Julie T.

Naturopathic Doctor, Author and Researcher at Silicon Valley Natural Health

Medical Practice

Education: University of Redlands - University of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine. University of Bridgeport Acupuncture Institute. University of Bridgeport Nutrition Institute. Five Branches University
San Jose, CA, USA


Dr. Julie Tran-Olive is a guest speaker, podcast guest, webinar host and international best-selling author. Her clinical background as a doctor and researcher in naturopathic medicine, combined with her genuine care for her patients, positions her as an insightful speaker in the realm of women’s health and beyond.

Dr. Tran-Olive has a doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine and three master’s degrees; two from the University of Bridgeport—one in Human Nutrition and one in Acupuncture; and one from Five Branches University, which is a master’s in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

She has been featured in the Women Who Boss Up Summit, on the Extraordinary Asian Podcast, the Writers on Writers over a Triple Espresso Podcast, the Women with Vision Podcast and many others. She has also recently been honored by Health 2.0 with the Outstanding Leadership in Health Care Award in 2023. Her award-winning international #1 Amazon best-seller is “Asian Women Trailblazers Who Boss Up.”

Her newest book is “Acupuncture Awakenings,” which explores the various ways that acupuncture may promote good health and potentially benefit pain relief, reduce stress, improve digestion, enhance fertility and help maintain overall health and well-being. To contact her for a speaking engagement or interview, email drjulie@svnaturalhealth.com.


I am a passionate advocate for women’s health and wellness through alternative and naturopathic medicine, driven by my own journey of overcoming self-image challenges. My multifaceted expertise as a naturopathic doctor and acupuncturist reflects my commitment to empowering individuals of all sizes on their journey to health and self-confidence.

My mission extends beyond individual wellness and encouraging patients to advocate for their own healthcare. I also encourage female business owners, to recognize and value their worth without undercharging their services. Having navigated personal body-image challenges in the face of familial criticism, I understand the power of embracing self-worth and value, and how much it can transform an individual.

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I am willing to travel

More than 100 miles

When it comes to payments

I sometimes get paid for speaking


author bestselling author female business owners women in business female founder teacher researcher clinician educator guest speaker podcast guest naturopathy acupuncture fertility health at every size haes dei aanp body acceptance body positivity selfadvocacy selfimage selfworth self confidence women empowerment womens health healthcare wellbeing wellness alternative medicine integrative medicine eastern medicine traditional chinese medicine holistic healthcare food as medicine preventative healthcare patient advocate nutrition selfcare mindfulness inclusive lifestyle

Best Story

I truly believe in the healing power of naturopathic medicine and taking control of your health. There is more to your health than just what you find on the surface. Let me share an experience I had with a patient: she was struggling with her fertility, and she had tried IVF, to no success. The distress she felt was palpable, and she turned to the medicine that many in the Western world may not consider: acupuncture. With weekly acupuncture treatments, she wasn’t just able to achieve pregnancy — she achieved a natural pregnancy, something she never thought possible. Stories like this are why I want to impart my knowledge to other women, to empower them to be their own best advocates. There is so much to be learned once you broaden your horizons and take control of your health.

Origin Story

My journey in becoming a speaker in Naturopathic Medicine is rooted in my personal experiences and motivations. Growing up in a critical environment, I faced weight and body issues stemming from family criticism, especially from my mother and cousin. I remember my cousin telling me that to be successful, I needed to be thin. Another asking if I wanted my future husband to be able to carry me across the threshold. Those words left me feeling sad, disempowered and very angry. This anger eventually evolved into a fierce determination.

I took my power back and promised myself to always act with confidence and do things on my own terms, in my own way. This shows in my decision to attend Naturopathic Medical School. I was criticized for not going to regular medical school and was not aware that the Naturopathic Doctor’s License wasn’t recognized in CA yet. In my four years of school, I earned a doctorate and two master's degrees and in my first year of school, the state of CA recognized the Naturopathic Doctor’s License.

Today, I take great pride in instilling confidence and empowering my patients to ultimately choose themselves. To invest in themselves to achieve optimal health and a life without the limits of poor health, self-doubt and self-criticism.

Knowing I am not alone in this experience keeps me motivated. I have learned that while people have good intentions, like those of my family, their actions and words can be perceived differently. This understanding drove me towards Naturopathic Medicine, where the whole picture is prioritized, not solely the physical symptoms, but also mental, emotional well-being and support systems.

Understanding the importance of believing in oneself and having a supportive network is empowering. I have learned that support may come from different sources and sometimes the message we need to hear comes from different voices or perspectives. The source of advice can significantly impact its reception. For instance, a child may hear a grandparent's directions that they may overlook from a parent, or a spouse may consider a health recommendation in a different way when coming from a friend. This amplifies the importance of different voices and perspectives in guiding others towards positive change and growth.

This is why I do what I do as a Naturopathic Medical Doctor.

Example talks

Worthiness: Perspective on Self-Worth

Navigating self-worth is often a complex journey, requiring gentle reminders to acknowledge our inherent value. In this talk, Dr. Tran-Olive assists her audience with tapping into the value within themselves and bringing it to the surface with clarity and purpose.

Everyone has strengths and talents to bring to the world, and while it is important to lean into those, you must also immerse yourself in activities and communities that bring you joy. Self-care, boundaries and treating yourself with kindness are other crucial components for building self-worth.

In this talk, audiences will learn how to:
- Focus on your strengths.
- Practice self-care.
- Set boundaries and know your limits.
- Practice self-compassion.
- Surround yourself with positive people.


In this interactive talk, Dr. Tran-Olive shares personal anecdotes that have shaped her journey toward self-advocacy, both in life and health. Drawing from her experiences, she empowers women to embrace their own voices and advocate for themselves. Through a blend of personal stories and science-based evidence, Dr. Tran-Olive helps women gain the confidence to choose themselves.

She will also reveal illuminating statistics relating to what parts of our bodies are “worth,” that have been determined by various medical and insurance studies. Taking that knowledge into consideration with the following takeaways, she asks her audience to keep in mind who and what you are speaking up for – and to know your worth.

In this talk, the audience will learn to:
- Research healthcare providers.
- Be prepared for appointments beforehand.
- Ask clarifying questions.
- Maintain and understand your health records.