Treva G.

CEO & Founder at Bloom Personal Branding

Women Empowerment

Education: Bachelor of Arts - Business Management - University of Sioux Falls - Master of Arts - Communication Science - University of South Dakota
Spencer, IA, USA


Treva Graves is a global personal brand expert and “confidence crusader” fostering self-empowerment and personal development to transform lives. Her expertise focuses on shifting people’s mindset from “I can’t” to “I can.” After facing a childhood trauma, she forced herself to overcome challenges of self-doubt and low self-worth and created strategies that would rewrite her identity and purpose. This led Treva to write her book, “Self Doubt Detox – 5 Steps to Beat Your Bully and Bloom Confidence which became a best seller on Amazon. In her book, Treva shares how she turned her deepest pain into her biggest mission.

As a coach, national speaker and founder of Bloom Personal Branding, she has empowered business and sales professionals, leaders, coaches, speakers, and politicians to embrace their authentic selves and share their uniqueness through building influential and credible personal brands. Treva shares her thought leadership through writing as an Executive Contributor for Brainz Magazine. Her articles and captivating presentations instill confidence and ignite positive change, particularly among women who draw strength from her empowering messages. Treva is a certified confidence coach through the American Confidence Institute and is dedicated to guiding people to unleash their full potential passionately advocating for confidence in everyone.


My passion is to awaken the confidence inside of you and build your personal brand that reflects your true potential to live the life you want. If your "bullies" are blocking you from doing the things you want to do, I'll show you how to quiet the inner critic and turn up the cheerleader inside of you and regain your power to be confident, bold and brave!

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I am willing to travel

More than 100 miles

When it comes to payments

I generally get paid for speaking but make exceptions


confidence neuroscience of confidence personal branding personal empowerment women entrepreneurship womens leadership women in business personal development imposter syndrome overcoming imposter syndrome selfdevelopment authentic leadership gratitude speaking with confidence believing in yourself overcoming selfdoubts diversity and inclusion bestselling author mastering your mindset positivity woman ceo leadership society for human resource management human resources building confidence overcome being bullied self love professional speaker training building a professional brand online women in sales sales training women in tech women in the workplace personal branding for executives conference speaker motivational speaker keynote speaker inspirational speaker engaging public speaker business etiquette dining etiquette etiquette expert image consulting professional image image consulting workshops image soft skills dress for success communication skills

Best Story

While autographing copies of my book following a presentation at a conference, a woman approached me. She revealed that she had been following my journey on social media for years but had never formally introduced herself. Learning that I would be speaking in her city about overcoming self-doubt and fostering confidence, she eagerly secured a ticket to hear my message firsthand. She expressed how my stories and eventual triumphs had inspired her to instigate positive changes in her own life. Through my influence, she found the courage to pursue her aspirations and now feels immensely fulfilled. That made my day!

Origin Story

I’m often described as someone with big dreams, a warm personality, a touch of sophistication, and a whole lot of passion for what I do—and I couldn’t be prouder of that! But let me tell you, those qualities didn’t come easy.

After facing some tough times in my childhood, I found myself battling with self-doubt and insecurity well into my young adult life. It was like wrestling with “confidence bullies” that just wouldn’t quit. But I refused to let those doubts define me.

I chased perfection for a while, thinking it was the key to happiness. Turns out, it wasn’t sustainable. It took some soul-searching and a helping hand from a mentor and coach (back when coaching wasn’t all the rage) for me to realize that confidence is something you can actually learn and nurture—it’s like a muscle you strengthen over time.

On this rollercoaster ride of self-discovery, I had an epiphany: when I started embracing my own power, those bullies lost their grip, and I emerged stronger and happier. It was a game-changer, teaching me that confidence is the secret sauce for success.

That’s why I founded BLOOM Personal Branding in 2013 and created my special coaching approach—to share the wisdom and support I received with others. I’m on a mission to help folks like you build confidence and shape a personal brand that’s as unique as you are.

So, if you’re ready to uncover your true self, kickstart a business, or step up into leadership roles, I’m here to be your coach, speaker or guide. Whether you need a gentle push or a deep heart-to-heart, I’ve got your back!

Example talks

Master Your Confidence - Science Backed Strategies for Success

Are You Ready to Master your Confidence Right Now?

Treva is a certified confidence coach with the American Confidence Institute where she will guide you to embark on a confidence building transformative journey. In this keynote or workshop, she explores a diverse array of topics delving into the intricacies of brain science and unveiling social secrets, all aimed at fostering genuine confidence immediately! Discover effective strategies to conquer fear, navigate failure, and overcome rejection, yielding life-altering outcomes. Through dynamic discussions and interactive exercises, Treva guides you through a presentation grounded in evidence, providing a holistic understanding of the elements contributing to authentic confidence.

Key Insights Encompass:

Uncover the scientific underpinnings of confidence and its impact on personal development.
Recognize and overcome prevalent misconceptions surrounding confidence.
Proactively manage confidence-challenging scenarios to remain composed and in control.
Authentically convey credibility and trust, amplifying your influence and impact.
Master the art of projecting confidence through body language, vocal tone, and speech.
Mitigate stress associated with indecision and overwhelm, fostering increased energy and engagement.
Gain profound insights into the roles of mindset, resilience, and positive self-talk.
Craft an actionable plan for integrating newfound confidence into real-world scenarios.

Keynote - 60 or 90 minutes
Workshop - Customizable for each audience and event, with options for 2, 3, or 1/2 day durations.

Who thought brain science could be so much fun! Get ready to elevate your confidence soar to new heights!

Rethinking Imposter Syndrome

Why Capable People Feel Like Impostors and What to Do About It

Millions of people — CEOs and entry-level professionals, university students & faculty, PhDs, artists as well as lawyers, physicians & engineers — secretly worry they’re not as smart or talented as other people “think” they are. It’s called impostor syndrome and it leads to costly impacts & consequences for both individuals and their organization. Fortunately, there is a solution. You don’t have to identify with impostor syndrome to benefit from this session, however, if you lead, manage, mentor, train, or parent others, you need to understand it.

In This Up Beat Session, You Will –

Understand what impostor syndrome is – and is not
Discover the situational, societal, occupational, and familial reasons why fully capable people feel like frauds
Understand how impostor syndrome intersects with diversity and inclusion – and why it matters
Identify your personal “Competence Type”
Recognize the individual and organizational costs of impostor syndrome
Leave with practical, immediately usable strategies to help yourself and/or those you manage, mentor, or parent to address impostor syndrome and learn to become instead, a Humble Realist™

Treva is a licensed associate of the Imposter Syndrome Institute and personally trained with Dr. Valerie Young - the world's leader and global expert on imposter syndrome. This is an excellent presentation for learning more about diversity and inclusion.

Keynote - 60 or 90 minutes
Workshop - 2 or 3 hours

Personal Branding for Leadership - Trends You Need to Know Now

82% of all Americans agree that “companies are more influential if their executives have a personal brand they know and follow.

Just as fashion evolves with new trends, personal branding undergoes its own transformations. While some elements remain timeless—such as understanding the problem you solve, your uniqueness, and your target audience—there are always fresh perspectives emerging that challenge entrepreneurs and leaders to stay agile.

In this dynamic keynote, we’ll delve into the latest trends shaping personal branding and why staying informed about them is crucial for standing out in today’s fast-paced, competitive landscape. Brace yourself—it’s not what you might expect!

Your brand personas wield significant influence over whether people trust you, follow you, hire you, or buy from you. It’s all about authentically sharing your unique story.

Here’s what you’ll take away from this keynote:

Gain insights into current trends in personal branding and understand how your customers and clients leverage them in decision-making.
Differentiate between personal image and personal brand to craft a more authentic representation of yourself.
Develop greater self-awareness and authenticity in your interactions and conversations.
Recognize the role of emotion in building a distinctive brand that resonates with your audience.
Define what you aspire to be known for and cultivate that image effectively.
Learn strategies for coaching your team members and employees based on your brand personas.
Craft your brand message and personal brand statement to communicate your essence effectively.
Join us as we explore the ever-evolving landscape of personal branding and equip you with the tools and insights needed to navigate it successfully. It’s time to make your mark in the world, and we’re here to help you do just that.

Keynote - 60 minutes
Workshop - 2, 3 or 1/2 day

Self-Doubt Detox - Stop the Bully and Start Believin'

Confidence bullies permeate our lives in various guises, from individuals to challenges, impostors, or even addictive behaviors. Treva will recount her personal battles with these “bullies” from childhood through young adulthood, revealing how they can profoundly impact self-confidence. Her journey serves as an inspiration, urging you to confront and conquer your own bullies, reclaiming your power and nurturing self-belief. Treva offers insights into her acclaimed BLOOM methodology, which empowered her to find her voice and worth, fostering daily self-confidence.

Key Insights:

Explore the diverse manifestations of “confidence bullies” and their influence on you.
Cultivate intention by recognizing and accepting your bullies.
Foster a positive mindset through the initial step of self-belief.
Embrace a framework to silence impostors, reclaim your power, and thrive.
Discover Treva’s proven 5-step BLOOM methodology: Believe, Love, Opportunity, Observation, Mentorship, initiating your transformative journey today.

Treva's best selling book - Self-Doubt Detox - 5 Steps to Beat Your Bully & Bloom Confidence is available on Amazon.

Keynote - 60 minutes