the savings and long-term rewards of innovative mentorship
• Learn the power of co-creating trusted spaces


Many teenagers experience rapid changes that often make them feel different, wobbling their self-confidence. What if these young innovators recognized the power of their incubating brilliance?

During this interactive session, the audience will:
• Identify the hidden treasures of caring deeply for themselves
• Understand the power of their “Gladiator of Grace” story
• Learn the benefits of creating authentic self-connections
• Apply three practices that elevates self-trust and ignites self-value