Heather E.

Synethesia Artist and Color Alchemist at Heather Eck Artist, LLC

Arts and Crafts

Education: University of Delaware
Raleigh, NC, USA


HEATHER ECK is a multimedia abstract artist and writer. An intuitive artist and painter, Heather interprets people, places, and experiences through color, a condition known as synesthesia. Like an enormous box of crayons, her gift operates by categorizing through intricate but specific shades of color. While this condition enables her to experience color, she responds to these encounters with people, things, emotions, and spaces by understanding the particular shade of experience that a person dwells in. She uses her gift to detect the most healing color for them to remedy their wounds. Guided by the chakra system and inspired by spirituality and the mysteries of the universe, Heather transforms these vibrant energies into captivating paintings that uplift inspire, and, ultimately, heal.

Each canvas becomes a symphony of color and emotion, a visual representation of the unseen connections that weave through our lives. Heather's work is more than art; it's a medium of healing, a testament to the profound influence of color on our well-being.


Synesthesia Artist & Color Alchemist Heather Eck brings extraordinary color insights, perspectives, and wisdom to your audiences through her unique approach to perceiving, creating, and healing through her artwork. Her background as an HR Manager and Certified Authentic Leadership Coach, ACC, combined with her unique gift of synesthesia, gives her a particular skill to communicate, in simple terms, the hidden dynamics and solutions to everyday challenges through clairsentience, intuition, and color reading. As an expert on color, chakras, spirituality, and energy healing, your audience will gain tips and new tools to uplift and inspire their hearts and minds.

Heather is a renowned and award-winning artist, intuitive thought leader, spiritual intuitive healer, passionate coach, and facilitator. Her work has been exhibited in more than 25 shows, and she offers an inspiring perspective on connecting healing through color, symbolism, and form. Her Instagram channel has over 4k followers, and she mentors hundreds of color lovers and students worldwide in her private Facebook group, The Color Club. Her original art, spirit portraits, art retreats, and courses are available on her websites.

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More than 100 miles

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Everything is negotiable


artist empowering artists synesthesia neurodivergent spiritual spirituality entrepreneurship spiritual healing chakras color meaning synesthesia artist abstract artist authentic leadership womens leadership

Best Story

Heather Eck took an enormous leap of faith, leaving a lucrative career as an HR manager to pursue art-making full-time. Just a few months before the COVID-19 Pandemic, she embarked on a deeply spiritual and challenging quest to start a full-time career as a working artist. Trading the stability and security of a day job, she wore many hats, suddenly thrust into the role of art entrepreneur, learning the parts of marketing strategist, PR, sales, IT, and CEO. Leveraging her 15+ years of corporate experience, she adapted quickly to harness that experience and turn it into a lucrative art business undergoing many iterations and with many fast failures and lessons learned.

Origin Story

After finding herself more exhausted than any amount of time off or vacation could fix, Heather consulted friend and spiritual teacher Myrna, who challenged her to think more creatively about her purpose and calling. Myrna's guidance lit a flame of remembrance that Heather was a vibrant, creative, and artistic child. Tapping back into that childhood love of art, Heather suddenly found herself creating artwork and uncovered the gift of Synesthesia that allows her to see and sense color through each of her senses. She then used that gift to create artwork that offered messages of love, healing, balance, and support through the understanding of the powerful language of color and the Chakra system.

Example talks

How Color Shows Up and Communicates Something To You!

Color is not just a visual experience; it's a vibrant language that speaks to us on multiple levels. It transcends mere aesthetics, carrying profound messages and energies that resonate within us. Understanding how color manifests and communicates is critical to unlocking its potent benefits.

There is a dynamic interplay between color and perception, shedding light on how it influences emotions, mood, and physical well-being. By deciphering this language of hues, individuals gain the power to use color intentionally, harnessing its therapeutic and transformative potential. From artists seeking to evoke specific emotions to marketers aiming to captivate audiences, this abstract guides anyone curious about the intricate ways in which color impacts our lives. It invites a diverse audience—artists, designers, psychologists, healers, and beyond—to explore the rich tapestry of color's influence, empowering them to consciously and purposefully utilize it in their respective fields.