Brienne H.

Vocal Empowerment Guide; Speaker Trainer; Author; Speech-Voice Pathologist; at Your Vocal Vitality, LLC

Professional Training and Coaching

Education: University of Victoria, BC, Canada - University of Iowa
Madison, WI, USA


Brienne Hennessy (she/her), Founder of Your Vocal Vitality, LLC, is a highly-sought after Vocal Empowerment Guide, Executive Speaking Trainer, Keynote Speaker, and Bestselling Author. She expertly guides women executives, entrepreneurs and speakers to communicate with more presence, speak frequently without fatigue or strain, and listen to their intuitive inner voice to show up as their truest selves. Brienne is a former Speech-Voice Pathologist with 13+ years of clinical experience and 55+ public speaking appearances. Brienne’s clients have succeeded in protecting the vital asset of their voice to increase speaking stamina, regain clear, smooth sound so their voice rises above the rest, and feel more at ease with their audiences, which has resulted in a more captivating presence and profit for their businesses! Her mission: elevate voice health holistically and enhance self-worth via your unique voice!

You’ll often find Brienne incorporating water into her day, whether staying hydrated, lounging at the lake, or blowing bubbles to warm-up her voice!


Love all things Larynx! (i.e. voice box). If you consider an asset in your life, perhaps your ability to use your voice has been overlooked. Yet, without your voice, you couldn't do your work. Speaking with a resonant, powerful, captivating presence is crucial for leaders across industries. It lights up my heart to see people connect with their natural voice, where they say "wow! That sounds like me!" and in doing so, they feel more assertive, less worry or frustration that their voice may falter before events or long talking days, and a deeper connection to their intuition which guides the way.
From storytelling to sales, your voice is vital!
I believe we can align our outer voice (physical sound) to our inner voice (Divine intuition) so that our words and truest essence shine through!

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I am willing to travel

More than 100 miles

When it comes to payments

I generally get paid for speaking but make exceptions


voice finding your voice voice over public speaking voice health women and public speaking speaking with confidence public speaking anxiety public speaking for women finding your mission driven leadership voice the power of your voice authentically speaking the power of intuition in the workplace developing intuition wellbeing professional development empowering educators empowering women intuition interactive workshops communication skills keynote speaker womens leadership vocal empowerment for women in leadership vocal technique self worth

Origin Story

During my nearly 14 years in healthcare, at prominent voice clinics across the country, I continued to see a significant gap in the amount and quality of preventative voice education. Patients would come in and lament "why didn't I know about [taking care of my voice] sooner?" and had to spend time, money and changes in their activities in order to rehabilitate from voice injury. There is a better way. Not only are there effective ways to condition the voice the way an athlete conditions their body for peak performance, but, it's also imperative that you know and understand your voice and it's capabilities intimately -- because what you say is important, but how you say it can make or break an interaction. Time and time again, may people were disconnected from their true self, their beliefs didn't match what they wanted to convey, or various degrees of stress negatively impacted how they intended to communicate. Speaking your truth, caring for your voice and it's function, and trusting yourself to speak your mind knowing you are worthy to be heard is, I believe, a core basis to long term well-being.