Donna C.

CEO and Founder at Cravotta Media Group LLC

Marketing and Advertising

Mount Kisco, NY, USA


I'm the CEO and Founder of Cravotta Media Group and the creator of Visibility Packages for Authors and Speakers. We work exclusively with content creators to help them tell their stories in a strategic, organic, and human way with custom-designed, story-driven marketing assets.

After years of creating strategies and building customized online platforms for clients, I saw a recurring theme. Clients never had the marketing assets they needed to implement the strategies effectively.

So I flipped my own story and now lead with creating marketing assets that pull together all of the parts to tell client's stories. These assets include Speaker and Book Reels and the Mix Tape Reel which tells the brand story or any story about the business. Plus marketing collateral such as bookmarks, postcards, speaker marketing kits, and book marketing kits. The strategy is built-in.

Cients have shared that they feel prepared for bigger opportunities and to make a bigger impact with the work they do.


Professionally: Helping authors, speakers, and thought leaders share their stories, so they are able to connect with the right audiences and grow their impact through relationships and opportunities.

Personally: Guide my son as he embarks on adulthood. Travel. Grow and learn through curiosity. Stay quirky and fun as I age gracefully. Create an avenue of my business that helps empower women and children to leave toxic situations.

I am willing to travel

More than 100 miles

When it comes to payments

Everything is negotiable


marketing strategies video marketing book marketing book reels speaker reels audience development public relations entrepreunership indie author strategies digital assets the importance of branding in a noisy world personal branding social media strategies communications strategy brand storytelling storytelling storyteller digital storytelling thought leadership using social media thought leadership development thought leader online reputation content strategy

Best Story

I have so many stories. I am about to start sharing them on Substack. One funny story was early on in my business. My neighbor invited me to a holiday party. It was freezing and snowy outside and when I walked in the first person I saw was a regal woman who was barefoot and wearing gloves. I knew I needed to speak with her. Turns out she was a hand model who was launching a line of anti-aging skincare for hands. We talked all night, and she hired me on the spot to help her grow her business. We worked together for years. We have had many adventures and the work I did for her built the foundation for the work I did in my business since.

Origin Story

After more than 25 years working in global law firms, I fired myself in 2006, started my first business, and never looked back. I did take all that I’ve learned and built a small, unique, intentional unagency where we build meaningful marketing assets that speak to the right audience and make a bigger impact.

The WE is mostly me, and when needed, I bring on a trusted team and specific partners who share my vision of marketing with intention, empowering clients, and building relationships online and offline.

For years my focus was on creating strategies and building customized online platforms that serve as a stage for our clients with a primary focus on listening, building relationships, and finding the right audiences and opportunities.

One thing that has become increasingly clear is that clients do not have the assets they need to stand out and we often had to jump in and create what was needed.

As I was rethinking my own business, ideas started bubbling, and I began to play with something new, fun, and very much needed. Visibility Packages for Authors and Speakers – including short videos such as speaker and book reels and the Mix Tape. It can be an overview of your brand story or something more specific such as your programs/services, talks, an event or workshop, or anything about you or your business that you want to share.

I flipped the story and now lead with creating marketing assets that tell the stories of our clients who are established and successful content creators doing incredible work.

These assets pull together all of the parts of the journey. They are easy to share, build confidence, are prepared when opportunities show up and make a bigger impact. The strategy comes built-in.

Example talks

Quietly Making a Difference

Tapping into personal experiences and regaling stories over and over can be challenging for people who are introverts or neurodivergent.

Yet it is a critical component in building meaningful, longstanding relationships.

The solution is to have those stories crafted into story-driven marketing assets, so you can bypass the stressful part and simply share them in your marketing and communications and focus on the parts that are comfortable to you.

Are Your Assets Covered? Why Being Prepared Matters

All established thought leaders and businesses have amassed a valuable “body of work.” This content comes in all forms, perhaps they are a series of blog posts, online courses, podcast interviews, social media posts, case studies, or actual books.

When these assets were created they were important… in most cases they still are, but you and your team are off to create the next best thing.

With her Gather Method™, Donna has been teaching her clients and audience to rethink their approach to their content and their stories for years.

This presentation walks through where to find these hidden gems and how to integrate them into our stories to better engage and connect.

Dust off your virtual bookshelf and recycle or “upcycle” your best content. Breathe new life into your stories, and create something entirely new that is fresh and targeted to the desired audience.

Donna will also discuss the marketing assets needed to pitch for speaking, media, and podcast opportunities.

Your Story is the Heart of Your Business

People remember stories.

Sharing relatable stories that shows vulnerability will capture the attention of the audience you want to connect with.

When you share who you are and what you stand for in an engaging way, it leads to engagement, trust, and sales.

Yet the sale process is different. It’s not a push, it’s the next step in a relationship.

Featuring the heart of your business in a short video that tells the story of your book, talk, program or brand makes it easier to share, delegate, and connect with more people.