Melissa L.

Speaker, Entrepreneur, Improvisor, Team Builder at Everybody Up!

Talent Development

Education: Ball State University
Austin, TX, USA


Melissa Love is the founder of Everybody Up where she facilitates workshops to help guide companies like Apple, Inc., Samsung, and Expedia to build supportive work environments.

Melissa's speaking expertise extends beyond corporate giants to diverse audiences, delivering engaging talks on communication, networking, internal customer service and mentorship.

Melissa inspires audiences to take action with her authentic and charismatic approach. Her interactive audience exercises energize and engage, leaving a lasting impact on businesses and showcasing her dedication to improving workplaces. In a concise package, Melissa Love emerges as a dynamic speaker with a proven track record of success across numerous industries.


Melissa Love is impassioned about rekindling humanity in the workplace, weaving a narrative that transcends corporate confines. As a speaker, her fervor lies in revitalizing employee productivity by fostering genuine connections and addressing the pervasive issue of disengaged employees. Melissa is dedicated to enhancing employee retention through her unique blend of empathy-driven strategies and innovative approaches. Her commitment extends to the customer realm, where she champions the cause of customer retention and elevates the standards of customer service. Melissa's captivating talks resonate with a commitment to humanizing both employee and client experiences, creating a ripple effect that transforms workplaces into thriving ecosystems of connection, productivity, and lasting success.

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I am willing to travel

More than 100 miles

When it comes to payments

I generally get paid for speaking but make exceptions


employee engagement employee productivity leadership mentorship women empowerment the human connection company culture increase profits lower absenteeism team building inspire leaders professional legacy empathy recruitment retention productivity marketing employee communication skills soft skills human resources remote work improv improvisation applied improvisation applied improv emcee trainer facilitator workshop facilitation interactive workshops storytelling womens leadership team leadership authentic leadership manager culture corporate culture customer experience software engineers women in tech innotech you are enough me too customer service client success project management communication internal customer service autism panelist

Best Story

In my previous role at an advertising agency in Fort Wayne, Indiana, I led account services for the agency's largest client, a casino property in Gary. Amidst preparations for the grand opening, a disturbing incident occurred during a routine status meeting with a C-suite executive. Unsettlingly, he made inappropriate advances, and I found myself in a difficult position.

I confided in my mentor, seeking guidance on how to handle the situation. His empathetic response focused on my well-being rather than immediate business implications, showcasing the importance of genuine leadership. Despite the high stakes involved with the account, my mentor offered to reassign me to a different client. However, driven by my dedication and the unique opportunities the account presented, I stood firm in my decision not to be removed. The experience allowed me to navigate challenging professional waters, highlighting the importance of resilience and self-advocacy in the face of adversity.

Origin Story

A pivotal experience that reshaped my career trajectory occurred when I worked for a small advertising agency. Despite significant contributions, including implementing agency-wide processes and software, I was unexpectedly fired after voicing concerns about a potential promotion. This incident, marked by a lack of transparency and mixed signals, prompted deep reflection.

In response to this unjust termination, I founded Everybody Up, a communication training business. Drawing on over 20 years of experience, I shifted my focus from serving potentially abusive clients to nurturing and supporting employees. This transformative journey, fueled by a commitment to authentic leadership, inspired me to create positive change in workplace dynamics, fostering a culture of trust, mentorship, and genuine communication.

Example talks

Harmony in the Halls: Mastering the Symphony of Internal Customer Service

Melissa Love delivers an energetic keynote speech, highlighting the pivotal role of internal customer service in cultivating a nurturing workplace culture. With a dynamic blend of music, dance, and interactive exercises, Love captivates the audience while driving home her key points. She underscores that internal customers, comprising employees across all levels, are instrumental in shaping the triumph of any business. Love urges the audience to perceive their colleagues as valuable customers, underscoring the significance of qualities like empathy, timeliness, and effective communication in internal interactions. The speech crescendos with an entertaining dance-off, leaving a lasting impression on the audience about the paramount importance of collaboration and teamwork in the success of every business.

Key Takeaways:
• Recognizing the pivotal role of internal customer service as a cornerstone for fostering a united and efficient team.
• Understanding how positive workplace relationships ripple through employee satisfaction, productivity gains, and the organic growth of the company.
• Backed by compelling data, the correlation between employee happiness and heightened productivity, ultimately contributing to an upswing in sales.
• Elevating workplace dynamics through a commitment to clear communication, active listening, and mutual support among colleagues.
• Nurturing a supportive work environment emerges as a key driver, resulting in reduced turnover rates and a notable boost in overall employee morale.

Past Audiences: HPI Real Estate Services & Investments, American Pets Alive!

Using Compassionate Leadership to Drive Revenue

Disengaged employees are bleeding companies dry. In fact, disengaged employees cause US companies between $450 and $550 billion in lost productivity every year. These same employees make recruitment slower, more costly, and more difficult. While it’s easier to focus on only the difficult employees and spreadsheets every day. I will give you tips on how to start being a mentor and drive your business further and faster.

Key Takeaways:
• How to create a positive ripple by creating a culture that encourages human connection to drive growth, increase profits, lower absenteeism, energizes teams and increases productivity.
• How to inspire your team to speak up in meetings, ask for more responsibility and be (an active) part of your recruitment efforts
• How to leave a positive professional legacy. Don’t be hard to work for.
• An easy system to train your brain to increase your empathy skills.
• How to uncover your employees' hidden talents, doing more with fewer employees
• How much money your organization is potentially losing.

Team Building & Communication Workshop

Fifty-two percent of US workers are not engaged or inspired at work and these employees are costing us $450 to $550 billion a year in lost productivity. Here’s the good news, companies with engaged employees outperform those without by up to 202% and they enjoy 2.5X more revenue growth.

I help business increase productivity through team building and employee engagement programs and the tool I use is Applied Improv. Improvisation is a way in which people can actively explore possibilities, innovate and respond to a challenge in real time. Furthermore, we refine communication skills, improve teamwork and create positive work environments. Since Kindergarten, we've heard that having fun while you learn is the secret to success and it's what we do at Everybody Up! We'll have everyone up on their feet, having a blast as we practice the tools for improved communication, supporting team members and finally conquering the public speaking fears that have plagued us our entire lives.

On an improv stage as in business there is often no time to plan because things change constantly. If one does not change and evolve through observing, connecting and responding quickly the individual or business could fail. Improv strengthens your ability to think on your feet, make decisions quickly and pay close attention to how your decisions affect others. Through low-pressure exercises we teach participants how to be present in the moment, listen carefully and contribute freely. In addition, we will help individuals approach difficult situations and work together to obtain lofty goals.

Key Takeaways:
• Bring teams together to operate with a more unity and increased productivity.
• Exercises focus on communication, creativity, taking care of our partners, and accepting/building on others’ suggestions.
• People are on their feet playing, having fun and learning what it means to be part of a team.

Past Audiences: Apple, Samsung, Expedia, Boundless Network, Informatica, Austin Contact Center Alliance, Goodwill of Central Texas, Texas Diversity Council, AllianceBernstein, Jeremiah Program, Professional Teleservice Management Association, Women in Insurance & Financial Services, American Association of Inside Salespeople

Networking Talk & Workshop

There is power in making authentic connections with fellow humans. However, walking into a room of strangers can be difficult not to mention the concept of getting into a first-time conversation with a complete stranger. Some find networking to be intimidating, even paralyzing. Let’s change that paradigm together. Let’s approach networking from a fun, informed perspective. Melissa Love from Everybody Up! will share her tips for conquering your fear, how to book meaningful 1-on-1 meetings, as well as walk us through a few exercises that break down barriers.

Key Takeaways:
• Tips for how to strike up a conversation with a stranger.
• Questions to ask when jumping into a first-time conversation.
• How to quickly connect with complete strangers.
• How to exit a conversation.
• How to book 1-on-1 meetings with people.
• How to protect yourself from people that just want to sell, sell, sell during a 1-on-1 meeting.

Past Audiences: Association for Talent Development, eWomen, Actuary Club of SW Texas, Hire Texas, Project Management Institute, FreeCon, Empowering A Billion Women, South Austin Business Association

Speaking Engagements

2024 Amplify A|E|C Conference

Salt Lake City, UT, USA, 07/24/24