Natalie J.

CVO at ViDL Work

Human Resources

Education: Florida State University - California College for Health Sciences
Tampa, FL, USA


Natalie Johnson is a renowned consultant, performance coach, and business motivational speaker with over three decades of experience transforming cultures worldwide. As the Co-founder and Chief Visionary of Vidl Work, Natalie specializes in optimizing organizational performance by increasing energy, fostering team connections, and developing courageous leaders.

With a background in human performance, including psychology, physiology, and resilience, Natalie is a sought-after speaker and trainer, known for her engaging, high-energy presentations. Her impactful work has earned her numerous accolades, including the Enterprising Women of the Year Award, Champion of Healthcare, and Business Leader Woman Extraordinaire.

Natalie's dynamic speaking style and expertise in topics such as intentional culture, leadership development, and effective communication have made her a respected figure in the business world. Her ability to inspire and empower audiences to achieve their full potential has made her a valuable asset to organizations seeking to thrive in today's competitive landscape.


Meeting new people and making meaningful connections between them

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I am willing to travel

More than 100 miles

When it comes to payments

I generally get paid for speaking but make exceptions


wellbeing wellness courage leadership resilience stress trust psychological safety creating psychological safety womens health health wellness healthcare businesswomens association healthcare high energy leadership personal energy management energy management high performance teams team leadership authentic leadership collective leadership to reinvent organizations dare to lead power of vulnerability leadership vulnerability empathy burnout prevention saving healthcare professionals from burnout reset your stress power of connection connection mindfulness mindset core values purpose shame perfectionism womens leadership the future of leadership soft skills authenticity motivational speaker motivation purposeful living minimizing employee turnover turnover burnout

Best Story

I was originally trained to work in sports. My job was to support athletes in maintaining their highest level of performance when everything was going wrong (ie. they're losing, making mistakes, or the stakes are very high). I realized quickly that all the ways I supported athletes in maintaining high performance also work for people who are not athletes. We all face adversity, unexpected tragedy, and change. We all want to win in our life.

Today, I work with people and organizations all over the world to function at full capacity. I focus on expanding human energy, creating connection on teams (at work and at home), and developing courageous leaders. Athlete or not, we all want to win in life and we all want to show up and perform at our best.

Origin Story

After working in sports, I transitioned to working in academics and eventually healthcare. A lot of the work I did focused on attempts to get people healthier. Companies wanted to save money on healthcare costs and they believed that providing wellness programs would be the answer. I learned from this experience that many organizations were willing to invest in wellness programs. However, this did not mean that their employees will participate, and it certainly didn't equate to anyone getting healthier or any change in healthcare costs.

I learned that fitness centers, nutrition programs, and disease management are not the answer to better health or cost savings.
I decided to take another approach and communicate directly with employees. I created focus groups and had 1:1 conversations. I asked them, "What gets in the way of you taking care of yourself?" What I learned were the root causes of people not investing in self-care. The most common reasons for people not taking care of themselves were related to stress, relationships, and leadership. If you truly want to save money, reduce turnover, and develop thriving people and cultures we must address the issues causing stress, we must teach human skills in creating connection, and we need to develop more courageous leaders.

Example talks

Dare to Lead™

Based on the research of Brene Brown and led by Natalie, who was trained by Dr. Brown, Dare to Lead™ is focused on brave work, tough conversations, and whole hearts. In particular, it focuses on the development of the four skillsets of courage: rumbling with vulnerability, living into your values, BRAVING Trust, and learning to rise.

The audience will:
• Learn what it means to “rumble with vulnerability” and understand the vital importance of vulnerability in great leadership
• Identify core values and explore the difference between professing and practicing values
• Explore the seven elements of trust and learn a framework for more productively resolving issues related to trust in the workplace
• Practice a simple but powerful “learning to rise” strategy that immediately shifts mindset and improves performance

Your Emotional Impact

The importance of emotional intelligence (EI) in the workplace has become a significant topic for forward thinking organizations. If a person doesn’t have a high level of emotional intelligence, their IQ or work ethic will only take them so far.

The audience will:
• Define emotional intelligence
• Learn at least three new practices for managing their own emotional energy for the benefit of themselves and others around them
• Learn at least three new practices for better understanding the emotional states of other people
• Learn about the connection of emotional intelligence to mental health

Trust: The Secret Ingredient

As Steven Covey says, “Trust is the glue that holds all relationships.” Research supports the importance of trust in creating and maintaining connected, collaborative relationships and high performing teams.

Participants in this training will:
• Learn a simple but powerful framework for understanding the elements of trust including: care, sincerity, reliability, and competence
• Identify specific examples in their own working experience of each of these elements of trust (and mistrust)
• Apply the trust framework to a working relationship to identify specific issues and develop the best approach for rebuilding trust with that person

This session is appropriate for individuals and teams who would like to build or repair trust with another person and/or with their team.

The Role of Vulnerability and Empathy in Creating Best in Class Workplaces

Research from the field of organizational psychology suggests that the most important key to bringing our best selves to the workplace, even in times of demanding change, is to put our egos in the backseat and lead with vulnerability and empathy. This session will offer important insights into the role of vulnerability and empathy in today’s changing workplace and guide participants as they identify ways to practice both.

The audience will:
• Define psychological safety and understand the relationship to vulnerability and empathy
• Create an internal navigation system for themselves and understand how vulnerability and empathy are necessary
• Re-define empathy and use it in a tough conversation that requires vulnerability

Stepping Into Greatness: Staying Calm, Kind and Productive in Times of Uncertainty

In the face of stressful situations, we often default to fear and anxiety. While this is a natural human response, it has negative consequences for our wellbeing, our families, our communities, and our workplaces. In times of disruption, change, and uncertainty, what’s most needed is calmness, kindness, and the ability to stay focused
on what’s most important. This training will inspire and guide participants as they define what greatness in the face of adversity means for them and begin to operationalize that through their daily choices.

The audience will:
• Have an increase in self-awareness and effective thinking that will be the foundation for their ability to rise up and call others to greatness
• Gain a new understanding of how crisis emotionally triggers us in ways that can negatively impact our wellbeing and the way we show up for others
• Assess their current leadership story – where you’re doing well and where there is room for improvement
• Learn a different way to think about self-care as the gateway to living in alignment with your desired leadership story and your best self

Optimizing Performance Through Energy Management

The research is clear that wellbeing, work performance, and organizational outcomes suffer in the long term unless leaders develop the ability to balance the demands of the modern work world through better management of their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual energy. This rich, interactive, and inspiring training helps leaders understand that health and wellness at work is not a luxury, but rather an absolute necessity for showing up as the best versions of themselves at work and at home.

The audience will:
• Connect daily decision-making regarding energy and wellbeing to a greater purpose and powerful motivator for change
• Learn science-based behavioral strategies in each energy dimension (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual) to support managing and expanding energy, as well as increase engagement, motivation, and learning
• Practice a resiliency strategy that will help to identify stress as a performance enhancer
• Define the barriers to managing energy and understand why energy (instead of time) has more value

Courageous Communication: The Inner Game

Traditional efforts improve communication skills focus on models or strategies that, while valuable, overlook one key factor: the internal work that is often necessary to improve the way we communicate with others. Developing an impactful communication style requires that we attend to important elements of our “inner operating system” such as thoughts, feelings, values, and decision-making models.

The audience will:
• Describe at least five communication traps they fall into that undermine communication
• Identify their most pressing personal challenge when it comes to communication
• Understand how their inner narrative and stories will influence communication style
• Apply two simple but powerful tools for generating the right mindset to support better communication and the power of storytelling

Courageous Communication: Clear is Kind

When we are confronted with a difficult conversation, we often find ourselves avoiding, sugar-coating, clumsily landing the message, or reacting defensively. This session helps participants identify and overcome these challenges so they can become more confident and comfortable giving and receiving feedback with candor, kindness, and conviction. We’ll use behavioral science to support communication tactics that increase engagement, motivation, and learning.

The audience will:
• Define empathy and apply it to an actual workplace conversation
• Define radical candor and apply it to an actual conversation
• List at least three ways to reduce defensiveness during difficult conversations
• Describe what it means to listen with intention

Stress: It's Your Superpower

Work and life today are busier and more emotionally demanding than ever. Although stress is a predominant factor in all our lives, research has revealed that the traditional way of viewing stress isn’t helpful and actually contributes to burnout. The science suggests we can use our stress to foster performance, better connect with those that matter, and even extend our life. This session will allow the audience to understand how they can create resilience during times of uncertainty.

The audience will:
• Update their thinking on stress based on the newest research
• Identify their biggest stressor and practice a powerful technique for changing their stress response
• Connect their experience of and response to stress to a greater purpose that serves to increase resilience even during times of uncertainty

Function at Full Capacity: Bringing Energy, Connection, and Courage

This keynote or breakout focuses on the three most significant elements of organizational wellbeing that allow organizations to function at full capacity: energy, connection, and courage.

Energy: Energy is one of our most valuable resources yet most of us fail to manage it effectively. This session will focus on how we can manage and even expand our energy capacity by connecting to a valuable motivator. I’ll introduce how to increase wellbeing and workplace performance through intentional management of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual energy.

Connection: Many teams struggle with ego, ineffective communication, and a lack of trust. This workshop will introduce foundational skills that will elevate team performance by increasing psychological safety, improving communication, and building skills to better manage change and conflict.

Courage: A type of leadership that still exists in all organizations is command and control leadership. It exists because you can scare people into doing what you want. However it’s not sustainable and the consequence is burnout, lack of organizational trust, and wasted resources. This session will define courage and introduce ways to create sustainable leadership.

The audience will:
• Recognize the four dimensions of energy and create a powerful motivator, best self vision that supports behavior change in each dimension
• Review definitions of trust and psychological safety and understand how they personally increase and decrease trust on their own teams
• Recognize vulnerability as the foundational skill of courageous leadership and learn that it’s an indicator of courage on teams and within organizations