Poonam B.

Title: Attorney/Mediator/Author/Life Coach

Human Resources

Education: University of London-BA (Hons) Law with Social Anthropology - Juris Doctorate- Seton Hall School of Law
Jersey City, NJ, USA


Poonam Bhuchar, a practicing attorney, is an acclaimed speaker and coach on overcoming trauma and emotional pain in order to live a happy, fulfilled life. Born and raised in London of Indian parents, she immigrated to the United States at 21 and experienced a multitude of painful challenges in her life, including sexual assault, abuse, health issues, financial setbacks, and the aftermath and cultural humiliation of divorces.

Poonam developed the S.A.F.E. Method to help others acknowledge, discuss, and grow from their emotional pain without self or imposed stigma or judgment. Her top-selling book "SAFE from the Pain” guides readers into the light of a prosperous, happy life.

Poonam has appeared on 30 podcasts, been interviewed on Fox, Forbes Riley on her show and is also a TedX speaker . In addition to her coaching and speaking, she is now using her legal knowledge and personal experience to create pre-divorce and individual wellness coaching. Poonam recently introduced an online course on "Becoming Emotionally S.A.F.E."


Emotional well being, entrepreneurship, leadership, non profits, suicide, teenagers, college students,

Featured Video

I am willing to travel

More than 100 miles

When it comes to payments

I always get paid for speaking


human resources college workshops college corporate presentations media author legal collective leadership to reinvent organizations mental health and suicide prevention non profits

Best Story

How I was physically and emotionally brought to my knees so that I could not walk and only then decided to look on the inside and work through my emotional trauma and heal. How I have come out of this and lead and love life, appreciate all the good and have achieved anything that I have wanted to in my life because I have embraced who I am. That life is not perfect but it is how we approach it and how we embrace ourselves, the whole of ourselves, the way I learned to.

Origin Story

I wrote the book because I wanted to help anyone that was in a similar position. To be raw and real is the hardest thing in the world but if I could help one person to stop feeling the way that I did then sharing my story would be worth it.