Tami M.

Author, coach, Speaker at Tami Muller Happiness Coach

Women Empowerment

Education: Tel Aviv University - Tel Aviv University
New York, NY, USA


Tami Muller is a Certified Happiness Trainer by the Happiness Studies Academy and Dr Tal Ben Shahar and the author of the Amazon #1 New Release, How to Be on a Diet for 45 Years and Never Be Thin - Practical Guide to Freedom and Happiness. She is the founder and past president of Happiness Studies Academy Alumni and Business Club with more than 1200 members worldwide that are making the science of happiness accessible to their communities. www.TamiMuller.com


“If only I could lose those twenty pounds, I would be one happy person.” What a powerful, universal message this statement represents! It is, of course, a metaphor for everything that prevents us from attaining happiness. We falsely believe an external event will finally make us happy, while life keeps moving on.

Discover research revealing happiness drives success, not the other way around. Learn these SPIRE model for self-directed daily happiness habits unrelated to outside circumstances. Gain practical tools to start living a more positive intentional life right away.

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I am willing to travel

More than 100 miles

When it comes to payments

Everything is negotiable


happiness the science of happiness happiness at work employee happiness science of happiness at work happiness on the other side of success science of happiness positive psychology body positivity reslience antifragility author

Best Story

He was the most handsome officer in my IDF intelligence unit. Every day I would go to collect the unit’s top-secret mail in a brown bag, and there he was, standing tall and tanned, nonchalantly playing with his silver chain and watching the parade of girls float by. As they strolled past, they threw him flirtatious glances. Maybe I did too, but I can't quite remember. All I know is that I felt invisible.
One day, out of the blue, I heard him say, “So, what did you say your name was?” I quickly looked around, but there was no one behind me, in front of me, or at my side. Was he talking to me? I quickly gathered my wits and said, “I didn't say, but my name's Tami,” blushing to the roots of my fiery red hair. “Nice name,” he said, giving me an amused look. “My niece is also named Tami.” He toyed with his necklace and continued, “Want to have dinner tonight?”
And so, as simple as that, this total catch asked me out on a date. I was at a loss for words. I had spent months devising witty retorts and playful comebacks to this exact scenario, but now that it was happening, I was speechless. I looked him in the eyes and, without hesitation, said, “I can't. I'm on a diet.”
` “What diet?” he inquired, as if he had some deep familiarity with the subject.
“Scarsdale,” I blurted out, immediately regretting the overshare.
“Well, what's on the menu for today?”—as though aware the diet had daily variations.
“Fish and green beans,” I replied skeptically.
“Great, why don't you come over to my place and I'll cook it for you.”
That's how it all began. I went to his place, he cooked us dinner, and we ended up dating
for seven years. I lost fifteen pounds (and then we broke up and I gained back those fifteen, plus another ten).
Nice to meet you, I’m Tami Muller, and I’m on a diet.

Origin Story

For more than 30 years, I lived in the business world, working in finance, business development, marketing, and sales management. I was successful, but I didn't find fulfillment in my work. I felt like something was missing. After my beloved father passed away suddenly from cardiac arrest at age 59 I realized life is too short and unexpected and I must do something meaningful with my life. For years, I had been told that my role and calling in the world was to help people. I was trying to understand how I could make a difference. How could I help people? I was determined to find my calling, my purpose, and make a true impact in the world. And so, 20 years after my father's death, the event that changed my life, I finally decided to make the change. I came across Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar, a renowned expert in the field of Happiness and Positive Psychology and I realized that all the things I had always done intuitively were all building blocks of the science of happiness. And it wasn't just intuition; these things had been scientifically researched and proven to work.
I switched careers and became a speaker and happiness coach, dedicating myself to speaking , teaching courses and working with clients in one-on-one settings. My goal is to bring the science of happiness and to empower people around the world to bring a little more happiness into their personal and professional lives.

Example talks

Don't Weight For Happiness - 7 min


"Don't Wait for Happiness" is a reflective talk on overcoming the common belief that specific achievements or changes—like losing weight, finding love, or attaining financial success—are prerequisites for happiness. Drawing from my personal experiences, I talk about my lifelong mistaken notion that stood as a barrier to happiness: the idea that losing 20 pounds would be the key to a happy life. This story is familiar to many. I will introduce three transformative components that have enabled me a life of joy and acceptance regardless of circumstances. This talk not only shares a personal story but also serves as a call to action for anyone who put their life on hold and encourages them to live fully in the moment, fostering happiness that is not contingent on life's "whens" but thrives amidst life's "nows."