dani w.

Nurse Practitioner/Supplement Store Owner/Author Wild & Well at Integrative Family Medicine/Wild & Well A Wellness Emporium

Health, Wellness and Fitness

Education: Western KY University - Vanderbilt School of Nursing
Franklin, TN, USA


Dani is a Family nurse practitioner that incorporates the art of medicine by balancing traditional and integrative therapies. She encourages her patients to step out of the realm of “normal” and reach “optimal” health.
Dani owns Integrative Family Medicine and Wild & Well A Wellness Emporium in Franklin, TN. She focuses on gut, autoimmune thyroid (Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis is her passion), hormone and adrenal health with her patients. Her approach embodies a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual process to healing. She believes that God designed our bodies to heal themselves. She reversed 24 years of chronic lifestyle diseases and Lupus by healing the gut and building her immune system.
Her first book Wild & Well Dani’s 6 Commonsense Steps to Radical Healing is a national bestseller since being released in 2021. She believes that your health is not rocket science, and healing shouldn’t be as well.


Healing our bodies from the inside out. Decreasing inflammation in our patients by addressing gut health and looking at childhood trauma. I am living proof that if you were born healthy you DO NOT have to live sick. I have helped thousands of women and men reverse decades of chronic lifestyle disease and live the life they were designed to live.

In order to help thousands and hopefully millions, I wrote a best selling book last year called Wild & Well Dani's Six Commonsense Steps to Radical Healing. It's written for EVERY person out there that was born healthy and is now struggling with feeling well. I am proof you can reverse decades of chronic lifestyle disease. And it is COMMON SENSE.

Featured Video

I am willing to travel

More than 100 miles

When it comes to payments

I generally get paid for speaking but make exceptions


womens health health wellness adverse childhood experiences immunity and inflammation reducing inflammation inflammation nurse practitioner women autoimmune disease motivational speaker health and wellness womens health and well being gluten chronic lifestyle diseases chronic disease management workplace wellness organizational wellness

Best Story

I start many health talks with this story...It's my signature story of healing and inspiration. The first line of course can take out shit-hole. And simply say 'complete chaos'

I grew up in a shit-hole of chaos. My grandfather died by suicide in the driveway, my mother attempted suicide multiple times. One step-father was a child molester and another step-father nearly choked me unconscious my senior year in high school. I struggled with chronic diarrhea from all the stress and had my first of four colonoscopies at age 20.
15 years later I was still struggling with a diagnosis of IBS, fibromyalgia, Lupus, chronic itching and joint pain.
My marriage was in falling apart.
I remember the day I decided to follow the family legacy. I woke up and decided to drive off the end of Broadway into the raging current of the Ohio River. No one would be able to save me.
Except they did…my kids Jackson and Ella busted in the room that morning hungry and ready to tackle the world.
Not long after that day, I was a single mom with two small kids, no income and on food stamps.
On my way to nursing school at age 40.
One year after graduating, I am working for Dr Kalb, when he asks me “Dani, what are you eating?” “Don’t you know your diet controls your disease?
“Do you know your food sensitivities”
Those questions are what FINALLY led to a full reversal of 24 years of chronic lifestyle diseases.

I did it by healing my gut, decreasing systemic inflammation and addressing the childhood trauma.
I have since helped thousands of men and women reverse decades of chronic lifestyle disease.

If you were born healthy, then you do NOT have to live SICK!
I am living proof you can turn OFF whatever you have turned ON.
Chronic lifestyle diseases like anxiety, headaches, depression, type 2 diabetes, arthritis, autoimmune disease, HTN are exactly that….LIFESTYLE DISEASES. Turned on by your LIFESTYLE. Turned OFF by your LIFESTYLE.

I feel better at 56 than I ever did at 36. There’s not enough gluten or dairy in the world to make me go back to feeling how I felt that day 12 years ago.
It wasn’t easy. It took work. It took commitment. I was FINALLY sick and tired of being sick and tired.
I chose that day in 2010 to step out of the boat, I walked on water. And so can every single one of you. Step out of the boat today, walk on water today and start living TODAY the life you were designed to live.

Origin Story

I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. I made the decision in 2010 to do whatever it takes to reverse the autoimmune diseases I have been diagnosed with. Now, I treat patients from all over the country and run a very successful clinic and wellness emporium.

My passion is to speak and teach to as many people, no matter the career, status, gender or socioeconomic status. Health and healing is universal. My goal is to help organizations have healthier, happier and more productive employees.