Aleya H.

BioEnergetic Business Consultant & Retreat Host at The Evolution Collective Inc. & Radical Rebirth Retreat, LLC

Professional Training and Coaching

Education: University of Southern California
Burbank, CA, USA


Aleya Harris, CPCE is the spark for your spark (TM).

Using her proprietary Flourishing Empire Framework, Aleya combines energy healing with radically authentic business strategy to help entrepreneurs, executives, leadership teams, and thought leaders tell a new story.

Aleya infuses elements of the Flourishing Empire Framework in everything that she does, from being an award-winning international speaker to a sought-after BioEnergetic Business Consultant and the host of the award-winning podcast, The Flourishing Entrepreneur.

Aleya is the founder and CEO of The Evolution Collective Inc., a BioEnergetic Business Consultancy that solves strategy, leadership, and culture problems from the inside out. She is also the host of the Radical Rebirth Retreat, LLC, a loving, immersive in-person experience that helps entrepreneurs and executives transcend challenging life shifts and redefine their personal brands.

Aleya is a StoryBrand Certified Guide and a Certified NES Health Practioner. She is also a regular guest on the Marketing Made Simple podcast, a featured presenter in StoryBrand’s Business Made Simple course platform, and has been featured in Thrive Global, Authority Magazine, and Special Events. A two-time Speaker of the Year award winner, Aleya has been a guest on over 125 podcasts and rocked over 100 stages where she has edutained audiences with her business acumen and energetic personality.


“I love your energy!”

That’s the number one comment Aleya receives after she steps off stage or gets feedback from a podcast recording (in addition to getting big hugs and sharing healing tears). That made sense when she was flying high, but when she still received that comment while drowning in postpartum depression and anxiety, she knew there was a greater force at work.

The “energy” that clients, audiences, and future friends feel from Aleya is straight from the Source. It took profound life shifts, like having a baby, to help Aleya realize that her superpower is channeling the spark of the Universe to others so they can realign with their highest purpose and manifest their vision.

Featured Video

I am willing to travel

More than 100 miles

When it comes to payments

I generally get paid for speaking but make exceptions


energy healing sales marketing ethics energy healing coaching storytelling brand storytelling authentic leadership culture authenticity strategy strategic planning personal branding bioenergetics bioenergetic practitioner storyteller leadership ledership development wellness burnout

Origin Story

All of the things that Aleya’s done over her 15-year career have just been excuses to love people into the best version of themselves. Aleya has been a private chef to music legends, marketing executive who achieved 540%+ ROIs, award-winning copywriter, spiritual guide, and repeat entrepreneur. She always knew she was on the right path when her clients experienced an increase in financial abundance, mental clarity, and spiritual connection.

Aleya currently sparks up her fellow humans having spiritual experiences as an award-winning international speaker, BioEnergetic Business Consultant, and retreat host. She is the Founder and CEO of The Evolution Collective Inc., a BioEnergetic Business Consultancy, and The Radical Rebirth Retreat, LLC, a loving, immersive retreat that helps entrepreneurs and executives transcend challenging life shifts and tell a new story.

Example talks

Break Out of the Sea of Sameness with the Power of Storytelling

As you look across the industry landscape, all you see is how the once extraordinary has become trite. Here's the worst part: try as you might, all your innovative ideas have also been assimilated into the common lexicon, and you find yourself languishing in a sea of sameness. All you want is to stand out, but the more you try, the more you get frustrated because your brilliant efforts are short-lived. It has become exhausting to stay ahead of the pack with game-changing creativity only to watch the masses steal it.

There is a better way to transform from a leader and claim your rightful spot as a legend.

In this interactive session, Aleya will teach you how to use storytelling elements to stand out by standing in the power of your unique journey. She'll leverage her expert knowledge of the StoryBrand SB7 Framework, the hero's journey, and energy-recalibration techniques to help you develop a theft-proof narrative that will articulate your uniqueness, connect with your ideal client, and leave an enduring legacy.

Takeaways Include:

How to tell a captivating story that differentiates you from the competition and takes your business to the next level

How to combine your story with that of your ideal client to create the magic "Meeting the Mentor" moment that catalyzes connection, transformation, and abundance

Tangible storytelling, introspection, and copywriting techniques to craft your narrative and immediately improve your marketing messages

From Vision to Victory: Sparking Your 5-Year Strategic Plan's Growth Using BioEnergetics & Storytelling

Most companies have tried strategic planning, and it didn't go well. The room was a hot mess of challenging power dynamics, loud but unhelpful opinions, tangents, death by consensus, and overstimulation. No one was setting the vision, pulling everyone towards it, and ensuring the session ended with clear objectives and a plan.

In this session, Aleya Harris offers a unique approach to strategic planning that reimagines the process. She integrates BioEnergetics and storytelling to help each team member uncover and understand their personal blockages, which in turn affect the company culture and the collective narrative. By addressing these blockages and fostering a foundation of cooperation, shared determination, and receptiveness, we create an environment that nurtures authentic conversations and drives better results.

With our unique blend of strategic planning, BioEnergetics, and storytelling, you'll emerge equipped to overcome obstacles, foster alignment, and pave the way for a triumphant future.

Key Takeaways:

Understand the pitfalls of traditional strategic planning and how to navigate them for more effective outcomes.

Discover how to develop a comprehensive 5-year strategic plan that fuels growth and success.

Learn how to harness the power of storytelling to inspire and motivate your entire organization.

Discover the transformative potential of integrating BioEnergetics into the strategic planning process.

Boost Your Glow & Cash Flow: Mindfulness Techniques to Beat Business Burnout

Running an empire is hard work and, at some point, most entrepreneurs find themselves on the wrong side of “work/life balance.” With clients to please, employees to lead, P&L statements to review, content to create, and a seemingly never-ending to-do list, it’s easy to start falling into mental and spiritual misalignment with one’s business. But when your head isn’t in the game, your business faces the consequences. In this interactive session, Aleya will walk attendees through the seven Abundance Keys that drive energy levels and willpower — and how to recognize when they’re out of balance. She’ll share her favorite strategies to overcome burnout and rediscover one’s inner glow, effectively supporting profit growth, mental wellbeing, and an empire that is built to last.

Takeaways Include:

How to monitor for red flags that signify misalignment in your body, your mind, your spirit, and your business

Three must-know techniques to recalibrate your energy with your business goals

How money, communication, and energy tie into one another — and what to do if you recognize one (or more) is out of whack

Vanquish the Villains on Your Hero's Journey: What's Stopping You from Reaching Your Happily Ever After?

As an entrepreneur or executive, you are the hero in your business’ narrative, even though it may not always feel like it. When your energy is low and you’re approaching burnout, it’s hard to feel like the triumphant CEO that has it all together. But, here’s a secret: Even the greatest heroes of all time need help! In this session, Aleya steps into the role of your guide to walk through the stages of the hero’s journey and the common pitfalls that present at each stage. She’ll reveal her tried-and-true strategies for overcoming the “villains” in one’s journey and keep positive energy flowing, so that you can rise out of burnout and discover freedom and abundance.

Takeaways include:

The three stages of the hero’s journey and how they apply to business principles

Key techniques for getting unstuck in your business

How to map out a successful hero’s journey for your business and personal life

Master the Art of Motivating Teams: Unlock Your Inner Transformational Leader with the Power of a Shared Story

Are you struggling to get everyone onboard for a large strategy change? Do you find it challenging to execute and share your vision with your team? Is there a lack of cohesion among your team members, resulting in a stagnant work environment? If you're facing these common challenges as an executive, business owner, or team lead, then this session is designed specifically for you.

In this immersive experience, Aleya Harris combines the powers of storytelling and energy healing to unleash the full potential of your leadership abilities and inspire your team to reach new heights of success. Join us on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

Through the art of storytelling, discover the power of weaving narratives that ignite passion, create a sense of purpose, and drive motivation among your team members.

Using energy healing, excavate new levels of self-awareness and address any blockages hindering your growth as a leader. Discover how to invest in the personal development of your team members, fostering a cohesive and empowered work environment.

Key Takeaways:

Unleashing the Power of Storytelling: Acquire storytelling techniques that engage emotions, convey vision, and foster a shared sense of purpose.

Energy Healing for Personal and Team Growth: Discover the transformative effects of energy healing practices. Explore techniques that facilitate self-awareness, remove blockages, and promote the personal and professional development of both you and your team members.

Cultivating Team Cohesion and Empowerment: Embrace the principles of storytelling and energy healing to create an environment that encourages collaboration, innovation, and the realization of each team member's full potential.