Ikram G.

VP of Global Marketing - Managing Director US at Aspivix

Medical Devices

Education: Finance Credential HBX Harvard | Masters in Strategic Marketing & Communication at ISG Paris
Los Angeles, CA, USA


Ikram Guerd is VP of Global Marketing – Managing Director US for the innovative FemTech, ASPIVIX, whose mission is to modernize gynecology with gentle in mind. She leads the US corporation and the global marketing strategy to raise awareness around innovative solutions to reduce pain for women in gynecology.
As a seasoned healthcare marketing leader with 18+ years of international career, she has a track record of leading successful teams, managing product lifecycles, and crafting impactful marketing strategies that demonstrate her proficiency in driving growth and shaping organizational culture.

Along with her involvement as a marketing & healthcare awards judge, her participation as a speaker in women’s empowerment and marketing expert talks reflects her contributions to advancing marketing & Women’s Health practices, as well as the role of women in leadership.

Beyond her professional achievements, she’s dedicated to uplifting women and young girls by giving back to the community by working with multiple non-profit organizations.
Her involvement as a member of Inspiring Girls USA's Board of Directors highlights her commitment to breaking down gender stereotypes and providing role models for young girls to raise their aspirations.
In addition, she dedicates time to providing mentoring and coaching sessions to women guidance in marketing and their career paths to empower them.

Outside of work, she enjoys spending time with her family, traveling, and giving back to the community.


Inspiring others - Empowering young girls and women
Traveling around the world and learning from others
Getting out of my comfort zone
Giving back to the community
Women's Leadership
Closing the gender gap in leadership and health

Featured Video

I am willing to travel

More than 100 miles

When it comes to payments

Everything is negotiable


womens empowerment womens health femtech woman expat french healthcare womens leadership gender equity marketing leadership digital marketing

Best Story

😱 "Fear is Only Temporary. Regrets Last Forever" 😱
How did this sentence become my motto?

In a surprising turn of events, during one of my trips to South Africa a few years ago, we stumbled upon a bridge on our way to Cape Town.
Little did I know, we landed in one of the highest bungee-jumping bridges in the world (Top 3): Bloukrans Bridge.
😱 216 meters above sea level
We all have this list of to-do things on our list. Do we check all the boxes? No, but it feels good to have this list.

Sometimes in life, you have to be challenged and get out of your comfort zone to realize that you're worth it and can do it.
Call it as you want: Karma, chance, sign?

This stop on this specific bridge felt like a sign that I should check the box of bungee jumping I had on my list.
It took me 20 minutes to decide for myself to do it and jump with my heart saying one thing and my mind another thing. Confusion, fear, lack of reasoning, excitement, all at once!
Finally, one staff member passed by with this sentence written on his t-shirt "Fear is Only Temporary. Regrets Last Forever". That's all it took me to make my final decision to jump.
Brain disconnected, I walked over the bridge and raised my hand to be the 1st one to do it full of courage (at least that's what I like to think about).

To this day, I still remember the feeling when I jumped when it felt like time just stopped. I kept my eyes open to enjoy this unique and memorable moment just like in a movie when everything is in slow motion.
🙌 A unique experience that contributed to making me who I am now.

😓 Do I regret it? Absolutely, NOT
😅 Did I enjoy it? Maybe a bit 🎢 🎢
After ✅ of off my bucket list, I was glad to have done it and I convinced myself it was a one-time thing. But guess what...? A year later, I did it again!

Over 10+ years later, when I feel I'm in a situation of doubt, I go back to what became my motto "Fear is Only Temporary. Regrets Last Forever" and this sentence helps me all the time push the boundaries.

Life is full of surprises, and it is these very moments that propel us forward. Onwards to the next thrilling challenge! 😅✅

Origin Story

Driven by the purpose of making a positive impact, discover my journey

Becoming a pediatrician was my childhood dream. Although I didn't become one, I pursued a Master’s in Marketing that opened doors to healthcare allowing me to collaborate with pediatricians. A humble way to close the loop!

I dedicated myself to mastering healthcare marketing till I earned opportunities to judge awards and speak at marketing expert talks.

My goal: Living abroad. In 2016, my determination led me to move from France to California to manage the US marketing team. My best growth experience!

Over the last decade, I’ve led 2 international successful teams using my leadership style (trust, empathy, growth, D&I, recognition).
With hard work, I climbed the corporate ladder to an executive role at ASPIVIX, an innovative FemTech.

I’m advocating for better women’s health care with ASPIVIX, so millions of women stop suffering in gynecology.
I joined the Board of Directors of Inspiring Girls USA, breaking gender stereotypes and inspiring young girls to aim high.

My leadership journey led me to embrace mentoring with 70+ women coached worldwide. I’m involved in 5+ women’s organizations combining mentoring, public speaking, and volunteering within the French-speaking community.

Today, I stand as a healthcare marketing leader with 18+ years of international experience, and as a women’s empowerment mentor & advocate.

Example talks

Gynecology, Now Modern - Tackling IUD Pain Insertion with Patient-Centric Innovation

Presentation performed during the largest OBGYNs conference in the US May 17, 2024, ACOG (American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists) in San Francisco - CA.
Focused on innovation to reduce unnecessary pain and bleeding during transcervical procedures such as IUD placement, biopsies...

Link: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7197245732955807745/?actorCompanyId=10113830

Women's Health Research & Awareness With Ikram Guerd - Podcast

New episode of the Empowering Industry Podcast.
Charli and Ikram discussed the importance of storytelling and representation in their industries, with a focus on empowering women and changing the narrative in their fields. Ikram, the VP of Global Marketing at Aspivix, shared her background and journey in the healthcare industry, emphasizing the need for data-driven marketing strategies and the lack of data for women-specific drugs and devices. They also discussed the importance of addressing women's health issues in the workplace, the financial implications of women's health, and the need for investment in women's health and well-being.

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHznQwwh9sM

Building an Efficient Marketing Campaign


In today’s episode, we welcome Ikram Guerd as she shares her insights on how marketing has evolved and how marketers should be excited to take on the challenge of keeping up with approaches, technology, data, and tools. Listen carefully as she lays out practical steps to building up an efficient campaign and the key points to look for when conducting new business. She notes that it is especially important to take advantage of all the digital channels available to interact with customers.

Tackling IUD Insertion Pain

Ikram Guerd G and Brittany Barreto, Ph.D. discuss the history of pain in gynecological care, and how the Aspivix Carevix device is changing the way women receive care.
IUD insertions are painful, but they shouldn’t have to be. Join us as we talk to Ikram Guerd, VP of Marketing at Aspivix to learn more about how their innovative devices are taking a stand against pain in gynecological care. Aspivix is a pioneering women's health company dedicated to revolutionizing gynecological procedures with their innovative, patient-centric products like the Aspivix Carevix, designed to improve comfort and accuracy in procedures that require bypassing the cervix, including IUD insertions. By prioritizing user experience and medical advancement, Aspivix aims to empower women and healthcare professionals alike, ensuring safer and more pain-free gynecological care.

In their conversation, Ikram and Brittany discuss the current tools used in procedures that pass the cervix, why pain is so commonly accepted in women’s health, and how patients and physicians can request the Aspivix Carevix for their procedures.

Target Audience: All Women with a focus on healthcare
Podcast recorded by FemTech Focus: https://link.chtbl.com/FemTechFocus

She Believed She Can So She Did

They believed she couldn't, so she did

"Be the inspiration that helps others shine".
From being shy and introvert to becoming a marketing executive, my journey as a:
• Woman,
• Mom of 2 when I thought it will never happen,
• Wife married to my best friend,
• Healthcare marketing leader, from Europe to the USA.
If I can do it, you can all do it.

My goal is to create an emotional connection by sharing my story focusing on:
- From introvert to marketing executive
- From France to the USA- How to navigate change in culture
- The Wonder Woman myth? Juggling your professional career with your personal life
- Toolkit to success

The goal is to make my story relatable to the group so I can create an emotional connection with hopefully the entire group.

Target Audience: Women in Industry
Event organized by Empowering Women in Industry: https://www.empoweringwomeninindustry.com/speakers-2023

From Ideas to Impact: Advancing Access to Healthcare and Innovation

Insights, trends and Breakthroughs in Healthcare, Pharma, FemTech and HealthTech.
This discussion aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the healthcare sector, emphasizing the crucial role of innovation in transforming patient care. Our panelists will touch upon enabling innovation in healthcare for patients, dissecting current trends, and exploring the investment landscape. Join us as we uncover key insights, trends, and breakthroughs propelling Healthcare, Pharma, FemTech, and HealthTech into new frontiers. This panel discussion will take place in English.

Target Audience: Novice - Open to all
Event organized by French Founders: https://club.frenchfounders.com/event/4442/2024-03-20-19-00-from-ideas-to-impact-advancing-health-and-innovation-accessibility

Ikram Guerd on inspiring and mentoring future women leaders

Today we’re getting under the hood of Ikram Guerd a mother, daughter, sister, friend, women’s advocate, and currently VP of Global Marketing of ASPIVIX & Managing Director US, an innovative women’s health company focused on making gynecology now modern with gentle in mind.

Born in France with a multicultural background, Ikram has always been passionate about healthcare since childhood driven by the purpose of making a positive impact.

With 18+ years of experience in international marketing in healthcare, she’s fully dedicated to empowering women for better and gentle care they deserve by raising awareness around innovations and developing new patient-centric solutions.

Along with her role within Aspivix and involvement as a marketing & healthcare awards judge, her participation as a speaker in women’s empowerment and marketing expert talks reflects her contributions to advancing marketing and women’s Health practices, as well as the role of women in leadership.

Through multiple non-profit organizations, she’s dedicated to uplifting women, serving as a mentor to amplify their voices and support their career paths. Being a member of Inspiring Girls USA's Board of Directors highlights her commitment to breaking down gender stereotypes and providing role models for young girls to raise their aspirations.

Ikram is driven by challenges that she embraces, and her motto is her reminder: Fear is only temporary. Regrets last forever.

Target Audience: All Women
Podcast recorded by Under The Sisterhood: https://www.underthesisterhood.com/podcast/ikram-guerd

"Fear is Only Temporary. Regrets Last Forever": Global Healthcare Marketing leader Ikram Guerd on the Power of Mentorship and Being Bold

"Fear is Only Temporary. Regrets Last Forever". Born in France with a multicultural background, today’s woman dreamer Ikram Guerd is a seasoned healthcare marketing expert driven by the purpose of helping others. Currently, she is the Vice President of Global Marketing of ASPIVIX US, an innovative FemTech start-up, focused on reducing pain in gynecology. In her interview with Women Who Win, Ikram reflects on her journey climbing the corporate ladder, her passion for women’s health, and the role mentorship and giving back has had in her success.

Target Audience: All Women
Interview available: https://www.womenwhowin100.com/blog/global-healthcare-marketing-leader-ikram-guerd