Dr. Erin O.

CEO at The Higher Life


Education: University of Nevada
Reno, NV, USA


Dr. Erin Oksol is a highly sought-after international speaker, corporate trainer, and high performance psychologist, inspiring thousands with her motivational and action-oriented keynotes, seminars, and events.

Named one of the 125 global leaders to follow by SUCCESS magazine, Dr. Erin is not just any expert, she's "The Success Psychologist." Dr. Erin consults with and mentors C-suite executives, leaders, sales managers, high-performing teams, and success-driven entrepreneurs. She has mentored top leaders at Facebook, Microsoft, Country Financial, and Nokia, to name a few.

With over 20 years experience and 17,000 clinical hours as a licensed clinical psychologist, she is an expert in the human condition and knowing how to create transformational change. She trained for 4 years under the mentorship of Brendon Burchard, the world’s top high performance coach (Oprah’s coach, too!).

Her #1 best-selling book “Mind Your Own Business” curates 30+ years of cutting-edge neuroscience and mindset research, and offers practical strategies to transform individuals and teams into high-performing powerhouses.

Every business needs an OPTMIZER. When you hire Dr. Erin you get a psychologist, business strategist, high-performance mentor, sales trainer, and professional speaker ALL IN ONE! With her exact pathways to elevate thinking, feeling, and execution, Dr. Erin is here to help you and your organization THRIVE.

A great speaker has the power to motivate and inspire their audience. Dr. Erin shares success stories, offers practical advice, and provides valuable insights that will energize your team, and boost their morale, productivity, engagement, and performance. Her audiences learn about cutting-edge neuroscience, the psychology of success, the mindset and habits of high performers, and the practical strategies to transform their teams’ psychology, performance, and growth.

“Your next level may not be UP. It may be IN. Everything you have ever wanted is on the other side of creating a healthy relationship with your mind.” The pathway to achieving greatness exists inside of you. Let Dr Erin, The Success Psychologist, show you HOW!


As a psychologist, my expertise is helping you train your brain for unstoppable success. As a high performance expert, my superpower is helping you get whatever you want...FAST.

I am here to help you understand the Psychology of Success. Because when you transform your mind, you will transform your life.

The journey to MORE is not an external one, it is an internal one. It is a journey WITHIN.

And sometimes, your next level isn't UP, it is IN.

Together we will ELEVATE your:
confidence - success - mental toughness
income - influence - impact - sales
health - happiness - joy - relationships

It's not magic, it's science...and I'm obsessed with it.

The pathway to achieving everything you have always desired exists inside of you. Let me show you HOW.

Featured Video

I am willing to travel

More than 100 miles

When it comes to payments

I generally get paid for speaking but make exceptions


leadership psychology sales sales performance mindset success mindset high performance high performance teams csuite leadership team leadership bestselling author author keynote speaker keynote training and development sales training leadership team effectiveness effective change expert panels moderating or participating panelist panels podcasts business success success in life performance improvement heightened and sustained levels of performance executive coaching leadership development strategic planning change management corporate training facillitator consultant management consultant corporate trainer conference speaker

Best Story

Years ago, while visiting my friend’s cabin at Lake Tahoe, my young son looked through her telescope, all the way across the lake, spotted a boat, and exclaimed, “I see humans!”.
It dawned on me then and there how I became the professional saleswoman in Nevada just one year after launching my coaching, consulting, and speaking business.

I pulled out my paper calendar and realized I had gone on 213 coffee dates in the first year of business. Those coffee dates led to my award. Those coffee dates were my growth accelerator. You see, on those coffee dates I did what any great psychologist would do—I listened…way more than I spoke. I brought contagious enthusiasm and generous curiosity. I was interested, not interesting. And my superpower of “seeing the humans” created meaningful connections and supercharged my business.

Every future of work report shares the same trends. More than ever, the modern-day employee wants to be heard, seen, listened to, valued and celebrated at work. But these reports do not explain or teach HOW.

Leaders and HR professionals want and need to know HOW to implement the soft skills that move the needle the most in employee satisfaction, engagement, performance, and retention.

Who better to teach these soft skills than a psychologist? I am “The Success Psychologist”, and I “see humans” for a living. When humans are seen, they feel comfortable being themselves. And they thrive.

The future of work is HUMAN. I believe the greatest ROI businesses will ever experience is through investing in their human capital. When you transform the humans in your business, you transform your business. When you BUILD your humans, you BUILD your business. Every business needs an OPTIMIZER. With my exact pathways to elevate thinking, feeling, and execution, I am here to help you and your organization THRIVE.
Write to DrErin Oksol

Origin Story

My mission is to set the captives free.

This mission was born from my own struggles of feeling tapped—trapped by my own limiting beliefs and worldviews.

I had a hole in my soul, that I tried to fill with achievements, the opinions of others, food, alcohol, and overspending. My obsession with pleasing, perfecting, proving, and performing led me to great suffering. It led me to my emotional, spiritual, physical, and financial rock bottom.

And it also led me here.
To you.
To this work. 

My greatest prayer has been, “God, don’t let me waste my suffering.”
Once I learned how to change my own life, I decided to help others transform.
Helping others find true happiness is not only my greatest gift, it is my greatest joy. 

Having done “the work”, I am now on mission to set the captives FREE--from unworthiness, self-doubt, and perfectionism. 

I believe you can have it all. 

I believe bliss is your birthright.

I believe abundance is chasing you. 

I believe your worthiness is not up for grabs.