Jennifer M.

Speaker, Time Coach & Author at Efficient Spaces Organizing & Time Management

Organization and Productivity

Education: Brigham Young University, Bachelor of Communication & Fine Arts
Grants Pass, OR, USA


Speaker, coach & author Jenny Morin is thrilled to present interactive workshops which propel business goals and growth. Audiences appreciate her enthusiasm, interactive style, and content-rich messages. Jenny didn’t always enjoy speaking. She has progressed from a shy Maine farm girl to a professional speaker. That early training on the farm shaped her life; she realized she didn’t want to weed veggies for the rest of her life!
You may know Jenny as a productivity speaker. Now, her signature talks are: habits for a happy life and boundaries.
Jenny is the President of Efficient Spaces Organizing and Time Services (2008) and a Golden Circle member of the National Association of Productivity & Organizing Professionals (NAPO). Bachelor's in Communications, (1995).


I love to see the transformation that takes place as I motivate my audience to put first things first and stick to their boundaries. The aha moments are like gold. Personally, I wasn't always good at time management. As a young Mom, my chiropractor would realize he had time to prepare lunch while he waited for me and my little ones to show up. Then, a cruise without kids & a time management book led to an epiphany about the substance of time. It changed the way I think about time. Now I want my audience to reap the benefits of my research, experience, and shortcuts.
Thirteen years ago, as a new speaker, I loved sharing stories about clients who blossomed through time management and became more successful and happy. I still do! Speaking truly is my passion; it's a perfect way to make a difference in today's world by delivering a timely, relevant and impactful message.

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I am willing to travel

More than 100 miles

When it comes to payments

I generally get paid for speaking but make exceptions


productivity workplace productivity organizing for success organizing skill development prioritization and time management productivity and effectiveness time management for leaders effective time management time management work life balance change changing habits power of habits decluttering decluttering your office time coach author setting and achieving goals baby steps focus and attention happiness happiness at work setting boundaries personal boundaries professional boundary setting

Best Story

I have so many stories about clients who turned their life around through organizing and time management. Pick any time management topic and I've got a story or two up my sleeve! The organizing and productivity stories are practically endless. Some are success stories, some are just funny. And some really drive the learning home.
Example: I coached a new business owner with ADD and she completed a robust business plan in less than 60 days! Here’s how we did it.
Kaye knew a detailed business plan was a key to her new venture’s success. She’d started a pet training business but every time she sat down to work on her business plan, she got distracted by online research and the internet. So, she hired me, we made her time map, and experimented with her attention threshold. We set aside a DAILY 30-minute time block in her time map to work on her business plan. We repeated the phrase, “I can do anything for 30 minutes!” Kaye committed herself to this action, and I kept her accountable.
What happened? Kaye exceeded her own goal because most days she got so engrossed in her business plan she ended up working on it for an hour! With her ADD, finishing projects had been very difficult before. But when we broke the project into small 30-minute chunks, she finished the plan in less than 2 months. Kaye felt a great sense of accomplishment!

Origin Story

I grew up on a small farm in Maine. Though financially challenged, my parents had college degrees and always encouraged us by saying “you can be anything you want to be.” I believed them. I obtained my bachelor’s degree in 1995, and put it to good use at several newspapers. Then I started my family and only had time for a feature now and then. Fast forward 10 years, and I read about organizing in an article. The lightbulb went off—I realized I was perfect for this profession! So I called an organizer near me and we ended up talking for an hour. Before the call ended, she handed me one of her clients to work with. I felt elated to start my new endeavor. That was back in February 2008.

Example talks

Make Organizing Fun

A motivational, shorter workshop where Jenny teaches basic organizing principles like purging and sorting. Get motivated by quotes, before and after pictures, and success stories from client experiences. Fun and educational – you’ll come away with ideas you can apply right away!

30-60 minutes. Customizable for your event.

Simplify your Workday: Let’s be Real!

Do you consistently overload your schedule with tasks?
8 tips you can apply right away to simplify your workday or work-from-home day. For professionals and professionals doubling as parents. Come learn the secrets of not overwhelming yourself with endless to-do lists, of pacing yourself and planning ahead, and other necessary concepts like time blocking.

Benefits: Learn new skills and gain confidence.
60-90 minutes. Customizable.

Make time for Joy!

Making time for ourselves is vital to maintain energy for other activities like family and work.
This address starts with the good practice of applying your own oxygen mask before helping others. Our discussion centers on work/life balance, specifically incorporating activities which bring joy.
Participants get time to create a ‘joy’ list.
This is a great presentation for leaders who put themselves last, especially women. Jenny lists 6 ideas for scheduling and protecting time for refreshing activities to increase contentment. With time for discussion.
The principle of finding joy can be applied to anything that hasn’t been working in your life: professional or personal.
Sixty minute presentations include an optional discussion on saying 'no' to extraneous requests & commitments.

Benefit: Discover the best ways to refresh yourself. Preserve energy for the important people, relationships, and activities in your life.
30-60 minutes. Customizable

Make Your Day Count

Have you ever finished a full day of work and wondered: what did I actually accomplish today?
Learn how to make your day count.
Jenny opens with visualization and mindset principles, then leads some self-awareness exercises. Discover how to break goals down into ‘bite-sized pieces’ with in-class exercises. Gain relief from stress along with a plan of attack for a crazy-busy schedule. Other topics include prioritizing, limiting interruptions, recovering momentum, and focusing on important work first.

Each participant chooses which action(s) they will implement to improve personal productivity.

Benefits: Participants leave encouraged, focused, motivated, and empowered with tools.

Target audience: Any profession that has freedom to structure their workday. Novices welcome.
60 minutes. Customizable.

Conquering Paper and Digital Clutter

We present several immediate solutions for physical and digital clutter, including steps to take right away as well as long-term solutions.
We show participants how to analyze the problem and explain how to create a simple "attack the clutter" plan. Includes many entertaining real-life organizing stories and solutions!
60 minutes.

Does This Stuff Make My Desk Look Small?

Desk, tool, and file setup for optimal productivity. In this presentation, Jenny encourages discussion and interaction between participants. Content includes many principles from Clean Off Your Desk Day.
Designed for a smaller group or business setting like a lunch-and-learn or conference.
30-60 minutes.

Let Go of Stress; Embrace Relaxed Productivity

Unfulfilled expectations and overloaded schedules lead to stress in business. Jenny covers some common causes of stress, how goals can be achieved without stress, and four practices that lead to relaxed productivity. Having a detailed knowledge of present commitments and the amount of time needed for tasks plays a big role in alleviating stress.
Jenny also includes her research and experience around creating positive habits and annihilating negative habits.
Participants learn that stress does not need to accompany productivity. They will see how to incorporate the 4 practices weekly and feel deeply satisfied at the end of each day.

Benefits: Increase morale, productivity, and employee retention.
Target audience: Business leaders & entrepreneurs, HR.
60 minutes. Customizable

EnVision Success This Year

What is important to you? Where do you want to be a year from now? Jenny poses these and other important questions to set direction for your future.
Explore a proven 5-step framework for achieving goals. This path to goal success includes reminders, motivation, obstacles, talents & desires. We identify a system for working toward goals, and how to make large goals more manageable. Accountability plays a huge part of goal realization, which we delve into in detail. We also discuss ideas and tips to maintain success once you’ve ‘arrived.’
Discover and refine your vision; learn how to make it a reality!
Time for reflection and recording thoughts is part of this 60-90 minute workshop.

Workshop: Clean Off Your Desk Day

Is disorganization hampering your productivity at work?
Learn shortcuts, tips, and principles for keeping an orderly desk and files. Instruction time is followed by personal time with the organizer(s) working on each individual’s desk.
In the seminar, we start with organizing basics, including how to go from piles to files. Discover the 6-step organizing method and the steps to create a user-friendly system. Next, discover solutions for organizing challenges like project files and managing tasks. Last, make your office a pleasure to work in by applying the principles for setting up a productive office.

For large companies/groups, we may need to schedule multiple days to make time for everyone’s desk.
For conferences, lecture-only format is available.
60-90 minute workshop/ plus desk organizing time

What's My Time Personality? And How Can It Help Me Perform Better?

Learn the optimal conditions for increasing personal productivity and reaching goals by leveraging time choices. Several self-awareness exercises help each participant identify their time personality. Jenny discusses environment, internal and external factors, ideal focus time length, and working with personal energy cycles. Participants come away with a clear plan to optimize personal productivity at work.
Add-on: Work/life balance or Rejuvenation Activities.
Customizable. 60-120 minutes.

Fitting in Time for Focus Work Despite Interruptions & Email

Do interruptions and distracting emails encroach upon your important focus time at work?
• Interruptions: What to do when your best-laid plans for the day are in tatters. Learn strategies to minimize interruptions & get back on track.
• Efficient Email: Strategies to quickly identify what is urgent versus what can wait. Implement a simple 3-step process to thin out the overflowing email inbox. Learn to deal with email once!
• Fit in Focus Work: make time for what you were hired to do. Also, learn strategies to make more time for focus work in your week and how to recharge when your energy is flagging.
Benefits: Proven strategies to focus on important work, less time wasted, improved morale. Customizable.
90-120 minutes.

Realistic Planning and Smart Prioritization: Reduce stress, skyrocket productivity

Take your planning and Prioritizing to the next level.
Planning is crucial in the corporate world. We talk about planning with emphasis on time estimating and not overloading the schedule. This seminar focus on complete planning, using time blocking and scheduling tasks realistically into the week. When participants use these principles, their stress levels dramatically decrease.
Prioritizing : We discuss first things first, and each person identifies their core responsibilities. Next, we present 2 frameworks for prioritizing tasks and share vibrant examples and stores to illustrate each segment.
Immediate benefits: Clarity, direction, and tools to use for prioritization. Using realistic planning to decrease stress.
60-90 minutes.