Mary Gaul, owner of 2 businesses for over 10 years, a speaker and author of 2 books, is a certified business coach who guides entrepreneurs to find practical solutions and new ideas for growth and success. She helps them to see the big picture, prioritize goals and strategies, and helps hold them accountable – while having some fun and building joyful profits!
The Power of Celebration for Entrepreneurs and Creating Joyful Profits for Your Small Business
More than 100 miles
Everything is negotiable
When I one of my sisters died suddenly, we went to her house later that morning and I saw her to-do list on her kitchen counter. It struck me that we are all going to die with stuff on our to-do list. That's when this question popped into my head: Why don't we create a things to celebrate list?
I go on to show examples of what ways a celebration checklist can help eliminate stress, burnout and be used as motivation and encouragement. Explaining that celebration can be expressed in big AND small ways every day. The audience loves the practical tools.
When Mary Gaul took the leap, leaving her comfy corporate job, she thought she knew what her biggest struggle would be - creating a healthy paycheck from scratch. But she was soon shocked to discover that her biggest hurdle was actually not the lack of dollars, but the lack of hours, having quality time off, and finding both freedom and fulfillment. She became obsessed with discovering the keys to a thriving small business, and she’s spent the last 10 years creating a suite of products that help new and advanced entrepreneurs transform their best ideas into businesses that work for them, while keeping them connected to what they love the most.
She is amazed at how these principles and simplifying systems have allowed her to deeply enjoy her life, to help raise her 2 girls, to publish 2 books and co-author 2 more, to become a hands off owner of her first business and grow a second one, and to volunteer with the Colorado1000, and the Alzheimer’s Association for the past 8 years now. AND indulging her part time mermaid genes while hosting On The Water Networking groups during the summer. This is the life Mary dreamt of when she left her 9-to-5 job, and she’s going to share with us today one of her very best tools to making it a reality.