Pooja A.

Book and Content Marketing at The Content Repurposer

Marketing and Advertising

St. Louis, MO, USA


I help authors amplify their book's impact by repurposing their book into different media formats.


social media marketing book marketing ai artificial intelligence content marketing content strategy content creation copywriting messaging chatgpt book launch

Origin Story

From an early age, I recognized the incredible value of knowledge—it opens doors to endless opportunities. Once you acquire it, it becomes an invaluable asset.

As I matured, my passion for empowering businesses through education and content deepened. I've witnessed the transformative power of content, particularly in books, as an accessible gateway to knowledge.

Today, my focus has shifted to assisting businesses in reducing ongoing marketing expenses and saving time by repurposing their content. I believe in optimizing existing content to maximize its potential across various platforms, streamlining the sales process and expanding their reach. Check out my website, if you want to learn more about what I offer. https://thecontentrepurposer.com

Example talks

Using ChatGPT to Reduce Content Creation Workflow

Are you struggling to keep up with managing your social media accounts? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Social media is a powerful tool, but it can be time-consuming and overwhelming to manage. That’s why you won’t want to miss this speaking event. You’ll discover 5 easy ChatGPT prompts that will reduce and streamline your social media workflow. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn valuable tips and tools that can take your social media to the next level!

You Wrote a Book, Now What?

So, you wrote the book and now wondering how to ensure that it is leveraged as a lead generator? This is a constant question from those new to publishing and Pooja will talk about how to build a social media marketing engine to use the book as a credibility booster and lead generator. It’s all about activating your Sales Funnel!