Felicita S.

Cybersecurity Professional at LiveRamp

Computer & Network Security

Education: Sothern New Hampshire University - Colorado Technical University
Miami, FL, USA


Felicita Sandoval is a multifaceted professional with an interesting background in cybersecurity and a passionate commitment to advancing knowledge in Artificial Intelligence (AI). As a Security GRC (Governance, Risk, and Compliance) Analyst at LiveRamp, Felicita plays a crucial role in safeguarding the company's digital assets and ensuring compliance with the myriad of regulatory requirements.

Felicita is deeply invested in academia as a Doctoral student at Colorado Technical University, where her research is focused on the ever-evolving field of AI. This dedication to her field signifies a profound engagement with cutting-edge technologies and a drive to contribute to the scholarly community.

An articulate speaker, Felicita frequently takes the stage to share her insights on Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity. Her talks are known for not only illuminating the technical aspects of these sectors but also for inspiring action and encouraging more individuals to explore the dynamic and challenging pathways in tech careers.

As the Co-Founder and Director of Outreach at Latinas in Cyber (LAIC), Felicita demonstrates her commitment to inclusivity and diversity within the tech industry. LAIC is an organization dedicated to empowering Latinas through advocacy, mentorship, and networking opportunities in the cybersecurity domain. Further extending her influence, Felicita serves as the panel host for the Cyber C-Suite x La Jefa Interview Series, a platform under LAIC, where she engages with leaders in the field to converse about AI technology and cybersecurity best practices.


My passions lie at the intersection of technology, empowerment, and family. I am deeply fascinated by the transformative power of artificial intelligence and cybersecurity, believing that these tools are essential for organizations to evolve and thrive in a safe digital landscape. Equally, I am committed to empowering women, advocating for their leadership and success in all spheres of life. This advocacy stems from a conviction that diverse leadership not only enriches our workplaces but also our communities and the broader world. Lastly, my passion for family is the cornerstone of my values. The support, love, and unity found within the familial bond are what fuel my dedication and drive in my professional endeavors. This triad of passions motivates me to excel and contribute meaningfully to my work, advocating for technological advancement, female leadership, and the nurturing strength of family ties.

I am willing to travel

More than 100 miles

When it comes to payments

Everything is negotiable


cybersecurity women in cybersecurity artificial intelligence governance risk and compliance women empowerment data privacy vendor management information security career development policies security assessments risk assessment governance mentorship writing researcher ethics data ethics ethics in digital media

Best Story

My mother has always been my guiding light, instilling in me the unwavering belief that women possess the power to lead, succeed, and forge meaningful relationships in this world. Despite spending the majority of her career within the fast-paced confines of the fast food industry, she embodied the epitome of excellence and dedication. Her life lessons taught me the value of excelling in any role I undertake, emphasizing that success is not confined to specific industries or job titles but is accessible to anyone willing to commit and work hard. Through her wisdom and example, she provided me with the strength to pursue my passions, encouraging me to evolve into the woman I am today and to strive for even greater heights tomorrow. Her belief in the potential of women to make a significant impact has been a beacon for me, guiding me towards realizing my aspirations and continuously improving myself.

Origin Story

My journey began humbly, behind the counter of a bank, where I first started as a teller in the financial industry. Fueled by ambition and a quest for growth, I ascended to the role of a financial representative. Yet, it was my passion for technology that compelled me to pivot my career path towards the realm of information security. Embracing the need for a robust foundation in this new field, I embarked on a diverse path as a contractor, immersing myself in roles as an accountant, an anti-money laundering officer, and eventually, a fraud investigator in the public sector. These experiences, coupled with the completion of my master's in cybersecurity, laid the groundwork for my transition into a cybersecurity professional specializing in Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC)—a role that quickly became my ultimate aspiration and achievement.

As I continued to evolve professionally, my relentless pursuit of knowledge and desire to shape the future of technology led me to embark on a new and ambitious journey: pursuing a doctorate in cybersecurity. This decision was not just a step towards academic enrichment but a strategic move to position myself at the forefront of the intersection between cybersecurity and artificial intelligence (AI) as a researcher. My aim is to delve deep into the complexities of AI, focusing on developing policies, conducting risk analysis, and crafting guidelines that ensure the safe use of AI and robust data protection measures. Through this work, I aspire to become the go-to professional in the field, known for pioneering solutions that safeguard against the evolving risks in our digital world.

However, my journey didn't stop with personal and academic success. Driven by a desire to contribute and give back, I found inspiration in a LinkedIn post from a woman who shared my vision of empowering Latin women to lead the future of cybersecurity. This serendipitous encounter led to the founding of Latinas in Cyber (LAIC), alongside a remarkable group of women. As the Director of Outreach and Co-Founder, I am now dedicated to guiding Latin women through their journeys in technology. From career transitioners to students, our mission at LAIC is to provide the guidance, resources, and support necessary for their success in the fast-evolving tech landscape.

My story is one of dedication, hard work, and the transformative power of mentorship and community. It's these values I bring to LAIC, aiming to illuminate the path for others just as I navigated my own. Through LAIC, I aspire to empower Latin women to seize their potential in cybersecurity, fostering a generation of leaders who are as resilient as they are innovative. My doctoral studies and research in AI and cybersecurity are not just a personal achievement but a cornerstone of my commitment to leading by example, demonstrating the power of continuous learning and innovation in shaping a safer digital future.

Example talks

The Future of Cybersecurity: Integrating AI and Human Intelligence

This talk explores how combining Artificial Intelligence (AI) with human skills is transforming cybersecurity. AI can quickly analyze large amounts of data to detect threats and automate responses, making security systems faster and more accurate. However, the human touch is essential for understanding the context, making strategic decisions, and ensuring ethical practices.

We start by explaining how AI improves threat detection and prediction. AI tools can identify unusual patterns in data, helping to spot potential threats before they become serious problems. Techniques like machine learning models learn from past attacks to predict future ones and identify new types of malware. Real-time monitoring systems powered by AI provide immediate alerts for suspicious activities, helping to prevent damage.

Next, we look at automated response systems. AI-driven patch management and Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response (SOAR) platforms can handle routine tasks, reducing the risk of human error and freeing up analysts to focus on more complex issues. Behavioral analysis tools use AI to monitor user activities and detect insider threats, which are often difficult to spot.

Despite these advances, human expertise remains crucial. People bring strategic thinking, the ability to understand the broader context, and the capacity to navigate ethical and legal considerations. Human analysts can interpret AI-generated insights and make informed decisions based on a deeper understanding of the organization’s operations and culture.

To build a resilient cybersecurity framework, we recommend establishing hybrid Security Operations Centers (SOCs) that leverage both AI and human skills. Continuous learning is essential for both AI systems and human analysts to stay updated on the latest threats and techniques. Collaborative platforms can enhance efficiency by enabling better interaction between AI tools and human experts. Ethical AI deployment is also vital to maintain public trust and compliance with regulations.

In conclusion, the combination of AI’s data processing power and human intelligence creates a stronger, more adaptable cybersecurity system. By working together, AI and humans can better protect against evolving cyber threats, ensuring a safer digital future for everyone. This synergy is key to building effective and ethical cybersecurity defenses.

Securing the Digital Frontier: Ethical Practices and Testing in AI Development

The talk focuses on the importance of auditing and testing AI-generated synthetic content (AI-GSC) to ensure authenticity and provenance, addressing the risks of misuse, misinformation, and bias. It outlines strategies for robust testing, risk profiles of AI models, and mitigation techniques involving digital watermarking, blockchain, and deep learning strategies. Emphasizing ethical considerations and the need for comprehensive testing and auditing mechanisms, the talk aims to foster responsible AI use, ensuring digital trust and security. This knowledge benefits audiences by highlighting the critical role of transparency, accountability, and ethical practices in AI development and application.

Fighting for Security in AI

This talk delves into the vulnerabilities of AI systems, particularly through the lens of prompt-specific poisoning attacks on text-to-image generative models, as explored in a research paper. It emphasizes the need for vigilance and strategies to safeguard AI technologies against misuse and emerging threats. The speaker shares insights from their journey in AI research and security, highlighting the importance of collaborative efforts among researchers, developers, ethicists, and policymakers to secure AI systems and prepare for future challenges. The audience benefits from understanding AI vulnerabilities and the collective responsibility to protect against them.

The Importance of Diverse AI Committees in Shaping Ethical AI

This talk highlights the crucial role of AI committees in organizations, emphasizing their importance in navigating ethical, technical, and regulatory challenges. It underscores the necessity of diversity within these committees to ensure ethical AI development, mitigate biases, and foster fairness. By reflecting on diverse perspectives, AI committees can better address the broad impacts of AI technologies across different communities, ensuring that development and deployment are guided by comprehensive ethical considerations and regulatory adherence. The audience benefits from understanding the importance of diverse AI committees in promoting responsible and inclusive AI innovation.

Navigating the Frontier: AI and Its Privacy & Security Implications

The talk "Navigating the Frontier: AI and Its Privacy & Security Implications" focuses on the challenges and opportunities of integrating generative AI into the workplace. It aims to explore how organizations can protect privacy and security amid the adoption of AI technologies. This discussion is particularly beneficial for professionals seeking insights into managing the evolving landscape of AI, with a focus on maintaining ethical standards and safeguarding against potential risks in privacy and security.

AI Regulation: Balancing Interests and Accountability

This talk explores the critical need for inclusive and comprehensive AI regulation, emphasizing the integration of diverse stakeholder perspectives beyond tech leaders and government officials. It advocates for the application of Stakeholder Theory to AI governance, highlighting the importance of collaborative regulation involving businesses, academia, consumer rights groups, and the broader community. The benefits to the audience include insights into the ethical, social, and economic implications of AI, the significance of balanced regulation for innovation and safety, and the role of accountability and transparency in fostering responsible AI development and use.

Beginners Path to Cyber Security

The talk, titled "Beginner's Path to Cybersecurity" outlines a comprehensive roadmap for individuals aspiring to enter the cybersecurity field. It covers the importance of research to identify one's interests within cybersecurity, the process of narrowing down specific roles, and the importance of deep research on chosen positions. The presentation emphasizes skill-building through courses, labs, and hands-on experience with essential tools. It also discusses the significance of education and certifications, tailoring resumes for job applications, and leveraging LinkedIn for networking and career advancement. This talk benefits the audience by providing a structured approach to entering and navigating the cybersecurity industry, highlighting practical steps for skill development, certification, and effective job searching strategies.