Kelly Colon

Speaker, Author, Professor, Neurodiversity Advocate, Workplace Strategists at Eledex Consulting, LLC

Education: Wentworth Institute of Technology - Mass Maritime Academy
Boston, MA, USA


I am the passionate founder of Eledex Consulting, a beacon for fostering inclusive futures through enlightened growth. My journey, deeply personal and professional, is fueled by a vision where inclusion & neurodiversity are celebrated, not just tolerated. Diagnosed with ADHD later in life and navigating the world as a mother to my 4 neurodivergent children, I've gained unique insights into the challenges and opportunities neurodiversity presents. This experience, combined with my extensive background in facilities, operations, construction, real estate, and design, drives my mission at Eledex Consulting to champion inclusive futures that celebrate cognitive diversity.

This unique expertise and background transcends traditional boundaries, making me a sought-after speaker, educator and facilitator. I engage audiences by sharing transformative insights and practical strategies to foster a greater understanding of neurodiversity. My workshops help clients gain the understanding and consideration they need to create greater neuroinclusive spaces in workplaces, educational institutions, and beyond.

My role as an educator amplifies this mission, where I leverage my experiences to guide families and institutions toward embracing neurodiversity. As an author, my storytelling skills are instrumental in conveying complex ideas in relatable ways, further enriching my presentations and workshops.

Eledex Consulting embodies my vision for enlightened growth, driving change through advocacy, education, and strategic consultancy. Our work is a testament to the belief that understanding neurodiversity is essential for societal progress.

During my speaking engagements, I draw on this extensive mosaic of experiences to champion a world where every individual, regardless of their neurological composition, is equipped to succeed.

My facilitation sessions are intentionally crafted to motivate action, equipping participants with the tools and knowledge to foster more inclusive and supportive communities.

I invite you to join me in envisioning and creating a future where neurodiversity is celebrated as an integral component of human diversity. Together, we can forge a more inclusive society, where every voice is acknowledged, and every person can realize their utmost potential.


I am passionate about education. As a professor I have had the honor and privilege to work in higher education since 2013 teaching both in the undergraduate and graduate levels for several Colleges & Universities in the Boston, MA area. Helping facilitate the learning of others has always been a passion of mine and one that lean on in my consulting and speaking roles as well.

I am willing to travel

More than 100 miles

When it comes to payments

I always get paid for speaking


culture corporate culture cultivating resilience company culture wellness at work well being organizational wellness wellbeing workplace choice paradox of choice career choice managing change change management leading change culture change neurodiversity neurodiversity in the workplace diversity equity inclusion and belonging deib mental health neurodiversity mental health trauman informed design women in the workplace generational issues education higher education skilled trades k12 education career transitions parenting inclusion diversity and inclusion diversity in the workplace

Best Story

In the classroom, a microcosm of the broader world I strive to influence, I find a direct reflection of my professional ambitions and actions as a speaker and facilitator. This space, where I stand as both a guide and a learner, mirrors the principles I champion through Eledex Consulting. Here, amidst the diversity of thoughts and backgrounds, I employ a spectrum of teaching methodologies to navigate complex and challenging subjects—much like the inclusive strategies I advocate for in workplaces and institutions.

The moment a student's confusion transforms into clarity is emblematic of the larger shifts I aim to create in society. These instances of enlightenment in the classroom are microcosms of the enlightenment I seek to foster within organizations and communities. They demonstrate the power of adaptability, understanding, and the celebration of cognitive diversity—core tenets of my work beyond the educational sphere.

As a speaker and facilitator, I draw upon these classroom experiences to illustrate the transformative impact of embracing neurodiversity and inclusivity. The journey from uncertainty to understanding, mirrored in the faces of my students, serves as a powerful analogy for the collective journey towards a more inclusive world. It underscores the necessity of creating environments—whether in schools, workplaces, or communities—that not only accommodate but celebrate diverse ways of thinking and learning.

These teaching moments reinforce my resolve to champion inclusive futures and cognitive diversity in all aspects of my professional work. They serve as poignant reminders of the importance of patience, empathy, and the tailored approaches required to unlock the potential within each individual. As I share these insights in my engagements, I aim to inspire action and motivate others to join me in reimagining a society where every voice is acknowledged, and every person is empowered to thrive.

The classroom, thus, is not just a setting for education but a foundational example of how inclusive practices can be implemented and the profound impact they can have. It epitomizes the goals I pursue as a speaker and facilitator: to enlighten, to empower, and to effect change, drawing on the rich tapestry of experiences and insights I've garnered from both my personal journey and professional endeavors.

Origin Story

My journey into the professional world began at the tender age of 15, when I first stepped into the realm of real estate as a title examiner. This initial foray ignited a passion that evolved into paralegal work throughout my twenties, laying a solid foundation in the intricacies of law and real estate. My career path then diverged into the vibrant sectors of residential real estate sales and commercial property management, where I honed my skills in navigating the complexities of property transactions and upkeep.

In 2009, my career took a pivotal turn towards the more structured worlds of facilities and operations management. Here, I engaged with a diverse array of public and private organizations, dedicating my expertise to enhance the construction, operation, and management of their physical spaces. This role not only expanded my technical knowledge but also deepened my appreciation for the symbiosis between people and their environments.

The pursuit of further education led me to graduate work in Industrial & Organizational Psychology in 2017, marking a significant transition in my career. This academic endeavor enriched my understanding of workplace dynamics, specifically the nuanced behaviors of employees within organizational structures. It equipped me with the tools to scrutinize and improve the workplace, focusing on both the well-being of the workforce and the efficiency of organizational operations.

Today, I stand at the confluence of human experience and the built environment. My work is dedicated to enhancing how individuals interact with their surroundings, aiming to elevate their daily experiences. I offer my clients a comprehensive service that encompasses not just the physical and operational aspects of the built environment but also a deep dive into how employees engage with their workspace. My approach is holistic, considering every facet of the workplace ecosystem to foster environments that not only function efficiently but also nurture the people within them.

This journey, from a young title examiner to a specialist at the nexus of human behavior and the built environment, reflects a profound commitment to understanding and improving the spaces we inhabit. It's a testament to my belief in the power of thoughtful, human-centric approaches to facilities and operations management, aiming to create spaces that empower individuals and organizations alike.

Example talks

Building Company Culture - Shaping Tomorrow's Workplace

Title: Building Company Culture: Shaping Tomorrow’s Workplace

Presenter: Kelly Colón, Founder of Eledex Consulting

In the dynamic landscape of today’s workplace, the essence of a company lies not just in its vision or product but in its culture. "Building Company Culture: Shaping Tomorrow’s Workplace" by Kelly Colón is a comprehensive exploration of the multifaceted nature of workplace culture. This talk delves into the core of what defines culture within an organization, highlighting its critical role in shaping employee behavior, attitudes, and overall company success.

Attendees will embark on a journey through understanding the foundational elements of workplace culture, including its definition, the significance of social norms, unwritten rules, and the impact of generational and neurodiversity. The presentation offers a deep dive into the four distinct types of company cultures (Adhocracy, Market, Clan, and Hierarchy) and their influence on innovation, goal attainment, teamwork, and organizational structure.

Key to this discussion is the recognition of cultural considerations that transcend traditional definitions. These include the importance of values in driving behaviors, the role of psychological safety, the necessity of mental health and wellness, and the impact of social cohesion on the workplace environment.

As we navigate through the current shifts in workplace dynamics, including generational changes and the increasing recognition of neurodiversity, understanding and shaping company culture has never been more pertinent. This talk not only addresses the challenges but also offers actionable insights for fostering a culture that aligns with organizational goals and employee well-being.

The session culminates in a strategic roadmap for building and scaling an effective culture, emphasizing the importance of values, purpose, strategy, and sustained behavioral changes. Through engaging discussions and real-world examples, attendees will leave equipped with the knowledge and tools to shape their organization’s culture for the better.

Benefits for the Audience:

Gain a comprehensive understanding of workplace culture and its impact.
Learn strategies to foster inclusivity and embrace generational and neurodiversity.
Discover actionable steps to build and enhance organizational culture.
Understand the importance of psychological safety, mental health, and wellness in the workplace.
Target Audience: This talk is tailored for a novice to intermediate audience, including HR professionals, managers, team leaders, and anyone interested in understanding and shaping the culture within their organization.

Level: Novice to Intermediate

Attendees will leave with a profound understanding of how a robust company culture is not just a part of the organization but the heartbeat that drives success, innovation, and employee satisfaction in today’s and tomorrow’s workplace.

Exploring the Neurodiversity Tapestry - A Journey of Understanding

Talk Abstract: Embracing Neurodiversity in the Modern Workplace
Title: Exploring the Neurodiversity Tapestry: A Journey of Understanding

Presenter: Kelly Colon

"Exploring the Neurodiversity Tapestry: A Journey of Understanding" presents an insightful exploration into the concept of neurodiversity and its significant impact on society, workplaces, and educational environments. This presentation navigates through the understanding of neurodiversity as a spectrum of neurological variations that encompasses a wide range of neurocognitive differences, including autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and more. The talk aims to dismantle stereotypes, challenge societal norms, and advocate for inclusive practices that recognize and celebrate the unique strengths and contributions of neurodivergent individuals.

Attendees will gain a comprehensive overview of what it means to be neurodivergent in a neurotypical world, exploring the challenges related to communication, social expectations, and the workplace environment. The presentation highlights the importance of personalized approaches, advocacy, and self-advocacy, emphasizing the need for supportive networks and policies that foster a sense of belonging and enable neurodivergent individuals to thrive.

The session will delve into the practical aspects of creating neuroinclusive environments that benefit everyone, by promoting understanding, acceptance, and the leveraging of cognitive diversity for better performance and innovation. Through personal stories, case studies, and current research, the audience will be inspired to become allies in the movement towards a more inclusive and equitable society.

Benefits for the Audience:

Understanding the concept of neurodiversity and its relevance in today's society.
Insights into the experiences and challenges faced by neurodivergent individuals.
Strategies for fostering neuroinclusive environments in workplaces and educational settings.
Inspiration to advocate for and support the neurodiversity movement.
Target Audience: This presentation is designed for a novice audience, including HR professionals, educators, managers, and anyone interested in learning about and supporting neurodiversity. It is also relevant for individuals seeking to understand their own neurodivergence or that of others.

Level: Novice

Through "Exploring the Neurodiversity Tapestry: A Journey of Understanding," participants will be equipped with the knowledge and tools to actively contribute to a more inclusive and diverse world, where neurodivergent individuals are valued for their unique perspectives and abilities.