John C.

CEO at Engaging Virtual Meeting

Professional Training and Coaching

Education: University of California at Santa Barbara, BS in Computer Science
Seattle, WA, USA


Meet the author of Engaging Virtual Meetings – he’s been virtually meeting for over 35 years. He can juggle 24 screens of information at a time. He has planned the only 100% LIVE virtual conference in the training industry for 1,200 people. He’s produced a eight-language virtual webinar. He is a recognized thought leader on engaging virtual meetings. He is the Wiley and Sons author of “Engaging Virtual Meetings” and “50 Digital Team Building Games”, top selling business books. His work has earned him multiple awards and his more than 250,000 clients across the United States and in countries including Spain, France and Taiwan have experienced breakthrough results. When you meet him, you will encounter a dynamic, energetic and effective facilitator who makes friends with everyone. He will help you and your team become the top 1% at what you do. He’s the 25-year CEO of Engaging Virtual Meetings. Please meet John Chen.


Technology, Adventure, Human Change

Featured Video

I am willing to travel

More than 100 miles

When it comes to payments

I generally get paid for speaking but make exceptions


leading high performing virtual teams virtual teams virtual communication managing conflict in virtual teams small business men as allies male allies allies team leadership high performance teams teams building high performance teams communication motivation global teams leading multidisciplinary teams

Best Story

As a virtual producer, during a virtual certification course, the keynote speaker froze, then disappeared. Within 30 seconds, I was engaging the group about what they learned. At 2:46, the speaker called my phone so I handed over the class to a student leader. The speaker explained that the internet to her ENTIRE business park had been cut. I used her backup slidedeck and a speaker phone to get her back teaching. By 4:26, the class was fully restored. If you want to have an engaging virtual meeting, you need to have Plan B, C, D, E, F.....

Origin Story

I was a rising star at Microsoft, but started falling asleep at work. I always asked myself, "I know I'm supposed to do something, I just don't know what it is." A coach at a Tony Robbins' program said, "Give me a weekend and I'll show you exactly what it is." In a Jerry Maguire style moment, I wrote my entire business plan in 48 hours and I've been in business since 1997, writing 2 books and inspiring over 250,000 people.

Example talks

Presenting and Selling Virtually - Smash your Virtual Presentation Technology Game Right Now

Are your virtual presentations boring?
Are you not meeting your sales quota?
Do you want to take advantage of the tremendous presenting and selling revolution?

Then Smash your Virtual Presentation Technology Game Right Now by clicking register on Presenting (and Selling) Virtually.

Presenting and selling virtually has a groundbreaking advantage of allowing you to “teleport” anywhere in the world.

Founder Jed Buck said, “I presented in 3 states in one day. I could never do that pre-Corona!”

As someone who has sold over a million dollars virtually and coached organization to sell billions virtually, come learn the key secrets of what Bob Bejan, Microsoft VP of Virtual Events, said, “Stop thinking theatrically and start thinking cinematically.”

When you click register for Presenting and Selling Virtually, you will learn:

• How to dramatically improve your background

• How to maximize your presentation by increasing the size of you

• Learn Zoom’s best virtual tools and how to use them to persuade and sell

• How to create a WOW presentation

• How to nail the highest scores and the biggest closes

Presenting and Selling is facilitated by John Chen, author of the #1 Amazon Hot Release, Engaging Virtual Meetings. Engaging Virtual Meetings is the most definitive book for meeting online. John distills 35 years of virtual knowledge and delivers proven best practices, helping you to avoid the painful mistakes.

Here’s what others had to say:

“My audience just said this is the BEST virtual meeting of the YEAR!” – Tyler Parris, Founder, Chief of Staff Expert

“I changed by background and I started closing more deals!” – Paul Kim, Chief Revenue Officer, Launch Consulting

“John is my ‘go-to’ person when I want to be sure that my virtual presentations are engaging!” -Ed Cohen, former Chief Learning Officer for Booz Allen Hamilton

Don’t miss the class that will increase your review scores and your sales numbers in just an hour. Register now and learn how to drop jaws on every virtual meeting.

The Aha - 7 Secrets To Cross Team Collaboration

The Aha is the one investment corporations must make to be in the top one percent.

Do you:

Have trouble getting two or more teams to agree or work together?
Need to increase communication and trust between teams?
Want your company to reach the next level?

You’re not alone. We started the Aha program in 2001. It is our longest-running and most popular Geoteaming program to date. Why? Because companies and organizations still need it.

The Aha, The Search, The Chase and The iPlay Geoteaming programs are all high tech treasure hunts that can be played indoors or outdoors. The Aha focuses on cross-team collaboration. Sounds simple and fun right? It appears simple. And it is fun. And… it’s a lot more.

The Aha program at a glance:

Who: A group ranging from 12 to 2,000 people at a retreat, training or conference, etc.

What: A high tech treasure hunt

Why: Cross-team collaboration to achieve organizational goals

Where: Indoors and outdoors

When: 4 hours

How: We have an app for this

Example 4-hour agenda:

1:00 p.m. Aha program introduction

1:45 p.m. Aha Experience I

2:45 p.m. Mid-point debrief

3:15 p.m. Aha Experience II

4:15 p.m. Final debrief, awards, digital slideshow

5:00 p.m. Program ends

The greatest gains corporate America can make is NOT in team building, it’s in cross-team collaboration and increasing communication and trust between teams.

Ready to play? Click to reach out.

Want to know more about who The Aha is for? Read on to learn how this program can help your organization, how it works and the types of results you can expect from your investment.

The Aha program has a competitive – collaborative design.

What differentiates this program is that we not only foster team building, we cultivate something bigger… cross-team collaboration.

This program helps your company achieve two important goals.

Teams compete for the highest score AND they can collaborate to achieve a company goal where everyone wins. Teams that choose to work together can score more points than teams that work alone. In the case of the Geoteaming program, everyone can win a prize. When teams take their new skills and team energy back to work, the prize becomes maximum revenue for the company.

How does it work?

Before your event, we custom design a course based on your goals at the location you choose. We take advantage of beautiful places and hide all sorts of interesting items on the course.

On the day of the event, the facilitator forms the group into teams, shares the goals and rules, and explains how to use our technology. Then the teams are off on their adventure! Like The Amazing Race, teams must figure out how to score the most points possible in the time allowed.

Half-way through, we stop the game clock so teams can pause and debrief on what they’ve done well and what they can do better. At this point, the facilitator also asks, “How are you doing on your company goal?” More than 80 percent of teams say, “What company goal?”

This is the Aha moment.

This is the moment we see people realize this is not a team event, this is a company event.

Teams that have the Aha moment take time to talk with their teams and other teams to build a better plan. We often we see teams score more points in the second half of the program, and most important, they achieve the company goal.

Teams arrive at the end point which can be a scenic location, already set up with food and drinks, where the facilitator leads a customized debrief for the event. The debrief is key to helping people understand how what happened in this event can help them be better at work. They learn in a safe environment, so when they make a mistake, they only lose points and prizes – instead of a million-dollar deal.

Teams that take the principles and lessons they learn in a game setting, back to work, will create game-changing results for your company.

The real value of any leadership, development or training program is the results. The Aha program has helped many teams accelerate and achieve significant company goals; here are just a few examples:

Enabled mergers to happen faster.
Sparked a CEO to pay a bonus to the teams who collaborated across the organization and successfully implemented their ideas back at the office.
Helped companies sell more and increase profit.
After facilitating more than 1,600 events in 20 years, we guarantee your results.

We teach you our proprietary system, The Seven Keys to Cross-Team Collaboration, in the Aha program. When you apply it at work, you will create extraordinary value that will give you an edge over your competition. The Aha is the one investment you must make in your team and your company.

Looking for an edge over the competition? The Aha will help you be in the top one percent of companies.

Engaging Virtual Meetings - The sure-fire latest way to beat Zoom fatigue!

Are you working from home?
Are you suffering from Zoom fatigue?
Do you want to lead the most engaging virtual meetings?

Then you want Engaging Virtual Meetings, the promising and surprising truth to thriving on Zoom.

Engaging Virtual Meetings shows you the key secrets to having your attendees say, “I have more energy (rather than less) after 60 minutes meeting with you!”. When you learn Engaging Virtual Meetings, you will learn:
• The 6-step ENGAGE method to solve your virtual meeting challenges
• Fix attendees talking over each other
• How to look good virtually
• How to engage everyone even if someone else is talking
• How to use virtual tools to get work done
• Powerfully close your meeting and take steps to make your next meeting even more engaging

John started Geoteaming 25 years ago and is a recognized thought leader on engaging virtual meetings. He is the John Wiley and Sons author of “Engaging Virtual Meetings” and “50 Digital Team Building Games”, a top selling business book. John’s clients learn from his over 35 years of virtual meeting experience. His work has earned him multiple awards. More than 250,000 clients across the United States and in countries including Spain, France and Taiwan have experienced breakthrough results. John is the extreme leader of Geoteaming – he climbs mountains, walks on fire, swims with dolphins in the wild, rides Harleys, organizes Super Bowl Suites while meeting with people from around the world from his computer. When you meet John, you will encounter a dynamic, energetic and effective facilitator who makes friends with everyone. He will help you and your team become the top 1% at what you do.

When you complete Engaging Virtual Meeting, you will notice that you can meet virtually for 4 hours or more, your team is getting things done, your boss notices your leadership, and you look forward to your next meeting.
Here’s what others say:

“I have more energy after virtually meeting you for 60 minutes than any other virtual meeting in my life!” -Donna Cunningham, Cancer Research Nurse, Seattle Genetics
“This is great. Very, very good ideas! Encouragement to have better team meetings with our teams!” -Mitch Simon, CEO, The Simon Alliance
“Massive thanks. We’re going to be seeing a lot of this. It’s great to make new digital connections. “-Sam McNeill, General Manager, Song Division
“You got over 200 people around the world in every timezone engaged! That’s incredible for our first major conference that moved from face-to-face to virtual. THANK YOU!” -Charva Brown, Fortune 100 Company

Click now for Engaging Virtual Meetings and get ready to learn Openers, Games and Activities for Communication, Morale, and Trust…NOW!

Turn On The Camera Now – The Secrets of Virtual Psychological Safety

Do your attendees have their camera off?
Do you have the dreaded awkward silence when you ask a question?
Do you wish your attendees would engage more?

Then don’t miss “Turn on the Damn Cameras Now! – The Secrets of Virtual Psychological Safety”

When you register for Turn on the Damn Cameras Now, you will learn the invisible secret that will inspire your attendees to chat in the chat box, raise their hand, answer your questions and turn on their camera. Your virtual courses will be known as the most engaging. They will give YOU rave reviews.

When you complete Turn on the Damn Cameras Now, you will master:
• How to get your attendees to start engaging before your meeting starts
• How to increase your odds that your attendees will engage from the beginning of the meeting
• How to ask questions that attendees want to answer
• How to get even the quietest attendees to chat, share and turn on their camera
• How to get attendees to turn on their cameras without saying a word
• How to get attendees to want to come back again and again to your virtual programs

Turn on the Damn Cameras Now is facilitated by John Chen, author of the #1 Amazon Hot Release, Engaging Virtual Meetings. Engaging Virtual Meetings is the most definitive book for meeting online. John distills 35 years of virtual knowledge and delivers proven best practices, helping you to avoid the painful mistakes.

John has designed, produced and MC’ed Fortune 100 conferences, virtual summits, company retreats, virtual team building, karaoke, happy hours, anniversaries, and birthdays. Now he’s ready to share decades of meeting online experience with you. Here is what others have said:

“Thank you John for making our multi-day, multi-country company retreat engaging, valuable and fun!” – Roger Bodamer, CEO, Archipeligo

“John is my ‘go to’ person when I want to be sure that my online meetings, webinars and conference are engaging!” – Ed Cohen, former Chief Learning Officer, Booz Allen Hamilton

“John teaches AND models the best engagement techniques in virtual meetings. John got introverts to feel comfortable. John got attendees to turn on their cameras. Attendees told me, THIS was the most engaging virtual meeting they’ve been on!” -Fortune 100 company

Click NOW for Turn on the Damn Camera Now and be ready to handle the most challenging of attendees easily.