Courageous F.

Social Entrepreneur/Empowerment Speaker at Courageous Fire, LLC

Motivational/Self Development

Des Moines, IA, USA


I am a Black woman who survived domestic violence. I decided I wanted to embody the anti-type of what people typically think of us while modeling hope, empowerment, and living better after.


Domestic violence survivors and co-survivors getting their abuse reparations!

Featured Video

I am willing to travel

More than 100 miles

When it comes to payments

I always get paid for speaking


empowerment domestic violence black women women health and wellness inspiration motivation mature women urban poetry singing music beauty abuse reparations courage brave tedx sexual assault domestic violence and or sexual assault female empowerment personal health and wellness health wellness family family relationships author authors audiobook biogaraphy and autobiography parenting and sibling issues sibling bonding and placement sibling caregiver prevention and public health racial equity

Best Story

I lost my mother earlier this year. She was my last living parent, and both my parents were abusive. While grieving the loss, I discovered I had never centered my needs as the sibling of the child sexual assault survivor, and that I needed to validate myself while validating others. I'm a single mother and entrepreneur so not much time of mine is my own! However, I truly believe in prioritizing wellness of my personal vessel first. While my daughters spent 1 week away, I wrote and published my 1st book in my autobiographical series called "This is for the Other Child: The forgotten sibling in families of child sexual assault"! You can get this book on in every format, but the audiobook is the coup de gras for maximum engagement in this riveting story! I LOVE empowering myself while I empower others!

Origin Story

My story of intentionally empowering others started back in 2012 or 2013. I was deep in the throes of domestic violence but didn't know it. What I did know is that I needed to be able to take things I was discovering about improving yourself, encourating yourself, motivating yourself, and empowering yourself, share that knowledge with others, see its impact on others' lives, and hear from them how their lives changed for the better after our exchange. From that moment on, I was sold! It filled a longing I had in me for the connection of others. People have told me how they see me in one empowering exchange after another and have asked how I 'get to that so much'. I have said time and time again, "I go LOOKING for it".

Example talks

How do you get back to the dream space?

Are you soul tired? Not the type of tired that can be fixed with a nap or even several days of consecutive sleep, but tired deep in your soul? You are missing your dream space, Beloved. Settle down and remember how to ... DREAM. Therein you find REST.

Why ALL Leaders Gotta Have A Robust Mufasa Speech

If you've seen this movie, you LOVED the part of The Lion King where Simba remembers Mufasa's voice from the ancestor plane. There's a reason why you loved it, why it's powerful, and why it's essential for sustainability for ALL leaders.


These talks inspire the audience to give themselves permission of some type - such as permission to say no, permission set boundaries, permission to do something different. The great thing about these talks is they can be tailored to the event or audience!

What is REAL self care?

REAL self care is something that is accessible when you need it, whether or not you're by yourself or with others, something that works on collective and individual stressors, and something that actually relieves stress. This isn't your take-yourself-to-a-spa-day self care. Learn how to know what you need and figure out sustainable solutions.

Where'd your money go?

Employers lose a lot to domestic violence (DV), especially money. Loss of productivity, absenteeism, higher health insurance costs, and talent retention / new employee training costs billions of dollars per year. Learn how to use the resources you alread;y have to insulate your organization against DV.

How to be a disruptor

Domestic violence homicide doesn't just happen. It has very distinct and identifiable stages. If you can identify it, you can disrupt it. Great for the following audiences: law enforcement, justice system, healthcare system, and child protective services sytem.