Amy Camie is a professional harpist, certified therapeutic clinical musician, TEDx speaker, 2-time breast cancer thriver and wellness advocate who uses music, resonance, and neuroscience to empower others with skills that build trust, understanding, empathy, and self-compassion.
As a trauma-informed leader certified in Intercultural Creativity®, Amy recognizes the potential opportunity for learning in every experience. She encourages audiences to open their mind, expand perceptions, and increase self-awareness to create a deeper sense of connection and harmony within and around them.
Known as “The Healing Harpist,” Amy has co-authored 2 clinical trials exploring the use of music to help reduce anxiety, and support brainwave and immune system function in cancer patients. Her music, “The Magic Mirror,” has helped thousands of listeners around the world relax, sleep and heal. Published research concludes, "… that listening to “The Magic Mirror” solo harp CD can be used in combination with other therapy for cancer or physiologically stressed patients to reduce the magnitude and duration of the effect of their disease."
Amy continues to broaden the conversation about music, creativity, and self-discovery through innovative talks, programs, articles, and interviews.
I’m a passionate woman who loves expressing my gifts, living my truth, and empowering others to do the same.
I love inspiring others with ways to expand perceptions and their relationship with music by using the harp, resonance, and neuroscience research to reveal how each individual creates and contributes through their unique lived experiences.
Individuals, Teams, & Organizations thrive as
* trust builds
* listening improves
* perspectives shift
* compassion grows and
* common connections are recognized
* creating a sense of harmony and community that increases creativity and productivity.
More than 100 miles
I generally get paid for speaking but make exceptions
A story from my TEDxStLouis talk:
What’s been fascinating to me over the years, is how listening to music in a different way - not just for entertainment, background atmosphere, relaxation or wellness – but rather, listening to music as an expression of another human being, has helped me increase self-compassion, and develop my skills of tolerance, and empathy.
It started years ago for me, with heavy metal music.
Our boys love metal music, so we listened to it every day on the way to school.
• I didn’t understand this music,
• I didn’t like it,
• it felt angry, loud and forceful,
• it was uncomfortable to listen to,
• and yet I endured it because the boys loved it.
Then, one day I decided to stop judging it, because, as a mother, I was curious to understand why they liked it. So I asked one question, “What are they saying?” That one question opened a floodgate of unexpected connections. The boys told me about the myths and legends conveyed through the music, and stories of pain and tragedy the musicians had gone through.
In the days that followed, my heart opened, mind opened, to hear this music as an expression of another human being.
I learned a lot and understood why the boys liked it. It became easier to listen to. My tolerance increased, and I felt a deeper connection with the boys and the musicians.
I was surprised how one questions could create these feelings of Empathy - which is the "ability to understand and share the feelings of another."
As a classically trained professional harpist, my path to recording healing music, developing research, overcoming 2 journeys with breast cancer, and speaking at corporate events is one filled with self-discovery, transforming fear, stepping into the unknown, and trusting my unique path.
My life is a symphony of continual personal growth through:
• radical self-compassion and inner listening,
• embracing the trials and joys of marriage, motherhood, and two journeys with breast cancer
• hundreds of healing concerts, programs & events that blend music, resonance, and neuroscience
• corporate trainings focusing on music, wellness, compassion, and empathy
• innovative research development and publications that supports cancer patients
• sustaining a healthy lifestyle using wellness products powered by essential oils
• and recording original music that sings from the depths of my soul
"Listening for common strings in chaotic times"
Music is a personal, social, and cultural expression that can transform chaos into harmony within and around us - when we listen consciously.
Through fun demonstrations of resonance using a harp and tuning forks, supported by evidence-based research, this program reveals how each individual creates and contributes through their unique neurology and lived experiences.
Groups, teams, and individuals thrive as trust builds, listening improves, perspectives shift, compassion grows and common connections are recognized, creating a stronger sense of harmony and community within and around them.
Learning Objectives:
1. Intentional development of empathetic skills through an expanded relationship with music
2. Heighten listening skills for respectful understanding
3. Recognition of sympathetic resonance that reflects physical and emotional responses
4. Transference of personal skill development with music to respectful relationships with others
5. Increase connection and sense of community within Teams & Organizations
Growth outcomes from perceiving people and relationships through this metaphoric lens of music include:
• Individuals are inspired by their potential and excited to contribute
• Managers are motivated to discover and develop common connections that improve team harmony, performance, and meaning
• Leaders are enriched with an expanded perspective that cultivates curiosity, encourages creative adaptation, and actively builds skills necessary to navigate these chaotic and ever-changing times.
Amy Camie was a Guest Leader at all three Leadership Council cohorts of Presidents, VPs, and other C-suite executives in 2024. I had asked her to come tell her stories and theories on how musical concepts teach us about leadership and life. One presentation was better than the next! The Leadership Council members were inspired and energized from what Amy presented, and have been using her concepts in their work and in their homes. Although she came with something of a curriculum -- a planned presentation -- she also flexed with the structure and questions of each group, built on what they asked with her expertise and depth of knowledge, and offered real-time sensory examples of her points. Thank you, Amy, for giving our leaders an unexpected and wonderful perspective on leadership and human interaction!
~ Amy Scharff, President
Leadership Council
Presidents Council
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Sampling of Key Take-a-Ways from Participants ...
* Life is FULL - slow down, stay open, be curious
* Use music for team bonding
* Frequency matters - same frequency = same song
* Think about pace and space when communicating
* 3 B’s = Brain, Breath, and Heart Beat
* Eye contact entrains brain waves
* Retune my strings by slowing down, being aware, and feeling my feelings. Keep feeling them
* Everyone brings the fullness of who they are to every moment
* Our brains are predictive so if we want to change a pattern, we must slow down and listen to our individual “strings”
Two journeys with breast cancer offered the opportunity for me to slow down, stay open, and ask "What's yet to be discovered?" Below are a few of the Life Lessons that continue to inspire and empower audiences:
*It's OK to have my own belief system
* I have the choice to choose how to live my life
* It's important to take time for myself
* Judgements and assumptions restrict possibilities
* A shift in belief, expands perceptions, and alters the experience
* Change is constant so dance within the moment
* When I'm caught in doing, I'm resisting Being
To learn more:
"Enthusiasm topped the charts! Brought up points I had never considered!"
"Thank you so much for your presentation yesterday! I almost did not get out in time because people kept stopping me to tell me how much they enjoyed the program. I think you not only hit a home run, . . . you hit a grand slam!!"
"Very appropriate to helping give better nursing care. Very different than what I expected."
"Well done. Very interesting and a new way of thinking."
"Very enlightening. I understand more about sound, vibrations and how through music/sound our inner selves can be healed."
"Very good information that I will use in my interpersonal relationships in my personal and professional life. Thank You!"
"Very useful information-can apply to real life."
"Excellent presentation. I can apply this daily."
"Makes so much sense - thankful you made us conscious of this" :-)
"Good stuff, nuf said" :-)
"Such a wise message of cannot pour from an empty cup. Everything is connected - love it! Totally enjoyed the info and actually better understand vibrational energy, which I am sensitive to."
"The pieces about harmony vs. meeting the other person where they are or trying to bring them to your frequency is SO RELEVANT to interpersonal relationships and social work in a professional setting. SO ENLIGHTENING - THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!"
"I loved hearing about the research associated with your music. Very powerful presentation. Thank you so much!"
"The breathing exercises you shared helped us all immediately. All of the information you communicated regarding vibrational energy, importance/physics of words and thoughts, and tools for integrating the ideas you shared practically into our lives was invaluable. I witnessed you connect with each woman so sweetly and I could feel some of the more complex information sink in almost effortlessly. This is a gift of yours."
"So helpful and practical! You have helped bring new insight and confirmation of our practices and values! Thank you a million!"
"I've often thought of some of these concepts, but thinking about them in terms of vibrations adds another dimension to them. My concepts have expanded and have become enriched."
"You truly helped me to get into my 'being self'! Something clicked where I saw a huge difference between my 'being' and 'doing' self. The examples of alpha and beta waves and people's frequency truly explained people's state of minds and their comfort levels. I appreciate the techniques you use for relaxing or releasing stress and I'm going to try to incorporate them in my life."
"You presented a side of emotion and feeling that I never would have thought about existing - you showed that humans can connect without words, which don't always do justice to what we feel."
"I learned many new theories about not only how music can effect one, but how to get in touch with myself using only myself."
"Very new information - very well presented." "Wonderful, contemplative theories."
"As an engineer, we're taught these concepts. I just never thought to apply them in this way."
"Such important concepts for self-care and helping others - thank you!"
"Too bad more clinical caregivers couldn't access this presentation. It would be so helpful for our ill patients."
"Your presentation was beautiful – your positive energy is contagious and awe-inspiring. Thank God for the gift of you! I heard from one of the participants from last evening, which is a first, about the enjoyment she received from last evenings presentation even though the construction caused grief, she was happy to have made it! This says a lot about you and your message. Thank you!
"You are beautiful and have reminded me that I am gifted and special. So often I don't feel that. Thank you!"
"I felt totally relaxed during your talk and the music. I loved it. Thanks so much!"
"Amy, very helpful to have the words to express the energy I feel. Your energy and your words have helped me to grow. Thank you."
"Amy, you have confirmed my life, my purpose. I am stunned. Will wait to see and experience more."
"So often when I care for myself I feel guilty and that was so true to hear about compassion in that light..."
Note: every program uses music, resonance, and neuroscience research
* Certified Therapeutic Clinical Musician through NSBTM approved Clinical Musician Certification Program
* Intercultural Creativity® through CAFFE Strategies
* Trauma Informed Care for Helping Professionals through Missouri Department of Mental Health
* Trauma Informed Leader through Integrate!
* The Resilient Heart - Trauma-Sensitive HeartMath Course through HeartMath