Terri Ann H.

owner at Natural Forces Studio, LLC

Public Speaking/Storytelling

Education: Ohio University - Fine Arts BFA - Sanctuary Ministry - NYC
Birmingham, AL, USA


Rev. Terri Ann Heiman, speaker, podcaster, spiritual counselor, Reiki Master teacher, and soul reader, empowers women in crisis, helping them through transitions to regain their confidence and trust their inner guidance.

Rev. Heiman has been interviewed on ABC and published in Reiki News Magazine several times. Her book, "Confessions of a Shower Tapper—The Ultimate Guide to Living Your Purpose with EFT," is available on Amazon. She’s the host of the podcast The Empowered Spirit Show, where she explores the connection to the human Spirit in a way that helps you navigate your life, including crises. Rev. Heiman offers online classes, private mentoring, and healing sessions.

Audiences leave her engagements feeling inspired and empowered to make changes and move forward in their life.


Empowering women to take control of their energy, health, and wellness. My superpower is seeing the strengths of others that they cannot see in themselves. I advocate for women to stand up for themselves.

My greatest purpose now is to help guide you back to your spirit, no matter how stuck or big the block may be. It’s not your typical talk therapy that I am using. It’s energy psychology.

Featured Video

I am willing to travel

More than 100 miles

When it comes to payments

I generally get paid for speaking but make exceptions


mindfullness meditation yoga and meditation spirituality entrepreneurship inspirational life transitions grief in the workplace divorce recovery life after divorce developing intuition monetizing energy workshop facilitation keynote speaker shapeshifting health wellness wellness at work empowering women women entrepreneurship womens health women in business healing arts reiki master emotional healing emotional freedom technique overcoming overwhelm productivity presence mindset healing podcasts author self publishing shamanism event host integrative cancer care overcoming anxiety anxiety in workplace storytelling cancer integrated thinkng self worth self worth from the inside out hospice palliative care end of life integrative medicine death reiki emotional wellness life coachreiki

Best Story

My work in the Healing Arts began by making jewelry with crystals and stones. My jewelry was sold in high end boutiques in NYC and the Hamptons. My hands were blessed by Shamans for my beading work in making sacred objects. Without even knowing it, those same blessings led to my first Spiritual teacher after my husband of 13 years announced he was in love with another woman.

In that moment of announcement, the universe stood still as I heard myself ask.. who was I.
Who had I been listening to? Not me. Not my spirit. Those thoughts changed my life…

The path I’d been on came to an abrupt end in the matter of a few minutes. My partner, my soulmate, the man I thought I’d spend the rest of my life with been having an affair with a woman at his office. I couldn’t believe it was happening to me. Where had I been? Who had I been listening to? Not myself. Not my spirit. Where was I? WHO was I?

I found myself lost. Afraid. And in need of major help. I had two small children that needed me. I knew somehow I had to not only survive but also dig deep inside and find my courage to move forward. I went to several talk therapists. That helped get the issues up front, but I still wasn’t reaching deep enough. I was so stuck in my own fear, I didn’t know how I was going to pull out of this. I was alone, scared and crying every day.

Once I met my spiritual teacher, the guidance came pouring in. I started removing the blocks and let the past go. I learned about my empathic nature and my Intuitive gifts that had also been buried underneath it all.

I went deep within and found that force inside. My spirit wasn’t just there…it was screaming to come alive and find its way back into my life.

You see, everything is energy. It’s just that some things are denser than others… like pain, fear, and suffering which are root causes of our suffering

Origin Story

My greatest purpose is to help guide you back to your spirit, no matter how stuck you are or how big the block may be. I am not using your typical talk therapy—it’s energy therapy.
Energy is the root of our existence. It’s the force within us that propels us each and every day. It’s the divine universal life force that gets to the very root of the blocks that hold us captive to our past.

From that very first moment of tapping into my spirit back in the 90s, I knew my entire life had shifted. That whole experience (and many more since) have brought me to where I am today, more than able to help others make this same kind of shift. I changed my life, my friends, my calling. I went back to school. I studied Healing Arts and Interfaith Spiritual Counseling. I learned I had many gifts to be of service to others. I created a new life for myself and my children.

I not only survived, I thrived. I raised my children and supported them all the way through college. Now they are both out of school and living their paths, and doing quite well, I might add.

I have acquired many tools like Reiki/Energy Healings, Akashic Readings, Crystal and Color Therapies, Intuitive Development, The Tarot, Emotional Freedom Technique and Spiritual Counseling. I’m here to offer you these tools so that you too, can empower your Spirit to move through the transitions that life has offered you.

I am here to help you find your Spirit and dig deep into your soul. I'm here to help you come out from underneath it all and make that transition back to your life, standing strong in who you are ...ENERGETICALLY… through change.

Example talks

ShapeShifting- Building Body confidence to Show up on Strong on the Stage.

Building Body Confidence in How you Show up on Stage.
Does your self-esteem drop when getting dressed for your speaking engagement?
When you are trying to show up on stage, low confidence can significantly impact your performance.
Are you affected by:

Nervousness: Low confidence can make you feel more nervous and anxious about being on stage. This can lead to shaky hands, a trembling voice, or difficulty remembering what you want to say.
Lack of presence: Confidence plays a crucial role in commanding the attention of the audience. When you lack confidence, it can be challenging to project your voice, maintain eye contact, or engage with the audience effectively.
Negative self-talk: Low confidence often leads to negative self-talk, where you may doubt your abilities or fear making mistakes. This negative mindset can further undermine your performance and prevent you from fully showcasing your skills.
Limited expression: Confidence allows you to express yourself freely and authentically. When your confidence is low, you may hold back, speak softly, or struggle to convey your message with conviction and passion.
Reduced audience connection: Confidence helps in establishing a connection with the audience. When you lack confidence, it becomes harder to connect with the audience on an emotional level, making it challenging to captivate and engage them.
It's important to note that building confidence takes time and practice. Strategies such as positive self-affirmation, visualization, and seeking constructive feedback can help boost your confidence and improve your stage presence. Remember, everyone experiences moments of self-doubt, but with perseverance and self-belief, you can overcome them and shine on stage.

Working with the emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual layers of the body can help you to rewire your brain in who you show up.

Monetize your Energy

What is that "evil archetype" that drains your energy?
Is it the "people pleaser", the "martyr", the "wander soul", or the "saboteur"?
Living in old patterns, coping with outdated ways of being, and thinking the same thoughts over and over drains one's energy.
It isn't serving you.
Old habits keep you in your comfort zone. They are why you walk around feeling stressed, anxious, and fearful to move forward. They’re why you are having trouble trusting new decisions and making new choices about your life.
These habits keep you from being present and enjoying your life.
It's time to stop the leaks and shine some light so that you can Monetize your Energy and uplevel your life and business.