Charlotte A.

CEO at Rebel Success for Leaders

Education: BS Virginia Commonwealth University - Kellogg Executive Education, Northwestern University; PhD, The Ohio State University; MS Virginia Tech
Chicago, IL, USA


Charlotte is founder and CEO of Rebel Success for Leaders and the author of the international bestseller Rebel Success for Leaders – Lead, Grow and Sell Fearlessly. For over 20 years, she has developed leaders, led and facilitated transformational change initiatives, and advanced mission critical innovations - achieving top and bottom-line business results and increasing team engagement. She’s gifted at breaking barriers, empowering teams and simplifying complexity.
Charlotte had the good fortune during her 16 years at Kraft Foods to advance some of the most beloved iconic brands where her innovation expertise spanned product, packaging, and technology innovations. She currently works with teams in Fortune 1000+ companies, Financial Institutions and Start-Ups to develop change-savvy leaders, empower teams and innovate to lead the market.
Charlotte holds a doctorate from The Ohio State University and an Executive Education Certificate from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University.


Our mission is to equip 1000 change-savvy leaders with at least 60% of them women to be best positioned for success in any industry. We are innovators in helping teams influence with impact to improve effectiveness, growth, and bottom-line results. Rebel Success for Leaders provides highly rated Innovation and Change Leadership Programs to the Fortune 1000 and Start-Ups across multiple industries. We create a world where change is fun and innovations are successful.

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I am willing to travel

More than 100 miles

When it comes to payments

Everything is negotiable


stem managing change leading change cultural change barriers and enablers of innovation and change corporate innovation healthcare it innovation innovation culture improving innovation and creativity innovation in health womens leadership team leadership authentic leadership collective leadership to reinvent organizations food and beverage women in engineering women in finance women in science women in tech women in healthcare healthcare food packaging food science women in stem process engineering manufacturing information technology technology transformation purpose building a career of purpose leadership with purpose and meaning purpose driven leadership bestselling author

Best Story

Who knew the 'Fish Story' would be so popular? It's a story about how my son helped his friend filet a fish. It's relatable, funny, and has so many parallels with the messaging in my business. Uniqueness matters and following your passion pays dividends.

Origin Story

Growing up a rural farm girl, I knew there was something different in my future. The way to that future involved a lot of nose to the grindstone focus and hard work. Succeeding professionally in a predominantly male profession and climbing the corporate ladder where politics is everything. The trajectory along the way changed when I crossed paths with Thelma - who helped me truly see that relationship building and standing in my uniqueness and purpose was the path to take.

Example talks

Transformation Trailblazers: Building a Change-Savvy Team

Leaders want their teams to be successful and savvy with change whether it’s a new digital platform, innovations driving growth or process improvements that deliver efficiency. Leaders also recognize that their teams need development to be excellent at change. Often, they find themselves stretched out of their comfort zone to learn new skills while simultaneously developing and empowering their teams. This presentation will cover the key principles of successful change. When implemented with collaboration, inclusivity and authenticity, organizations can see increased retention, engagement, and efficiencies.
The characteristics of change-savvy leaders and teams
Must haves to retain the uniqueness of each person on the team while leveraging the power of a diverse team
How to finally give up the control that's leading to your burnout and holding your team back.

Innovation Accelerator: Teams that Innovate for Market Success

Innovation and collaboration are widely recognized as critical elements to team success. Teams are still struggling to deliver on their potential and the skill gaps are growing. Developing a team that intentionally collaborates will realize the potential of each member.
How to tap into diverse inputs to develop innovators
Cultivate supporters for game changing strategies
How to design the team for today and tomorrow

Closing Keynote – Institute of Food Technologist July 2023 Chicago -300

Future Proofing: Using Empathy to Empower Innovation and Change

Businesses in every segment and industry are looking for ways to successfully grow and innovate for market success. Change initiatives are coming at organizations at a pace that is often unsustainable or exhausting. Key behaviors such as collaboration, influence and trust building are key success behaviors that have a common foundation in building empathy. This presentation will cover successful empathy-building strategies for teams.
The characteristics of change-savvy leaders and teams
The simple strategy of being present and how it empowers your team
How to drive clarity to overcome fear
Three tools to influence others for a super effective team
How to make change easier and more authentic

Impactful Influence: Without Authority or Position

As the role of STEM experts evolves, those experts need to be skilled in influencing cross-functional teams and external partners in addition to the technical skills they were hired for. Research has shown a gap in training for these types of success skills and professionals at all career stages are eager to upskill.
How to enhance people skills
How to bridge technical expertise and influence
How to bring your authentic self to work and find your voice

Athena Pioneers: Women Leaders Catapulting their Career

Being fearless in the predominately men’s world of STEM and manufacturing is almost a pre-requisite. How do women lead in this space while preserving their unique strengths and not slipping into the belief that becoming a clone of their male counterparts is critical to success. This presentation will share three proven strategies to break out of preconceived boundaries.
How to bring your authentic self to work and find your voice
How to drive clarity to overcome fear
How to finally give up the control that's leading to your burnout and holding your team back.

This keynote was originally developed and delivered at the Plastics News division of the Women Breaking the Mold conference.

Creating a Culture of Caring through Successful Transformations

Given the headwinds facing many industries from all fronts, leaders who grasp the silver lining of innovation and opportunity will lead the future. These leaders will need a proven ability to lead change as well as stand strong in purpose and a culture of empathy.
Objectives -
-Criteria for successful change leaders
-Ways to connect purpose to successful change
-Techniques for leading change in challenging environments

Originally created and presented for American Chemical Society conference and HFMA Regional meeing

LEAP Transform with Purpose

This pre-conference workshop was co-developed between myself, Dr Charlotte Allen, and colleague, Dr Kasthuri Henry. It can be modified and delivered to any mid-career STEM group.

Technological developments in Robotics and AI are transforming the world of accounting and finance while the global business marketplace is transforming rapidly due to uncontrollable events including the global pandemic. Future Proofing the management accounting profession and mastering the art of continuous transformation is key to the staying power for professional success. This workshop will take the learners through the 4-step process of developing the necessary success skills while becoming ennobled to emerge as a governance centric leader authentically living a purposeful life.

Learning Objectives:
Understand and become centered on your PURPOSE
Develop the ability to keep RELEVANCE in focus to live your Purpose
Learn how to EVOLVE and drive your success as an Ennobled governance centric professional
TRANSFORM with authenticity to Lead with Influence

Audience Engagement Approaches:
The workshop will include experiential learning, hand-on exercises, interactive activities, storytelling, and partner sharing. Each participant will walk away with a personalized outline to take their LEAP into Transforming with Purpose.