Dani R.

Travel blogger, Influencer, Speaker, Mind & Body coach, Author at Misfit Wanders

Women Empowerment

Sunne, Sweden


Dani Rosenblad James is a captivating storyteller and inspirational figure, making waves across the realms of sustainable travel, holistic wellness, and personal growth. As the dynamic founder of Misfit Wanders, she shares riveting tales of adventure and transformation, enticing listeners with the allure of her travel experiences and the power of nature's healing embrace.

With her rich experiences, including overcoming a traumatic brain injury and embarking on unconventional adventures, Dani brings depth and authenticity to every conversation. As a sought-after guest, she offers unique insights into sustainable travel, mindfulness, and resilience, leaving audiences inspired and empowered to embark on their own transformative journeys.

Invite Dani Rosenblad James onto your podcast and ignite a spark of inspiration that will resonate with your listeners long after the episode ends.


A topic that always brings a smile to my face is talk about traveling and my son! Nowadays, I get a mix of that while I travel with my family on new adventures. I enjoy divulging about my first solo trip out of the states and to Peru and Bolivia. When I was there, I had learned how to catch fish using a machete in the Amazons, I camped out in the Amazons for 3 nights and I even traveled on boats that were more for transporting goods. So, that whole experience was unforgettable. Another topic that usually is fun to talk about would have to be my life when I was a weed farmer for 5 years in Northern California. That alone was an experience in itself with some not so good parts as well. Finally, I can't forget my days as a hitch hiker for a year. These topics usually leave the audience in awe and wonder since they are unconventional ways of life.

I am willing to travel

More than 100 miles

When it comes to payments

Everything is negotiable


tbi traumatic brain injury resilience inspirational travel inspirational speaker inspirational story inspirational women overcoming obstacles overcoming adversity overcoming challenges overcoming impossible obstacles overcoming barriers to success mindfulness mindset personal health and wellness holistic healing self awareness instinct and intuition intuition unconventional outdoor nature womens health believe and receive storytelling immersive storytelling book maker movement making a difference women who make a difference women empowerment empowering women womens leadership world travel how stories can change the world storytelling for impact impact travel blogger travel blogging traveling travel entrepreneurs blogging and podcasting blogger moving beyond your comfort zone

Best Story

My most sought after story would have to be how I overcame my traumatic brain injury. The reason this one is so impactful is because I had to relearn how to walk, use my brain and I was nearly paralyzed for the rest of my life. It took about 2 years of healing before I fully felt like myself again. However, it took about 8 years before I felt as healed as I could get. Now, it's been almost 10 years since my accident and I've accomplished so much in my life! I'm a travel blogger, an IG influencer, a speaker, a mom, and an author with an upcoming book that's loosely based on my traumatic brain injury.

Besides that, I've won an award from EU Business for Misfit Wanders (in the running this year too), I've written a children's picture book, I've been on over 20 podcasts, and have written for Becoming an Unstoppable Woman magazine, Go Nomad, Inspiring Lives Magazine, and Full Suitcase. I don't just stop there! I'm studying about the mindset at Proctor/ Gallagher Institute, I'm part of My Million Dollar Experiment, and I'm making more connections everyday!

Origin Story

After a lot of heartache, suffering and stubbornness, I was able to get to where I am today. Healing from the traumatic brain injury was the hardest and made me realize a lot more about myself and in those first moments, I noticed that I wasn't doing what I really wanted. I have had my travel blog before that accident. But I never gave it the love it needed and I realized that I didn't want to work for others anymore. I was ready to take my life into my own hands. So, it was maybe a couple years after my car accident where I started working on my travel blog full heartedly.

When I talk about my journey becoming an influencer, that's only been a year or so. But this stems off of my travel blog and being a speaker came from realizing the benefit of getting my stories out there to the world in that way. Around the same time that I started taking on speaking gigs, I found an amazing family owned publishing company, She Rises Studios, and now I'm one of the 100 Voices of Women for them. In this, there are 100 women that are all writing books and this company is going to make a tv series out of it as well! It has been just recently that I've been a mind & body coach since I have been reflecting on my healing journey and it came flooding to me that I could use these same steps and methods to help others out there. So, why not?

Example talks

Building a Life of Abundance after a Traumatic Brain Injury with Guest Dani Rosenblad James

Guest Dani Rosenblad James is driven by the desire to inspire and uplift others through her remarkable journey. Her path has been marked by challenges, including a life-altering traumatic brain injury, which ignited a profound transformation.

Originally, she embarked on unconventional adventures, hitchhiking and working on a weed farm. However, her purpose took a new direction as she discovered her passion for travel, cultural exploration, and sustainability. Thus, she has , her travel blog. She can be found on social media as misfitwanders.


Travel to Värmland Sweden Dani Rosenblad James

Dani Rosenblad James is a well-rounded individual with a myriad of passions in life. As a mom of a rambunctious 2-year-old, she embraces the joy and challenges of parenthood with unwavering love and dedication.
Throughout her life, Dani has embarked on numerous road trips across the United States and hitchhiked along the west coast, fueling her adventurous spirit.

Since then, Dani has focused her energies on various endeavors. She cultivated a passion for travel, exploring over 15 countries and documenting her experiences through a travel blog. Concurrently, she is studying to become an English teacher and eagerly pursuing fluency in her third language.

In addition to her diverse experiences, Dani is a published author, a travel expert, and a life coach. Drawing upon her personal growth and life journey, she is deeply committed to empowering others to unlock their potential and lead fulfilling lives.

With her boundless curiosity and zest for life, Dani Rosenblad James embraces the adventure of motherhood while continuing to pursue her passions and inspire others. Her multifaceted roles as a mom, explorer, writer, and mentor define her unique and purpose-driven journey.

In this episode Dani will share all the details about traveling to Sweden:

Best time to travel to Sweden, Food to try in Sweden, Top things to do in Sweden, What the weather is like in Sweden, Ideal Itinerary for Sweden


Seizing Opportunities: Plants, Hitchhiking, and TBI - Dani Rosenblad James

On this episode of One Moment Please, Dani Rosenblad James shares stories of some of the most pivotal moments in her life. A life-altering traumatic brain injury (TBI) sustained from surviving a 7 car pileup on the highway, to hitchhiking with her dog and being a weed farmer in Northern California. Dani's experiences have shaped her in profound ways. She talks about the importance of standing up for oneself when placed in uncomfortable situations, and how her past shaped her present and perspective towards the future. With raw vulnerability and wisdom, Dani takes us on a journey of both pain and growth that serves as a testament to the incredible resilience of the human spirit.


From Brain Injury to Badassery: Dani Rosenblad James' Journey of Resilence and Wanderlust

Welcome to "The Art of Badassery" with your host, Mahara Wayman! In this episode, we have the pleasure of delving into the compelling story of Dani Rosenblad James, the founder of Misfit Wanders. From her experiences as a misfit to her love for exploring different cultures, Dani's journey to living life on her terms is a true testament to badassery. Join us as we uncover Dani's resilience in the face of a traumatic brain injury, her unyielding determination to pursue her dreams, and the remarkable adventures that have shaped her into the fearless traveller and influencer she is today. We'll explore her daily self-care routine, her unique perspective on stubbornness, and the incredible moments that have defined her path. Get ready for an inspiring and transformative episode of "The Art of Badassery" that will leave you feeling empowered to embrace your adventurous spirit!


Misfit Wanders with Dani Rosenblad James

Today I am joined by Dani Rosenblad James. Dani is a travel blogger, author, influencer and the owner of Misfit Wanders.

Dani talks about how she got into travel blogging, why she loves nature so much, and how to be an eco-conscious traveler.


Dani Rosenblad James: How Keeping a Positive Mindset Shapes your Future

This week Tee is excited to welcome Dani Rosenblad James for a conversation about positive thinking, recovery from traumatic injuries, natural pain relief, and physical therapy. Driven by her desire to inspire and uplift others through her remarkable journey, Dani’s path has been marked by challenges, including a life-altering traumatic brain injury that ignited a profound transformation.
Originally, Dani embarked on unconventional adventures such as hitchhiking and working as a marijuana farmer. However, during her recovery from a devastating car crash, her purpose took on a new direction as she discovered her passion for travel, cultural exploration, and sustainability. Today, Dani is the force behind , a platform dedicated to promoting eco-conscious travel and sharing stories of nature's wonders and diverse cultures. Her commitment to responsible and immersive travel experiences shines through her blog posts, leaving an undeniable mark on the travel community.

In this episode, Dani shares the harrowing story of her recovery and her brave choice to find pain relief naturally, without the use of pharmaceuticals or painkillers. Dani shares how yoga and the power of positive thinking combined to help her slowly regain her full mobility and adventure lifestyle. In addition, Tee and Dani discuss some of the positive mindset exercises and techniques that Dani has used to take a terrible accident and transform it into a life mission.


Overcoming Trauma: From Conservatism to Brain Injury

In this episode, we chat with Danielle James, a brave soul breaking free from a conservative past to navigate a unique life path. From a 5-year stint on a weed farm to overcoming a traumatic brain injury without medication, Danielle's resilience shines through. Now an author, she shares her story as a beacon of inspiration. Join us for tales of courage, self-discovery, and triumph. Subscribe for more empowering stories, including interviews with authors, discussions on resilience, and overcoming adversity.


Dani Rosenblad James - Adventure Traveling with a Misfit Wanderer

This week we chat with Dani Rosenblad James, an Adventure Travel Blogger from Sweden and the West Coast. She has a lifelong passion for exploring new cultures and experiences which include hitchhiking the California West Coast and five years of weed farming. She has an inspiring story about recovery from a traumatic brain injury after a vehicle accident which she shares with us.


Healing with Nature: A Special Journey

Join us on the Business Shower Podcast for a touching episode where our special guest, Dani Rosenblad James, shares her incredible journey. From hitchhiking to farming and overcoming a tough brain injury, this story gives a unique look into the world and different cultures. Starting with her past, explore how hitchhiking and farming transformed Dani's life. Overcoming challenges, including a tough brain injury, she discovered nature's amazing healing power.

Learn about Dani's mission to inspire eco-friendly travel, sharing easy tips in her blog posts. She encourages everyone to make a positive impact while exploring the wonders of our planet. Excitingly, Dani is working on a book about her experience, promising inspiration and the role nature played in healing. Get a sneak peek into the book's themes and how it aligns with our podcast's values.

Through simple storytelling and a focus on caring for the environment, this episode on the Business Shower Podcast will leave you inspired to appreciate the beauty of the world, travel responsibly, and understand the healing magic of nature in tough times.


Gritty and Inspiring Conversation with Dani Rosenblad James

Dani Rosenblad James is the creator behind Misfit Wanders, a travel blog inspired by her love for nature, cultural exploration, and eco-conscious travel. Besides that, she is an influencer, speaker, author and a sustainable travel expert. She has an upcoming book that’s loosely based on my traumatic brain injury, which she believes will inspire millions of people to overcome obstacles in their life!


Hitchhiker's Guide to Recovery with Dani James

In this episode, Dani James, an American living in Sweden, shares her journey from growing up in South Dakota to hitchhiking in California and the car accident that led to her recovery living in Sweden and becoming an influencer and author.
