Elaine Belson has 30 years combined clinical, military, political and teaching experience. She has worked in a variety of settings, including private practice, community agencies, hospitals, and combat zones. At the age of 42, Ms. Belson joined the US Army as a Social Work Officer, handling domestic violence cases and running an anger management group for Soldiers at Fort Bragg, NC. From 2009-2010, she deployed to Afghanistan, providing clinical services to Soldiers, and serving as Executive Officer (XO) for Medical Command in Afghanistan. She has served on advisory boards for Charles County, Maryland Public Schools, Social Services and Womens Health Center, and taught at the College of Southern Maryland. Ms. Belson has held several legislative positions in Washington, DC. She has a podcast and newsletter that looks at psychology in politics.
Embrace Your Humanity! This is my overall philosophy. It refers to the way you were meant to live your life. Human beings have innate abilities to make good decisions and achieve self-acceptance. Positive and practical, this approach empowers people to resolve their problems using insight, problem-solving and coping skills.
Up to 100 miles
Everything is negotiable
I call this my "Bed, Bath & Beyond moment." Coming out of the store, I caught myself second-guessing a conversation - afraid if I didn't, I would repeat a behavior that would lead to rejection and/or failure. The rationale was, "I can't just be myself. I'm not good enough the way that I am." That's when I realized negative thinking is not a reflection of low self-esteem. It's a coping mechanism for fear of rejection and failure. Don't argue with the bully in your head. Instead, ask yourself, "What am I feeling, where is it coming from, and what's in my control?"
I have always followed my passion, which has led to a variety of rich experiences: theatre actor, sewing business, children's book writing, teaching, legislative positions, US Army. Sometimes the lessons were painful, but they make great stories! I've learned that true passion is being able to get up every day and look forward to what you're doing.